Brief CV
- Name and Address:
ID number: 0381613208
No. 43, Mofatteh Ave, Kharazmi University,
Professor, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences,
Tehran, Iran, Post Cod: 15614,
Email Address:
- Last Degrees:
Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology (Developmental Neuroscience), Manchester, UK, (2006).
MSc in Developmental Biology, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran, (1992)
BSc in Biology, Urmieh University, Urmieh, Iran, (1989).
- Current Position:
Postgraduate Representative of Cell and Molecular Biology Department in Karaj Campus, Kharazmi University.
- Technical Experiences:
Proteomoics skills including: Protein identification methods, Mass spectrometry and Electrophoresis (1D &2D), LC/MS methods in proteomics study.
Histochemical and Immunocytochemical techniques.
Handling and working with laboratory animals (Rodents).
Taxidermal skills working with animals for museum and experimental laboratories.
Working as co-investigator of project of Iranian Fauna (National project to investigate fauna of Iran) Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf.
- Teaching Experiences:
Four years’ experience in teaching to the PhD, MSc and BSc students in field of Developmental Genetics, Cell and Tissue Culture course, Species and speciation, Evolutionary Biology, Biostatistics and Animal Biodiversity (2007-2011).
Three years experiences as demonstrator at UMIST in Manchester for undergraduate students in field of Histology, Embryology, Cell Biology and Developmental Biology (2002-2005).
Eight years’ experience as an instructor of applied biology, experimental embryology, general biology and evolution (Department of Biology, University of Teacher Training, Tehran, Iran, 1992- 2000).
Two years as a high school biology teacher, Tehran, Iran (1990-1992).
- Group Working Experiences:
Head of financial department of the Iranian student :union: in Europe, (2002-2003).
President of Iranian Society at UMIST, (2001-2005).
Member of executive committee of Iranian Students Association in Manchester, (2002-2003).
Head of general administration department of the Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran, (1997-2000).
Member of Society for research on hydrocephalus &spinal bifida (2001-2010)
Member of Society for Neuro developmental Biology (2006-2010)
Member of Society of Developmental Biology (2006-2010)
Member of Society of hydrocephalus and CSF disorders (2009-2010)
Member of Association of Neuroscience (2005-2010)
Member of Iranian Society for Nanotechnology, (2010-2011)
Publications: Full Papers
- English Papers
- Nabiyouni, M., Bannister, C. M., & Miyan, J. A. (2002). Analysis of CSF Protein Content of the H-Tx Rat during Fetal Development. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY, 12, S57-S57. (ISSN: 0939-7248, Indexing: MEDLINE, Current Contents, Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, SCOPUS and in the Journal Citation Reports, IF:0.425).
- Miyan, J. A., Nabiyouni, M., & Zendah, M. (2003). Development of the brain: a vital role for cerebrospinal fluid. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 81(4), 317-328. (ISSN: 0939-7248, Indexing: MEDLINE, Current Contents, Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, SCOPUS and in the Journal Citation Reports, IF 0.425).
- Nabiyouni, M., Storey, C., Owen-Lynch, J., & Miyan, J. (2004). Proteomics study of CSF composition in the developing H-Tx rat. Cerebrospinal Fluid Research, 1(S1), S29. (ISSN: 2045-8118, Indexing: CAS, Citebase, DOAJ, Embase, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAIster, PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, SOCOLAR, Zetoc, IF 3.75).(khu7584)
- Nabiyouni, M., & Miyan, J. (2004). Postnatal hydrocephalic CSF promotes differentiation of cortical progenitor cells. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 9(4A). (ISSN: 0022-2836, Indexing: ELSEVIER, IF: 3.795).
- Cains, S., Shepherd, A., Nabiuni, M., Owen-Lynch, P. J., & Miyan, J. (2009). Addressing a folate imbalance in fetal cerebrospinal fluid can decrease the incidence of congenital hydrocephalus. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 68(4), 404-416.(ISSN: 0022-3069, Indexing: Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, IF 4.788).
- Yaghmaei, P., Parivar, K., Gharibi, A., & Nabiuni, M. (2009). The biological effects of imatinib on male fertility of Wistar rats. Int J Fertil Steril, 3(3). (ISSN:2008-076x/eISSN:2008-0778, Indexing: PMC, NLM, IMEMR, Index Copernicus International, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL Database, Google Scholar, Proquest, DOAJ, OAJI, InfoBase Index, DRJI, SID, Iranmedex, RICeST, ISC, Magiran, IF 0.219)
- Kouchesfahani, H. M., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., & Ebrahimi, S. (2010). Effect of honey bee venom on differentiation of cholinergic neurons. Journal of venom research, 1, 29. (ISSN:2044-0324). (KHU:469)
- Maleki, M., Parivar, K., Nabiyouni, M., Yaghmaei, P., & Naji, M. (2010). Induction of alpha-crystallins expression in umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology, 22(2), 67-71. (ISSN: 2345-279x/eISSN: 2345-2714, Indexing: Scopus (Elsevier (, CINAHL, Index Copernicus International, SID, Magiran, ISC.
