Brief CV
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
First Name: Mohammad Reza Last Name: Asef Position: Associate Professor Department: Faculty of Earth Sciences, Applied Geology Department E-mail: Mobile: +98 912 2493571 |
PhD. Engineering Geology (Rock Mechanics), The University of Nottingham, UK M.Sc. Engineering Geology, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente (ITC), Holland B.Sc. Geology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kreman, Iran |
Employment experiences
2002- present, associate Professor (Associate lecturer) at Kharazmi University, Faculty of Earth Sciences. 1993-2002: Graduate Studies, M.Sc in Holland and Ph.D. in UK. 1991-1993: Khak-Azma Co, as a geotechnical field investigator I was involved in geotechnical investigations in the many construction projects. 1990-1991: Tehran Regional Water Authority. As a geotechnical advisor, involved in dam construction projects such Saveh dam; 15-Khordad dam; and Taleghan dam. |
experiences |
Course Taught: Rock mechanics and Lab Soil mechanics and lab Petroleum related rock mechanics (Geomechanics) Physical geology and lab Engineering geology Site investigation Computer (IT/ICDL) Geomorphology Applications of computer in earth sciences Statistics Academic writing Field geology Selected Postgraduate Thesis Supervision
Conferences Scientific events
[1] Asef, MR, Reddish, DJ, (1999). The effect of confinement on deformation modulus of the rock mass. 6th Seminar of Iranian Students in Europe, 8 May, Manchester. [2] Reddish, DJ, Asef, MR, and Stace, LR, (2000). Rock-support interaction analysis using a model with a pressure-dependent deformation modulus. Proceedings of the 4th North American rock mechanics symposium, USA, Seattle, 31 July-3 August 2000. [3] Asef, MR, Siasi Rad SS. (2005). Scheme of a Database Management System for Mining Accidents (In Farsi). Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, pp 2141-2155 and Abstracts Vol. pp 189. 31 Jan. – 2 Feb., Tehran, Iran. [4] Asadi, HH and Asef, MR. (2005). Mineral Potential Mapping in Qazvin Province Using Remote Sensing and GIS (In Farsi). 6th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 30-31 Aug. Tehran. [5] Asef, MR, Kessmati, MR. (2005). The Role of Insurance in Earthquake. Buildings Earthquake Vulnerability (In Farsi). The International Conference on Geohazards, Natural Disasters and Methods of Confronting with Them September 27-29. Tabriz. [6] Asef, MR, Kessmati, MR. (2005). Buildings Earthquake Vulnerability (In Farsi). The International Conference on Geohazards, Natural Disasters and Methods of Confronting with Them September 27-29. Tabriz. [7] Asef, MR. Bohloli, B. (2006) Analysis of a decade of research in the filed of Engineering Geology in Iran (In Farsi). 4th Iranian Conference of Engineering Geology and Environment. Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. [8] Asef, MR, (2006) Introducing a national earthquake vulnerability index. 10th IAEG International Congress Nottingham, UK. International Association of Engineering Geology, IAEG2006, paper number 563. [9] Ahmadi, A., Asef, MR, Afshar, M (2008). Comparison of different failure criteria for wellbore stability prediction. 2nd Iranian Petroleum Engineering Congress, Ahwaz, 30-31 January. [10] A. Haghi, M R Asef, R. Kharrat. Estimation of In-situ Stresses by using Acid Fracturing in Oil Reservoirs (2008). 3rd World Stress Map Conference, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, 15 -17 October. [11] M R Asef (2008) Application of earthquake vulnerability analysis at global scale (In Farsi) The 3rd Disaster Management Conference, Geomatics Dept., Faculty of Engineering, University of Teharn, 25 December, Tehran, Iran. [12] M R Asef (2009). Increasing Acidizing efficiency in Gas Reservoirs, Assisted by Rock Mechanics Views (In Farsi). 12th symposium of geological society of Iran, 18-20 Feb, Ahwaz, Iran. [13] M R Asef (2009). Comparative ranking of countries based on country vulnerability to earthquake disasters (In Farsi). 