Tuition and Financial Aid

 | Post date: 2018/06/18 | 

Tuition Fee and Types of  scholarships offered by Kharazmi University for International Students [KHU International Scholarship Program (KHU ISPs)]

Kharazmi University is one of the oldest universities in Iran in the fields of humanities, engineering, basic sciences and art. KHU scholarships provide financial support for a number of academically eligible international students.

The following table shows the tuition fees payable by international students who are not supported by Kharazmi University International Scholarship Programs (KHU ISPs).
Row Faculty BA (annual) MSc (annual) PhD (annual)
1 Faculties of Literature and Humanities, Law and Political Science, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Arts and Architecture, 2500 4000 5000
2 Faculties of Management, Economics and Finance 2800 4500 5500
3 Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geosciences, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering 3000 5000 6500
4 Annual insurance of foreign students 60 60 60
5 Airport welcome and transfer (on request of the student) 35 35 35
6 Persian language courses (if necessary) from 335 to 700 from 335 to 700 from 335 to 700
8 Pre- registration 300 300 300
9 Accommodation fee in student dormitory (upon request) 1500 1500 1500

Admission Committee and Scholarships Council of the KHU International Academic Cooperation shall evaluate the requests for scholarships and will determine international students deemed eligible for receiving support. The outstanding international students selected awarded with one of the KHU scholarship programs will receive the services and benefits outlined below.

1- Scholarship Type 1 (ISP1):

This type of scholarship, known as the KHU scholarship, includes exemptions from paying costs of education and receiving scholarships in the first educational year for students applying for postgraduate and Ph.D. degrees. This scholarship will be granted to outstanding foreign students , who have the following conditions, according to KHU Admission Committee and Scholarships Council and will continue in subsequent years based on the student's research activities and if the KHU Scholarships Council approves it.
- In their previous grades, they have an overall average of over 17 (equivalent to 85 % up).
- Have graduated from a university ranked below 800 in QS World Rankings.
- In the event that this scholarship is awarded to a foreign student of the postgraduate (MSc or PhD degrees), the student must produce at least one research paper, scopus or ISI during each academic year.
- The Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division will evaluate applicants, who receive this scholarship, at the beginning of each semester, and if they are still eligible, the KHU Scholarships Council will extend their scholarships.
- Applicants of this scholarship must apply to the Office for Admission of International Students at KHU International Academic Cooperation Division within the period of 5/1/2018 until 10/07/2018. Students' applications and supporting documents should be only sent to the KHU at email: . For further information, applicants can call +98 – 21 – 8834 7822.
- Granting this scholarship is exclusively limited to the talented international students of the postgraduate (MSc or PhD degrees), as outlined in the table below. (Applicants of other courses must send their application in English or Farsi to  to be examined. For more information, applicants can call the KHU International Academic Cooperation Office (Office for Admission of International Students) at tel. number 021 – 8834 7822.)
- Applicants for this scholarship must receive and complete the scholarship application form (ISP1) from the English website of Kharazmi University under the APPLY TO KHU (FORMS) menu and send it with other supporting documents at the KHU email ( ).
This scholarship will not include the fees for Farsi / Persian language courses, student dorms, health insurance, and pre-registration.
International Relations International Relations
Islamic jurisprudence and law Islamic jurisprudence and law
International Law Industrial Engineering
Biology – orientation of molecular cellular Civil Engineering - orientation of Structures
Biochemistry  Motor behavior and sport management – orientation of Motor development
Islamic Banking Mathematics Orientation of Research in Operations
Engineering of Systems of Energy Engineering of industries
Financial Management Civil Engineering - orientation of Structures
Financial engineering Motor Behavior and Sport Management - orientation of Motor development
Mathematics Orientation of Research in Operations Business Management - orientation of Marketing
Computer Engineering -  orientation of Artificial Intelligence Industrial Engineering
History of World Art Biology - orientation of (Plants Physiology)
Civil engineering - orientation of structures political geography & Tourism (orientation of Spatial Planning Tourism
Motor Behavior and Sport Management - orientation of Motor development Arabic language and literature
Mathematics Orientation of Research in Operations General Psychology
The history of Islamic Iran political geography & Tourism (orientation of Spatial planning Tourism
Persian / Farsi language and literature Arabic language and literature
Genetics General Psychology
Biology – orientation of (Animal Physiology) Organic Chemistry
Geo-informatics The orientation of environmental risk management IT and science
Geomorphology Civil engineering - orientation of structures
Political geography and Tourism (planning of tourist complexes) Geochemistry
Arabic Language and Literature Medical Plasma
General Psychology Nervous and Muscular Sports Physiology
Financial Management Sport Biomechanics
Financial Engineering Farsi / Persian Language and Literature
Nano Chemistry Educational Psychology
Organic Chemistry Civil Engineering - orientation of Geotechnical
Accounting Physics - orientation of Medical Plasma
IT and Science Physics - orientation of Optics
Civil engineering - orientation of Structures philosophy - orientation of transcendental wisdom
Petroleum Geology Educational Management - orientation of higher education management
Nano Physics PhD in English Language Teaching

2- Second Type of Scholarship (ISP2):