- Shabrangi, A., Sheidai, M., Majd, A., NabIuni, M., & Dorranian, D. (2010). Cytogenetic abnormalities caused by extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields in canola. Science Asia, 36, 292-296. (ISSN:1513-1874, Indexing: CAPlus, SCOPUS,… IF: 0.398)(khu7588)
- Nabiuni, M., Ara, M. H. M., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2010). Photodynamic Therapy: A New Approach to Remove Embryos of the Wistar Rat. Int J Fertil Steril, 4(2). (ISSN:2008-076x/eISSN:2008-0778, Indexing: PMC, NLM, IMEMR, Index Copernicus International, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL Database, Google Scholar, Proquest, DOAJ, OAJI, InfoBase Index, DRJI, SID, Iranmedex, RICeST, ISC, Magiran, IF: 0.219)
- Karimi, A., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Haghighi, S., Imani, S., & Afrouzi, H. (2011). Effect of honey bee venom on Lewis rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis as regards changes of GABA and glutamate. J. Am. Sci, 7(1), 295-300. (ISSN: 1545-1003 (print)/2375-7264 (online))
- Kouchesfehani, H. M., Nabiuni, M., Majlesara, M. H., Amini, E., & Irian, S. (2011). Effect of vitamin E succinate as a differentiation agent on the efficacy of 5-ALA-PDT on prostate cancer cells in culture. Journal of Paramedical Sciences, 2(3). (EISSN: 2008-4978/PISSN: 2008-496X, Indexing: NLM catalog, ISC, SID, Google Scholar, IndexCopernicus Journal Master List, IRANMEDEX, Magiran, DOAJ). (KHU:68)
- Karimi, A., Mousavi, M., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Haghighi, S., Imani, S., & Afrouzi, H. (2011). Combined Effect of Honey Bee Venom and Vitamin B12 on Lewis Rats with Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Induced by Guinea Pig Spinal Cord Homogenates. (ISSN: 2090-4304 (Print)/2090-424x(Online),Indexing: IC Journals Master List, Zoological Record, DOAJ.
- Nabiuni M., Nazari Z., Angagi A., Safayinejad Z. Neuroprotective Effects of Curcumin. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9):2224-2240, 2011. .(ISSN: 2090-4304 (Print)/2090-424x(Online),Indexing: IC Journals Master List, Zoological Record, DOAJ.
- Attar, M., Arefian, E., Nabiuni, M., Adegani, F. J., Bakhtiari, S. H. A., Karimi, Z., ... & Soleimani, M. (2012). MicroRNA 17–92 expressed by a transposon‐based vector changes expression level of cell‐cycle‐related genes. Cell biology international, 36(11), 1005-1012. ( ISSN: (print)6995-1065/(Online)1095-8355, Indexing: BIOBASE, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts Service, Current Contents, EMBASE, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Science Citation Index, IF: 1.635).
- Alizadehnohi M., Nabiuni M., Nazari Z. The lethal effect of Honey Bee Venom on human ovarian cancer Cisplatin resistance cell line A2780cp. IACSIT press (Vol 41) 2012, Singapore.(Indexing: incl. Compendex/EI, ISI, ISI-Proceedings, etc.).(khu7596)
- Nabiuni, M., Rasouli, J., Parivar, K., Kochesfehani, H. M., Irian, S., & Miyan, J. A. (2012). In vitro effects of fetal rat cerebrospinal fluid on viability and neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 9(1), 8. (ISSN: 2045-8118, Indexing: CAS, Citebase, DOAJ,Embase, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAIster, PubMed, PubMed Central, S corpus, SOCOLAR, Zetoc, IF: 3.75). .(KHU:36).
- Karimi, A., Ahmadi, F., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Haghighi, S., Imani, S., & Afrouzi, H. (2012). Effect of honey bee venom on Lewis rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, a model for multiple sclerosis. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR, 11(2), 671. (ISSN: Print 1735-0328/Online 1726-6890, Indexing: PubMed, Chemical Abstracts, Index Copernicus, IMEMR, DOAJ, Biosis Previews, ISI Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded), Journal Citation Reports, IPA, EMBASE, Scopus, EMR medex, EMRO, Iran medex, Open J-Gate, SID, EBSCO, ISC, Iran Journal, Google Scholar).
- Hemati A., Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Mirabolghasemi G. Effect of a hydroalcholic extract of Heracleum oersicum (Golpar) on the folliculogenesis and pituitary-ovary hormonal axis in female Wistar rat. Cell Journal Yakhteh 2012; 14(1):47-52.(ISSN: p:1561-4921/E:1753-8086, Indexing: PMC, NLM, Thomson Reuters (ISI), Biosis Preview, IMEMR, Index Copernicus International, CSA, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL Database, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts Service, Proquest, DOAJ, OAJI, InfoBase Index, DRJI, SID, Iranmedex, RICeST, ISC, Magiran).