12th symposium of geological society of Iran, 18-20 Feb, Ahwaz, Iran. [14] M Farrokhrouz, M R Asef (2010) Simulating model to reduce detrimental acidizing in Tabnak gas field. SPE Deep Gas Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 24–26 January. SPE 131986. [15] M Farrokhrouz, M R Asef (2010) Control of Geomechanical Instability of Shale Based on Optimized Well Engineering Decision. EAGE 2010 Shale - Resource & Challenge (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers), 26-28 March, France, Nice. [16] M R Asef, M Farrokhrouz (2010) Empirical Approach for Evaluation of Compressive Strength of Shale. EAGE 2010 Shale - Resource & Challenge (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers), 26-28 March, France, Nice. [17] M Farrokhrouz, M R Asef (2010) Production Enhancement via Scale Removal in Nar Formation, SPE 135854. SPE Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition, 8-10 June, Tunis, Tunisia. [18] M R Asef, M Farrokhrouz, H Haghi (2010) Evaluation of P-wave and S-wave Correlations. 28th IUGG Conf. on Mathematical Geophysics. 7-11 June Italy, Pisa. [19] M Farrokhrouz, M R Asef (2010) Effects of Confinement on Rock Velocity Relations for different Rock Types. 28th IUGG Conf. on Mathematical Geophysics. 7-11 June Italy, Pisa. [20] M Farrokhrouz, M R Asef, E Adibi Sedeh (2010) Investigation on Origins of Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Sweet Gas Fields. 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 14-17 June, Spain, Barcelon. [21] M Mohamadsalehi, M R Asef, S. Goodarzian. (2010) Non-Uniform Slotted Liner Completion, a New Approach to Obtain Uniform Production Profile along Horizontal Wells. IADC/SPE ASIA PACIFIC DRILLING TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, 1-3 Nov. [22] A. H. Haghi; M.R. Asef; R. Kharat. (2010). Effective Stress Approximation using Geomechanical Formulation of Fracturing Technology (GFFT) in Petroleum Reservoirs. AGU Fall Meeting (American Geophysical :::::union:::::), USA, San Fr., California, 13-17 December. [23] M R Asef; M Farrokhrouz; H Haghi. (2010). Methods and Parameters for Estimation of Wave Velocity in Rock. The 19th International Geophysical Congress and Exhibition, Turkey, Ankara. [24] M Farrokhrouz; M R Asef. (2010). Dominant Parameters for Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity. The 19th International Geophysical Congress and Exhibition, Turkey, Ankara. [25] Najibi, A. R., M. R. Asef, R. Ajalloeian, Gh. A. Safian (2011) New empirical relations for estimating mechanical properties of Limestone. The 7th Iranian conference of engineering geology and the Environment. Shahrood, Iran. [26] M. Farrokhrouz and M. R. Asef (2012). Evaluation of Empirical Correlations for Biot’s Coefficient Prediction. The 15th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy (15IWSA), April 14-19, Bahrain. [27] Haghi, A.H., Kharrat, R., Asef, M.R., (2011) "Evaluation and Analysis of Reservoir fluid flow effect on field stress; A new approach to alleviate induced seismicity in hydrocarbon reservoirs", Fragile Earth Conference, Technical Session of Induced Seismicity, Munich, Germany. [28] M. Farrokhrouz and M. R. Asef (2012). Investigating the Effect of Poroelasticity on Rock Strength Estimation. The 15th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy (15IWSA), April 14-19, Bahrain. [29] Najibi, A. R., M. R. Asef, (2013) The Effect of Confining Pressure on Dynamic to Static Young’s Modulus Ratio. The International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy, Lausanne, Switzerland, 26-28 November. [30] M. Farrokhrouz and M. R. Asef (2013) Application of Pressure Drop Measurements in Filtration Function Determination Using Laboratorial Data. 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, London, UK, 10-13 June. [31] M. Farrokhrouz, M. R. Asef (2014) Definition of shale minerals in reservoir area using geochemical sampling, 7th MID-EUROPEAN CLAY CONFERENCE, 16–19 Sept, Dresden, Germany. [32] Mohsen Farrokhrouz, M R Asef, (2015), Mathematical Modelling of Pressure and Ion Diffusion Behavior on Reactive Shale, Third International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Iran, Tehran, 13-14 Dec. [33] Hesam Ghoochaninejad, Mohammad Reza Asef, Seyed Ali Moallemi (2016) Effective porosity evaluation using Gaussian Random Function Simulation(GRFS) in one of the south Iran hydrocarbon fields. 