 This scholarship includes a reduction of the academic expenses of foreign students in the first semester; it means that the foreign student by receiving this scholarship, the tuition fees will be decreased by 100% in the first semester (with the exception of the fees of the Persian language course and the dormitory). Granting this scholarship for this student and its amount in the second semester and the following semesters will be based on the average of 16 (equal to 80) and up, accepting the publication of a scientific paper, SCOPUS, or ISI during an academic year. Then, the Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division will assess the mentioned student’s case at the end of the educational year, and will decide on the percentage of granting this scholarship and its reduction or increase from zero to 70% in tuition.
- Applicants of scholarship type II must apply to the International students Recruitment Office at KHU International Academic Cooperation Division within the period of 5/1/2018 until 10/07/2018. Students' applications and supporting documents should be only sent to the KHU at email: . For further information, applicants can call +98 – 21 – 8834 7822.
- Applicants for this scholarship must receive and complete the scholarship application form (ISP2) from the English website of Kharazmi University under the APPLY TO KHU (FORMS) menu and send it with other supporting documents at the KHU email ( ).


3- Third Type of Scholarship (ISP3):

This scholarship will be awarded to the foreign student, who is the first person in applying for admission to Kharazmi University from a country that is new for KHU, and there was no student from that country before. The student must have a good academic background and graduate from a prestigious university. This scholarship includes the reduction of the tuition fee for the first year of foreign students by 80 %. Extending this type of scholarship is based on the assessment of the Foreign Student Recruitment Office and the Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division. This  student should have average of at least 80 % at the end of the educational year and, if he or she studies at postgraduate level, he / she should create at least one scientific research paper, SCOPUS or ISC in its field of study.
- Applicants of scholarship type II must apply to the International students Recruitment Office at KHU International Academic Cooperation Division within the period of 5/1/2018 until 10/07/2018. Students' applications and supporting documents should be only sent to the KHU at email: . For further information, applicants can call +98 – 21 – 8834 7822.
- Foreign applicants of new countries should have at least 70 % of the average and up to receive this type of scholarship.
- Applicants for this scholarship must receive and complete the scholarship application form (ISP3) from the English website of Kharazmi University under the APPLY TO KHU (FORMS) menu and send it with other supporting documents at the KHU email ( ).

4 - Scholarship Type IV (ISP4):

This scholarship is exclusively for the field of Persian Language and Literature and is granted to foreign students who intends to continue their studies in this field at all levels. This scholarship will be granted to foreign students with good scientific conditions in order to expand the culture, literature and language of Persian. It reduces the tuition fees of above mentioned foreign students for 70 percent in the first year, and if their scientific evaluation or research performance is acceptable (at graduate level) during the first year of study at Kharazmi University, their scholarship can be extended by approval of the Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division.
- Applicants of scholarship type II must apply to the International students Recruitment Office at KHU International Academic Cooperation Division within the period of 5/1/2018 until 10/07/2018. Students' applications and supporting documents should be only sent to the KHU at email: . For further information, applicants can call +98 – 21 – 8834 7822.
- Foreign applicants of new countries should have at least 70 % of the average and up to receive this type of scholarship.
- Applicants for this scholarship must receive and complete the scholarship application form (ISP4) from the English website of Kharazmi University under the APPLY TO KHU (FORMS) menu and send it with other supporting documents at the KHU email ( ).
- Applicants receiving this type of scholarship must provide at least one scientific research paper or an authoritative ISI during the first year of study and submit it to the Persian Language and Literature Department. The extension of this scholarship will be subject to meet above mentioned conditions, and after evaluation of the foreign student's case at the Kharazmi University Scholarship Council, which will be at the end of each academic year.

5- Fifth Type of Scholarship (ISP5):

This type of scholarship is planned for foreign students from Afghanistan, African countries, Yemen and India. The foreign student from each of these countries, based on their scientific and financial conditions, submit their application form to the Kharazmi University Foreign Student Recruitment Office, after assessing and finalizing the student's admission to the university, his case will be submitted to the Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division, and on the basis of the council's comment, the foreign students will have reduction of their tuition fee to 60% in the first year of study. The amount of scholarship awarded to foreign students in the coming years varies according to the academic performance of foreign students and the KHU Scholarships Council. After examining the conditions of the students, the KHU Scholarships Council will decide on them. Students who receive this type of scholarship must obtain academic and research approvals during the first year, and their academic and research records will be evaluated by the Scholarships Council of KHU International Cooperation Division, and if it is approved, this scholarship will be renewed. This amount of scholarship can be reduced or increased from 0% to 60% during each academic year due to the performance of these foreign students and the opinion of  the KHU Scholarships Council. 

- Foreign students enrolled in this type of undergraduate baccalaureate should have at least 80% of the time each semester.
- Foreign students at postgraduate levels who receive this scholarship should have at least one scientific research paper or valid ISI for their departments at Kharazmi University during their study.
- Foreign applicants who want to receive this type of scholarship must have a minimum of 60% average.
- Applicants of scholarship type II must apply to the International students Recruitment Office at KHU International Academic Cooperation Division within the period of 5/1/2018 until 10/07/2018. Students' applications and supporting documents should be only sent to the KHU at email: . For further information, applicants can call +98 – 21 – 8834 7822.
- Applicants for this scholarship must receive and complete the scholarship application form (ISP5) from the English website of Kharazmi University under the APPLY TO KHU (FORMS) menu and send it with other supporting documents at the KHU email ( ).
1. International Scholarship Program 1
2. International Scholarship Program 2
3. International Scholarship Program 3
4. International Scholarship Program 4
5. International Scholarship Program 5

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