- Divsalar, A., Saboury, A. A., Nabiuni, M., Zare, Z., Kefayati, M. E., & Seyedarabi, A. (2012). Characterization and side effect analysis of a newly designed nanoemulsion targeting human serum albumin for drug delivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 98, 80-84. (ISSN: 0927-7765-4.226).
- Nabiuni, M., Azimi, E., Shiravi, A., & Nazari, Z. (2012). Honey bee venom will differentiate mesenchymal stem cells into the osteocyte. In International Conference on Applied Life Sciences. InTech.
- Nabiuni, M., Nasri, S., Poyanmanesh, F., Karimzadeh, L., & Nazari, Z. (2012). Honey bee venom modulates hyperglycemia in response to hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovarian syndrome-induced Wistar rats. In International Conference on Applied Life Sciences. InTech.
- Alipour, M., Talebjannat, M., & Nabiuni, M. (2012). Polymerase chain reaction method for the rapid detection of virulent Shigella spp. International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology, 2(1), 134-7. (ISSN: 2008-9171).
- Yari, S., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Keramatipour, M. (2012). Effect of e-CSF on morphological changes of neurosphere-derived astrocytes. J Am Sci, 8(12), 1109-1113. (ISSN: 1545-1003 (print)/2375-7264 (online)).
- Karimzadeh, L., Nabiuni, M., Sheikholeslami, A., & Irian, S. (2012). Bee venom treatment reduced C-reactive protein and improved follicle quality in a rat model of estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 18(4), 384-392. ISSN 1678-9199.2012, Vol.18, Issue 4, P 384-392.(ISSN: 1678-9199. Indexing: Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CABI, CAS, CSA, EBSCO, Embase, Global Health, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed Central, SciELO, Science Citation Index, Expanded, Scopus, Zoological Record, IF: 0.43).
- Masoumehzaman Alizadehnohi, Mohammad Nabiuni, Zahra Nazari, Zahra Safaeinejad. The synergetic cytotoxic effect of cisplatin and HBV on human ovarian cancer cell line A2780cp. J venom res, 2012, Vol.3, 22-27.(ISSN: 2044-0324).
- Karami, L., Majd, A., Mehrabian, S., Nabiuni, M., Salehi, M., & Irian, S. (2012). Antimutagenic and anticancer effects of Avicennia marina leaf extract on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 bacterium and human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Sci. Asia, 38, 349-355. (ISSN: 1513-1874, Indexing: CAPlus, SCOPUS,… IF: 0.398).
- Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Zeynali, B., Sheikholeslami, A., & Karimzadeh, L. (2012). 41. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Honey Bee Venom on Wistar Rats Induced Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome by Estradiol Valerate. Toxicon, 60(2), 115-116. (ISSN: 0041-0101, ELSEVIER, IF: 2.766).
- Karimzadeh, L., Nabiuni, M., Kouchesfehani, H. M., Adham, H., Bagheri, A., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2013). Effect of bee venom on IL-6, COX-2 and VEGF levels in polycystic ovarian syndrome induced in Wistar rats by estradiol valerate. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 19(1), 32. (ISSN: 1680-6433.Indexing: PMC, Scopus, EBSCO library, Chemical Abstract Services, CAB Abstract, Index Copernicus, IMEMR, DOAJ, Bioline International, Socolar, Magiran, SID, IranMedex).( khu7589)
- Nabiuni, M., Nasri, S., Poyanmanesh, F., Karimzadeh, L., & Nazari, Z. (2012). Honey bee venom modulates hyperglycemia in response to hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovarian syndrome-induced Wistar rats. In International Conference on Applied Life Sciences. InTech.
- Pouyanmanesh, F., Nabiuni, M., Nasri, S., Nazari, Z., & Karimzadeh, L. (2013). The effect of honey bee venom on levels of lipids and anti-mullerian hormone in a rat with the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Feyz Journals of Kashan University of Medical Sciences, 17(3).
- Nabiuni, M., Ganji, R., & Bahadori, M. (2013). Melatonin Impact on In Vitro Development of Mouse Preantral Follicles and Oocyte Maturation. Anatomical Sciences Journal, 10(1), 7-14. (ISSN: 1728-6158. Indexing: scientific Journals of Iran Ministry of Health, and Google Scholar).
- Nabiuni, M., Safaeinejad, Z., Parivar, K., Divsalar, A., & Nazari, Z. (2013). Antineoplastic Effects of Honey Bee Venom. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 15(8), 1-5. (ISSN: 2383-2894, Indexing: EBSCO, CINAHL, Chemical Abstract (CAS), EMRO (IMEMR), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Ulrichs Web, HINARI, Scirus, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journals Library (EZB), ISC, RiCest, SID, Magiran, IranMedex, Free Medical Journals (Amedeo)).KHU:7198
- Jalali, H., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Soleimani, M. (2013). Unrestricted somatic stem cells as a vehicle for nerve growth factor gene transfer. Neurological research, 35(6), 553-560. (ISSN:(Print)0161-6412/(Online)1743-1328, Indexing: Current Awareness in Neurosciences, Current Contents - Clinical Medicine, Current Contents - Life Sciences, Elsevier BIOBASE/ CABS, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, MEDLINE, PubMed, Research Alert®, Science Citation Index, Scopus-1.449).