34th National and the 2nd International Geosciences Congress, Tehran, the Geological Survey of Iran, 22-24 Feb. [34] H Ghoochaninejad, M R Asef, S A Moallemi (2016), Effective porosity evaluation using Gaussian Random Function Simulation (GRFS) in one of the south Iran hydrocarbon fields. 34th National and the 2nd International Geosciences Congress, Tehran, the Geological Survey of Iran, 22-24 Feb. [35] M Reza Asef; H Zarehparvar Ghoochaninejad; S A Moallemi, (2017), Stoneley wave velocity estimation from well log data by using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, 2nd National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics, National Iranian Oil Company Exploration Directorate, Tehran, January 24-26. [36] M Mahmoudi, M R Asef, S A Mahmoudi, M Kamari, S A Moallemi (2017), Study of Asmari Formation Electrofacies, In one of the wells in Ahwaz Field Located in South West Iran. 35th Congress of Earth Sciences, 19-21 Feb, Tenran, Iran. [37] M Mahmoudi, M R Asef, S A Mahmoudi, M Kamari, S A Moallemi (2017), Petrophysical evaluation of reservoir properties of oil wells in the South West of Iran. 6th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference (IRMC6), 14-15 Feb., Tehran, Iran. [38] M Mahmoudi, M R Asef, S A Mahmoudi, M Kamari, S A Moallemi (2017), Identification sequence laminated shaly sand in one of the wells in the South West of Iran. 6th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference (IRMC6), 14-15 Feb., Tehran, Iran. |
[1] Asef, MR, Reddish, DJ, Lloyd, PW, (2000). Rock-support interaction analysis based on numerical modelling. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 18, 23-37. DOI: 10.1023/A:1008968013995. [2] Asef, MR, Reddish, DJ. (2002). The impact of confining stress on the rock mass deformation modulus. Geotechnique. Vol 4. pp 235-241. DOI: 10.1680/ geot.2002.52.4.235. [3] Asef, MR, (2008) Modeling the elements of country vulnerability to earthquake disasters. Disasters, The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management. Vol 32, No. 3, pages 480-498. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7717.2008.01051.x [4] H. Roshan, M R Asef (2010) Characteristics of Oilwell Cement Slurry Using CMC. SPE Drilling & Completion. [5] M R Asef, M Farrokhrouz (2010) Governing Parameters for Approximation of Carbonates UCS. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE), USA, 1581-1592, Vol. 15, No. N. [6] Najibi, A., Asef, M. R., Nabi-Bidhendi, M., Ajalloeian, R., Safian, G. A., (2012) The effect of confining pressure on the elastic wave velocity, the dynamic, and static Young’s moduli of Sarvak Limestone specimen. Iranian Journal of Geophysics. Vol 6, No. 3. [7] Najibi, A., Asef, M. R., M., Ajalloeian, R., Safian, G. A., (2012) Estimating mechanical properties of Limestone from petrophysical data. Journal of Engineering Geology. Vo. 6. No 1. [8] Asef, M. R.; Najibi, A. R. (2013) The effect of confining pressure on elastic wave velocities and dynamic to static Young’s modulus ratio. Geophysics, 78, 3, P. D135–D142. DOI: 10.1190/geo2012-0279.1. [9] Haghi, A.H., Kharrat, R., Asef, M. R., Rezazadegan, H. (2013) Present-Day Stress of Central Persian Gulf, Implications for Drilling and Well Performance. Tectonophysics 608 (2013) 1429–1441. [10] A H Haghi, R Kharrat, M R Asef, (2013) A Case Study for HCL-based Fracturing Technology and Present-day Stress through Carbonate Reservoirs by Introducing a Full Deformation/Diffusion/Thermal Solutions; Journal of Petrolume Science and Engineering, 112, 105-116. [11] A H Haghi, M R Asef, A Taheri, M Mokham (2013). Evaluation of the Heading Confinement Pressure Effect on Ground Settlement for EPBTBM Using Full 3D Numerical Analysis, International Journal of Mining & Geo-Eng (IJMGE), 1, 47, 13-32. [12] Mohsen Farrokhrouz, Mohammad Reza Asef, and Riyaz Kharrat (2014) Empirical estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of shale formations. Geophysics, v. 79, p. D227-D233, doi:10.1190/geo2013-0315.1. [13] Ali Reza Najibi, Mohammad Reza Asef (2014) Prediction of seismic-wave velocities in rock at various confining pressures based on unconfined data. Geophysics, v. 79, p. D235-D242, doi:10.1190/geo2013-0349.1. [14] Ali Reza Najibi, Mohammad Ghafoori, Gholam Reza Lashkaripour, Mohammad Reza Asef (2015). Empirical relations between strength and static and dynamic elastic properties of Asmari and Sarvak limestones, two main oil reservoirs in Iran. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 126, 78–82. [15] Haghi A. H, Kharrat R, Asef M.R (2015) New Analytical Approach for Reservoir Stress Approximation Based on Acid Fracturing Data. Journal of Engineering Geology (of Kharazmi University), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2789-2816. [16] Saeed Parvizi, Riyaz Kharrat, Mohammad Reza Asef, Bijan Jahangiry, and Abdolnabi Hashemi (2015). Prediction of the Shear Wave Velocity from Compressional Wave Velocity for Gachsaran Formation. Acta geophysica, Volume 63, Issue 5, pp. 1231-1243. DOI: 10.1515/acgeo-2015-0048. [17] Ali Reza Najibi, Mohammad Ghafoori, Gholam Reza Lashkaripour, Mohammad Reza Asef, (2016). Reservoir geomechanical modeling: In-situ stress, pore pressure, and mud design. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 151, 31–39. DOI: [18] M. Farrokhrouz, M. R. Asef (2017). Experimental investigation for predicting compressive strength of sandstone. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 43, 222-229. DOI: [19] M. R. Asef, M. Farrokhrouz (2017) A semi-empirical relation between static and dynamic elastic modulus. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 157 (2017) 359–363. Doi: 10.1016/j.petrol. 2017.06. 055. [20] Hesam Zarehparvar Ghoochaninejad, M R Asef, Seyed Ali Moallemi (2017) Estimation of fracture aperture from petrophysical logs using teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm into a fuzzy inference system, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13202-017-0396-1. |
![]() ![]() [2] Amir Hossein Haghi, Mohammad Reza Asef, Riyaz Kharrat (2015) Reservoir Insitu Stress and Geomechanics, published in Farsi by National Iranian Oil Company, Iran. |
Scholarship and Grants
- MSc scholarship award by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Iran), 1993 - PhD scholarship award by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Iran), 1997 - Distinguished University Lecturer, as Student Association Consultant, 2011 - Distinguished University Lecturer, as Student Association Consultant, 2012, - Distinguished Author, 2013, Year-book Competition at 17th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, and 1st International Congress on Zagross Orogen. - Sabbatical leave award, Kharazmi University, visiting Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia from August 2017 for 6 to 12 month. |
- First Rank amongst Students Participating in highly competitive MSc Entrance Examination of Iranian government for overseas scholarship grant, 1990 - Distinguished University Lecturer, as Student Association Consultant, 2011 and 2012, - Distinguished Author, 2013, Year-book Competition at 17th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, and 1st International Congress on Zagross Orogen. |
English, Arabic, Farsi |
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Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
Determination of rock porosity by sound-wave velocity and comparing it with neutron logs
محمدجواد بازیار
Stability analysis and rock support design 0f tunnel(part D) Of Tehran-North superhighway
ابوالفضل میران زاده مهابادی
Estimation of geomechanical parameters of the reservior using seismic data in one of the oil fields located in the western part of the Persian Gulf
یاسر بساطی
Estimation of reservoir rock porosity using VSP data in one of the gas reservoirs in south of Iran
لیلا انواری
Optimization of the available techniques for pore pressure prediciton in one of the carbonate oil reservoirs of Iran
مینا اصلان پنجه
Wellbore Stability and Sensitive Analysis in the Extended Reach Drilling wells
زهراسادات میرمحمدی
Estimation and characterization of shale parameters in unconventional reservoirs using seismic data
وحید کاملی نیا
Stability analysis and support design for tunnel entrance using both experimental and numerical methods focusing on engineering geological parameters, a case study at Siah Bisheh dam.
فرزانه بسکابادی
Application of Extended Elastic Impedance(EEI) to Improve Reservoir characterization in one of the southern oilfields of Iran
ساجده پارسافر
Stability Analysis and Optimum Distance of Twin Tunnels, a Case Study for Zahirabad Tunnel (Southwest of Shazand)
محمد طاهری
Wellbore integrity assessment and possible compaction and surface subsidence of a reservoir in SW of Iran
محمدرضا حدادطهرانی
Analysis of engineering geology and stability of underground excavations of manganese mine (Vanarch - Qom)
محمد زینلی
Assessment of rock cuttability based on rock texture and geomechanical parameters
پوریا حیدریان
Theses advised
Mechanical stratigraphy and 1D geomechanical modelling (using DSI and conventional petrophysical logs ) of the Kangan - Dalan Reservoir in one of the Persian Gulf Hydrocarbon fields
علی باوی
Evaluation of Cap Rock Quality in Gachsaran Formation Using Seismic and Well Data in One of the Oil Fields in South Iran
حسن صدر
Published articles
Paper title
Magazine title
Publish year
Publish type
Article type
Remote sensing and field visit for small scale runoff harvesting for agricultural water consumption management, case study at Kariyan, Hormozgan, Iran
Mohammad Haghiri, Mohammad Reza Asef
Environmental Earth Sciences
Full Text
A laboratory-based approach to determine Archie's cementation factor for shale reservoirs
Ehsan Malekimostaghim, Raoof Gholami, Reza Rezaee, Mohammad Reza Asef, Zhiqi Zhong, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh
Full Text
Experimental investigation for predicting compressive strength of sandstone
M. Farrokhrouz, Mohammad Reza Asef
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Full Text
Reservoir geomechanical modeling In-situ stress pore pressure and mud design
Ali Reza Najibi, Mohammad Ghafoori, Gholam Reza Lashkaripour, Mohammad Reza Asef
Full Text
A semi-empirical relation between static and dynamic elastic modulus
Mohammad Reza Asef, Mohsen Farrokhrouz
Full Text
Estimation of fracture aperture from petrophysical logs using teachinglearning-based optimization algorithm into a fuzzy inference system
Hesam Zarehparvar ghuchaninejad, Mohammad Reza Asef, Seyed Ali Moallemi
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Full Text
Prediction of the Shear Wave Velocity from Compressional Wave Velocity for Gachsaran Formation
Saeed Parvizi, Riyaz Kharrat, Mohammad Reza Asef, Bijan Jahangiry, Abdolnabi Hashemi
Acta Geophysica
Full Text
Empirical relations between strength and static and dynamic elastic properties of Asmari and Sarvak limestones two main oil reservoirs in Iran
Ali Reza Najibi, Mohammad Ghafoori, Gholam Reza Lashkaripour, Mohammad Reza Asef
Full Text
New Analytical Approach for Reservoir Stress Approximation Based on Acid Fracturing Data
Amir Hossein Haghi, Riaz Kharat, Mohammad Reza Asef
Full Text
Empirical estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of shale formations
Mohsen Farrokhrouz, Mohammad Reza Asef, Riyaz Kharrat
Full Text
Prediction of seismic-wave velocities in rock at various confining pressures based on unconfined data
Ali Najibi, Mohammad Reza Asef
Full Text
Presented articles
Presentation type
Stoneley wave velocity estimation from well log data by using the adaptive neurofuzzy inference system
Mohammad Reza Asef, Hesam Zarehparvar ghuchaninejad, Seyed Ali Moallemi
2nd National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics - Iran
Mohsen Farrokhrouz, Mohammad Reza Asef
Third International Conference on Oil Gas and Petrochemical Iran - Iran