- Seyedeh Mina Salamatmanesh, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni, Zahra Nazari. The inhibitory effect of curcumin on aquaporin-4 expression in choroid plexus of rat's brain. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics. March 2013, Vol 9, supplement 1.(ISSN: 0301-4851 (print version)/1573-4978 (electronic version), Indexing: Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CAS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, CAB International, Academic OneFile, AGRICOLA, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/ Life Sciences, Elsevier Biobase, EMBiology, Gale, Global Health, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts, IF: 1.958).(khu7592)
- Havasi, P., Nabioni, M., Soleimani, M., Bakhshandeh, B., & Parivar, K. (2013). Mesenchymal stem cells as an appropriate feeder layer for prolonged in vitro culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Molecular biology reports, 40(4), 3023-3031. (ISSN: 0301-4851(Print)/1573-4978(Online), Indexing: Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CAS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, CAB International, Academic OneFile, AGRICOLA, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/ Life Sciences, Elsevier Biobase, EMBiology, Gale, Global Health, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts, IF: 1.958).
- Yari, S., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Keramatipour, M. (2013). Effect of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid on proliferation and differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells. Cell Journal (Yakhteh), 15(1), 29. (ISSN: (p):2228-5806/(E):2228-5814, Indexing: PMC, NLM, ISI, Biosis Preview, IMEMR, Index Copernicus International, CSA, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL Database, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts Service, Proquest, DOAJ, OAJI, InfoBase Index, DRJI, SID, Iranmedex, RICeST, ISC, Magiran).
- Khavari-Nejad, R. A., Band, R. S., Najafi, F., Nabiuni, M., & Gharari, Z. (2013). The role of Pro-P5C Cycle in CHS mutants of Arabidopsis under cold stress. Russian Journal of plant physiology, 60(3), 375-382. (ISSN: 1021-4437(print version)/1608-3407(electronic version), Indexing: Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition, SCOPUS, CAS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, CAB International, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS , CAB Abstracts, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents / Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, EMBiology, Gale, Global Health, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts, IF: 0.759).
- Nabiuni, M., Nazari, Z., Safaeinejad, Z., Delfan, B., & Miyan, J. A. (2013). Curcumin downregulates aquaporin-1 expression in cultured rat choroid plexus cells. Journal of medicinal food, 16(6), 504-510. (ISSN: e1557-7600, p: 1096-620X Indexing: MEDLINE; PubMed; PubMed Central; Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Science Citation Index Expanded; Science Citation Index; Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index; Biological Abstracts;BIOSIS Previews; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Prous Science Integrity; International Pharmaceutical Abstracts; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; EMBiology; Scopus; AGRICOLA; CINAHL database; Chemical Abstracts;ProQuest; CAB Abstracts; Global Health; AMED - Allied and Contemporary Medicine Database, IF: 1.699).
- Torabi F., Majd A., Enteshari S., Irian S., Nabiuni M. Effects of salinity on the development of hydroponically grown borage (bargo Officinalis L.) male gametophyte. Not. Bot. horti. agobo, 2013, 41(1): 65-72.(ISSN: (Print)0255-965X/(Electronic)1842-4309, Indexing: Thomson Reuters Master Journal List - Science Citation Index Expanded and Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition, Scopus Elsevier, CABI, CAS, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, VINITI, Scientific Commons, BASE, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, Academic research, CITED, OAIster, SOCOLAR, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, IF: 0.476).(khu 7203)
- Safaeinejad, Z., Nabiuni, M., & Nazari, Z. (2013). Potentiation of a novel palladium (II) complex lethality with bee venom on the human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (MOLT-4). Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 19(1), 25. (ISSN: 1678-9199, Indexing: Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CABI, CAS, CSA, EBSCO, Embase, Global Health, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed Central, SciELO, Science Citation Index, Expanded, Scopus, Zoological Record, IF:0.43).
- Dalilan, S., Rezaei-Tavirani, M., Nabiuni, M., Heidari-Keshel, S., Azodi, M. Z., & Zali, H. (2013). Aqueous extract of lavender Angustifolia inhibits lymphocytes proliferation of Hodgkin's lymphoma patients. Iranian journal of cancer prevention, 6(4), 201. (ISSN: 2008-2401, indexed in PubMed Central, EBSCO, Scopus, Elsevier (Embase & EMCare), ISC, magician, SID, CAS, DOAJ, CINAHL electronic databases, WAME, IMEMR, CABI (UK), Index Copernicus).
- Hoveizi, E., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Rajabi‐Zeleti, S., & Tavakol, S. (2014). Functionalisation and surface modification of electrospun polylactic acid scaffold for tissue engineering. Cell biology international, 38(1), 41-49. (ISSN: 1065-6995, Indexing: BIOBASE, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts Service, Current Contents, EMBASE, MEDLINE / Index Medicus, Science Citation Index, IF:1.747).(khu7606)
- Divsalar, A., Zhila, I., Saboury, A. A., Nabiuni, M., Razmi, M., & Mansuri-Torshizi, H. (2013). Cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies on the binding of a newly synthesized bipyridine ethyl dithiocarbamate Pt (II) nitrate complex to the milk carrier protein of BLG. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 10(5), 951-959. (ISSN: 1735-207X (print version) 1735-2428/(electronic version), Indexing: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, CAS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, ProQuest, Academic Search, CSA Environmental Sciences, Earthquake Engineering Abstracts, EI-Compendex, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, Polymer Library, Reaxys, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, IF: 1.406).
- Agah, E. M., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Hashemi, M., & Soleimani, M. (2013). Induction of Human Umbilical Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Stem Cells Toward Oligodendrocyte Phenotype. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 51(2), 328-336. (ISSN: 0895-8696 (print version)/1559-1166(electronic version)- Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition, PubMed / Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CAS, Google Scholar, CSA, CAB International, Academic OneFile, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Current Contents / Life Sciences, Elsevier Biobase, EMBiology, Gale, Global Health, Health Reference Center Academic, Index to Scienctific & Technical Proceedings, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, IF: 2.757).
- Karimzadeh, L., Nabiuni, M., Kouchesfehani, H. M., Adham, H., Bagheri, A., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2013). Effect of bee venom on IL-6, COX-2 and VEGF levels in polycystic ovarian syndrome induced in Wistar rats by estradiol valerate. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 19(1), 32. (ISSN:1678-9199, Indexing: Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CABI, CAS, CSA, EBSCO, Embase, Global Health, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed Central, SciELO, Science Citation Index, Expanded, Scopus, Zoological Record, IF: 0.43). (KHU:48).
- Gharari, Z., NEJAD, R. K., BAND, R. S., Najafi, F., Nabiuni, M., & Irian, S. (2014). The role of Mn-SOD and Fe-SOD genes in the response to low temperature in chs mutants of Arabidopsis. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(1), 80-88. (ISSN: 1300-008X, Indexing: PubMed Central, Scopus, Index Copernicus, Iran Medex, Magiran, Ulrich ,Ebsco ,ISC, Google Scholar, IF: 1.6). (KHU:3160)
- Nabiuni, M., Rostami, M., Alizadehnouhi, M. Z., Lajevardi, F., & Nazari, Z. (2014). The effect of dissolved nitrate toxicity on folliculogenesis of the pregnant mice and their offspring. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering Vol, 3(1). (ISSN: 2301-3796, IF: 1.076). (KHU:3159).
- Nabiuni, M., Rostami, M., Alizadehnouhi, M. Z., Lajevardi, F., & Nazari, Z. (2014). The effect of dissolved nitrate toxicity on folliculogenesis of the pregnant mice and their offspring. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering Vol, 3(1). (ISSN: 2301-3796, IF: 1.076). (KHU:3136).
- Massumi, M., Hoveizi, E., Baktash, P., Hooti, A., Ghazizadeh, L., Nadri, S., ... & Khorramizadeh, M. R. (2014). Efficient programming of human eye conjunctiva-derived induced pluripotent stem (ECiPS) cells into definitive endoderm-like cells. Experimental cell research, 322(1), 51-61. (ISSN: 0014-4827-ISI, IF: 3.557). (KHU:3134).
- Hoveizi, E., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Ai, J., & Massumi, M. (2014). Definitive endoderm differentiation of human‐induced pluripotent stem cells using signaling molecules and IDE1 in three‐dimensional polymer scaffold. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 102(11), 4027-4036. (ISSN: 1552-4965, Indexing: PubMedCentral,Scopus, Index Copernicus, Iran Medex , Magiran, Ulrich ,Ebsco ,ISC, Google Scholar, IF: 2.834). (KHU:3131)
- Farhadi, N., Oryan, S., & Nabiuni, M. (2014). Serum levels of melatonin and cytokines in multiple sclerosis. Biomedical journal, 37(2), 90. (ISSN: 2319-4170, Indexing: EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, National Science Library, PubMed, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOLOAR and SCOPUS). (KHU:3130)
- Amini, E., Nabiuni, M., Baharara, J., Parivar, K., & Asili, J. (2014). Hemolytic and cytotoxic effects of saponin like compounds isolated from Persian Gulf brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus). J Coast Life Med, 2(10), 762-768. (ISSN: 5288-2309 (Print) 2309-6152 (Online (, Indexing: CABA, CSA). (KHU:3129)
- Ghafurniyan, H., Nabiuni, M., & Karimzadeh, L. (2014). The effect of green tea on IL-6 and CRP level in model of polycystic ovary syndrome as an inflammation state. Int J Cell Molecular Biotech, 2014, 1-12. (ISSN: 2198-1744, Indexing: Deutsche nationalbibiliothek, Georgetown University library, google scholar, RICeST, IF: 0.5). (KHU:3127).
- Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Nejad, Z. S., Delfan, B., & Irian, S. (2015). Expression of aquaporins in the rat choroid plexus. Archives of Neuroscience, 2(1).(ISSN:2322-3944/(Electronic)2322-5769,Indexing:SID/Google scholar/DOJA/Magiran/EBSCO/WHO). (KHU:814)
- Naser Farhadi, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni. Comparing the Effect of Oral Melatonin and Long-Term Environmental Light Changes on the number of Cells and Langerhans Islets in Male Wistar Rats. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 2014; 86(1s):110-113. (ISSN: 0040-3660). (KHU:3125).
- Nabiuni, M., Shokohi, R., & Moghaddam, P. (2015). CSF Protein Contents and Their Roles in Brain Development. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 17(9). (eISSN: 2383-2894, Indexing: NLM catalog, EMR Medex, Free Medical journal, EZB, Scirus, iranMedex, Magiran, SID, google scholar, RICeST, ISC, DOJA, IndexCopernicus, CINAHL, CAS, EBSCO). (KHU:3123).
- Jalali, H., Parivar, K., Hayati Roudbari, N., Nabiuni, M., & Heidari, Z. (2014). Neuronal differentiation of mouse amnion membrane derived stem cells in response to neonatal brain conditioned medium. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, 6(2), 76-82. (ISSN: (Print) 2008-9147/(Online)2008-2762 Indexing: PubMed Central, Scopus ,Index Copernicus, Iran Medex, Magiran, Ulrich ,Ebsco ,ISC, Google Scholar). (KHU:3122).
- Ghahrizjani, F. A., Ghaedi, K., Salamian, A., Tanhaei, S., Nejati, A. S., Salehi, H., .. & Nasr-Esfahani, M. H. (2015). Enhanced expression of FNDC5 in human embryonic stem cell-derived neural cells along with relevant embryonic neural tissues. Gene, 557(2), 123-129. (ISSN: 0378-1119 (print)/1879-0038 (online), Indexing: ELSEVIER, IF: 2.138). (KHU:3120)
- Havasi, P., Soleimani, M., Morovvati, H., Bakhshandeh, B., & Nabiuni, M. (2014). The proliferation study of hips cell-derived neuronal progenitors on the poly-caprolactone scaffold. Basic and clinical neuroscience, 5(2), 117. (ISSN: P: 2008-126X/ E: 2228-7442, Indexing: PubMed Central, Scopus, Index Copernicus, Iran Medex , Magiran, Ulrich, Ebsco, ISC, and Google Scholar). (KHU:3068)
- Salamatmanesh, S. M., Oryan, S., Nabiuni, M., & Rezae, F. (2014). Curcumin Effect on Aquaporins-1, 4 Expression in Choroid Plexuses of Lateral Ventricles in Rat's Brain; An Investigation Under In Vivo Condition. Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research, 2(3), 186-189. ISSN: 2326-4225 (Print): EISSN: 2326-4233 (Online). (KHU:3059)
- Ganji, R., Nabiuni, M., & Faraji, R. (2015). Development of mouse preantral follicle after in vitro culture in a medium containing melatonin. Cell Journal (Yakhteh), 16(4), 546. (ISSN: p:1561-4921/E:1753-8086, Indexing:PMC,NLM, ISI, Biosis Preview, IMEMR, Index Copernicus International, CSA, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL Database, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts Service, Proquest, DOAJ, OAJI, InfoBase Index, DRJI, SID, Iranmedex, RICeST, ISC, Magiran).(KHU:3067)
- Zare, S., Nabiuni, M., Tayanloo, A., Hoseini, S., & Karimzadeh-Bardei, L. (2015). The effects of Urtica dioica extract on lipid profile, insulin resistance index and liver histology in polycystic ovary syndrome-induced Wistar rats. Advanced Herbal Medicine, 1(2), 23-33. (eISSN: 2423-3579). (KHU:3066).
- Nabiuni, M., Jalali, H., & Rezaeigazik, M. (2015). The effect of morphine on the proliferation of human ovarian epithelial cancer A2780cp cell line. (ISSN: 2198-1744, Indexing: Deutsche nationalbibiliothek, Georgetown University library, google scholar, RICeST, IF: 0.5). (KHU:3065).
- Hoveizi, E., Ebrahimi‐Barough, S., Tavakol, S., & Nabiuni, M. (2015). In vitro comparative survey of cell adhesion and proliferation of human induced pluripotent stem cells on surfaces of polymeric electrospun nanofibrous and solution‐cast film scaffolds. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 103(9), 2952-2958.(ISSN: 1552-4965).KHU:3064
- Ghobadian, M., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Fathi, M., & Pazooki, J. (2015). Toxic effects of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on early developmental and larval stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 122, 260-267. (ISSN: 0147-6513).KHU:3062
- Pandamooz, S., Nabiuni, M., Miyan, J., Ahmadiani, A., & Dargahi, L. (2016). Organotypic spinal cord culture: a proper platform for the functional screening. Molecular Neurobiology, 53(7), 4659-4674.ISSN: 0893-7648 (Print) 1559-1182 (Online) (IF=5.137). (KHU:3062).
- Amini, E., Nabiuni, M., Baharara, J., Parivar, K., & Asili, J. (2015). Metastatic Inhibitory and Radical Scavenging Efficacies of Saponins Extracted from the Brittle Star (Ophiocoma erinaceus). Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(11), 4751-4758. (ISSN: 1513-7368). KHU:7748
- Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Noorinejad, R., Falahati, Z., Khalili, F., & Karimzadeh, L. (2015). The reproductive side effects of Imidacloprid in pregnant Wistar rat. thyroid, 8, 9. (ISSN: 2198-1744, Indexing: Deutsche nationalbibiliothek, Georgetown university library, google scholar, RICeST, IF: 0.5).(KHU:3055)
- Nabiuni, M., Ghafurniyan, H., Azarnia, M., & Karimzadeh, L. (2015). The Effect of Green Tea Extract on Reproductive Improvement in Estradiol Valerate-Induced Polycystic Ovary Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Rat. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14(4), 1215-1223. KHU:7938
- Norouzi S, Norouzi M, Amini M, Amanzadeh A, Nabiuni M, Irian S, Salimi M. Two COX-2 inhibitors induce apoptosis in human erythroleukemia K562cells by modulating NF-KB and FHC pathways; DARU: 2016; 24: 1 IF: 1.638 (KHU:800).
- Pandamooz, S., Nabiuni, M., Miyan, J., Ahmadiani, A., & Dargahi, L. (2016). Organotypic spinal cord culture: a proper platform for the functional screening. Molecular neurobiology, 53(7), 4659-4674. (ISSN: 0893-7648).KHU:3057
- Jalali, H., Parivar, K., Soleimani, M., Nabiuni, M., & Aghaee-Bakhtiari, H. (2016). Ex-Vivo Gene Therapy Using Lentiviral Mediated Gene Transfer Into Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Stem Cells. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 18(2).( ISSN: 2383-2894). (IF=1.526) KHU:4209
- Pandamooz, S., Salehi, M. S., Nabiuni, M., & Dargahi, L. (2017). Valproic acid preserves motoneurons following contusion in organotypic spinal cord slice culture. J Spinal Cord Med. 2017 Jan;40(1):100-106. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2016.. ISSN: 2045-7723. (IF=1.578). .(KHU:7121).
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- Pandamooz, S., Saied, M. S., Nabiuni, M., Dargahi, L., & Pourghasem, M. (2016). Evaluation of Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cells in Organotypic Spinal Cord Slice Culture Platform. Folia Biologica (Praha), 62, 263-267. ISSN 2533-7602 (Online) 62, 263-267 (2016). Life Science, Science Citation Index, Medline, Index Medicus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica and SCOPUS. ISI Master Journal List, Current Contents, Polish Scientific Journals Contents. Impact Factor ISI: 0.562. KHU:7242
- Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Saeidi, M., & Golalipour, M. J. (2017). Gestational diabetes leads to down-regulation of CDK4-pRB-E2F1 pathway genes in pancreatic islets of rat offspring. Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 20(2), 150. ISSN: 2008-3866(Print) 2017; 20. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2017.8240 IF: 1.22). KHU:7208
- Amini, E., Nabiuni, M., Baharara, J., Parivar, K., & Asili, J. (2017). In-vitro Pro Apoptotic Effect of Crude Saponin from Ophiocoma erinaceus against Cervical Cancer. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR, 16(1), 266. ISSN: 1726-6890. (Winter 2017). Impact Factor (2015): 1.352. PMID:28496480.PMCID:PMC5423252.
- Sheikholeslami, A., Nabiuni, M., & Arefian, E. (2017). Suppressing the molecular signaling pathways involved in inflammation and cancer in breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 by miR-590. Tumor Biology, 39(4), 1010428317697570. (ISSN: 1010-4283 (Print) 1423-0380 (Online) (IF:2.926). doi: 10.1177/1010428317697570. KHU:7478
- Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Ghaffari, S., Saeidi, M., Shahriyari, A., & Jafar Golalipour, M. (2017). Gestational Diabetes Induces Pancreatic Beta-Cells Apoptosis in Adult Rat Offspring. International Journal of Morphology, 35(1).( ISSN 0717-9502). KHU: 7479
- Shokohi, R., Nabiuni, M., Irian, S., & Miyan, J. A. (2018). In vitro effects of wistar rat prenatal and postnatal cerebrospinal fluid on neural differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from bone marrow. Cell Journal (Yakhteh), 19(4), 537. ISSN: 2228-5906. PISSN: 2228-5814. doi: 10.22074/cellj.2018.4130. KHU:7771
- Khoshnoud, S., Kouchesfahani, H. M., & Nabiuni, M. (2017). Evaluation of the protective effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Raspberry fruit on aquaporin1 expression in rats kidney treated by methotrexate. Cell J (Yakhteh), 19(2). ISSN: 2228-5906. PISSN: 2228-5814.. Volume 19, Number 2, Summer 2017, Serial Number: 74. doi: 10.22074/cellj.2016.3957. (KHU:6017).
- Mohammadi, S., Karimzadeh Bardei, L., Hojati, V., Ghorbani, A., & Nabiuni, M. (2017). Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Curcumin on Insulin Resistance Index, Levels of Interleukin-6, C - reactive protein, and Liver Histology in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-Induced Rats. Cell Journal (Yakhteh), 19(3), 425.( ISSN: 0092-8674).10.22074/cellj.2017.4415. KHU:7279
- Mohammadi, S., Kayedpoor, P., Karimzadeh-Bardei, L., & Nabiuni, M. (2017). The Effect of Curcumin on TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP Expression in a Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as an Inflammation State. Journal of Reproduction & Infertility, 18(4), 352–360. KHU:10080
- Parvin Kayedpoor, Shima Mohamadi, Latifeh Karimzadeh-Bardei, Mohammad Nabiuni. Anti-inflammatory Effect of Silymarin on Ovarian Immunohistochemical Localization of TNF-α Associated with Systemic Inflammation in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Int. J. Morphol., 35(2):723-732, 2017. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-95022017000200054.KHU:7241
- Ghobadian, M., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Fathi, M., & Pazooki, J. (2017). Histopathological evaluation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae following embryonic exposure to MgO nanoparticles. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 16(3), 959-969. (ISSN: 1562-2916)(IF:0.285) KHU:7754
- Tajik Esmaeili, S., Majd, A., Irian, S., Nabiuni, M., & Ghahremaninejad, F. (2017). Assessment Of Dna Damage Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA In Vegetative-Stage Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Grown Under A Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(4), 729-739. DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1504_729739. ISSN: 1589-1623. IF: 0.681. KHU: 7338
- Safaeinejad, Z., Nabiuni, M., Peymani, M., Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M. H., & Baharvand, H. (2017). Resveratrol promotes human embryonic stem cells self-renewal by targeting SIRT1-ERK signaling pathway. European journal of cell biology, 96(7), 665-672. (ISSN: 0171-9335).(IF:3.712). KHU:7756
- Shokohi, R., Nabiuni, M., Moghaddam, P., Irian, S., & Miyan, J. A. (2017). Fetal Cerebrospinal Fluid Promotes Proliferation and Neural Differentiation of Stromal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Bone Marrow. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 60. . KHU:10330.
- Mohseni-Kouchesfahani H1, Nabioni M1, Khosravi Z2, Rahimi M2. Honey bee venom combined with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3as a highly efficient inducer of differentiation in human acute myeloid leukemia cells.J Cancer Res Ther. 2017 Jul-Sep;13(3):544-549. doi: 10.4103/0973-1482.183220.KHU:7334
- Mohammadi-Sardoo, M., Mandegary, A., Nabiuni, M., Nematollahi-Mahani, S.-N., & Amirheidari, B. (2018). Mancozeb induces testicular dysfunction through oxidative stress and apoptosis: Protective role of N-acetylcysteine antioxidant. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 34(11), 798–811. . KHU:10078
- Pandamooz, S., Salehi, M. S., Zibaii, M. I., Ahmadiani, A., Nabiuni, M., & Dargahi, L. (2018). Epidermal neural crest stem cell‐derived glia enhance neurotrophic elements in an ex vivo model of spinal cord injury. Journal of cellular biochemistry, 119(4), 3486-3496. KHU:10079
- Nabiuni, M., Seyfi, D., Behzad, S. B., Parivar, K., Tahmaseb, M., & Amini, E. (2018). Verbascoside attenuates Rac-1 and HIF-1α signaling cascade in colorectal cancer cells. Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry. DOI: 10.2174/1871520618666180611112125. Khu:13094
- Dorazehi, F., Nabiuni, M., & Jalali, H. (2018). Potential Use of Amniotic Membrane - Derived Scaffold for Cerebrospinal Fluid Applications. International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, 7(2), 91–101.
- Zeinoddini S, Nabiuni M, Jalali H. The synergistic cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin and Viola odorata extract on human breast cancer cell line T47-D. J Can Res Ther [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2019 Feb 2]. Available from: Khu:11306
- Ramezani, T., Nabiuni, M., Baharara, J., Parivar, K., Namvar, F. (2019). Sensitization of Resistance Ovarian Cancer Cells to Cisplatin by Biogenic Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles through p53 Activation. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 18(1), 222-231. Khu:11390
- SarehPandamooz, Mohammad IsmailZibaii, AnahidSafari, Mohammad Nabiuni, AbolhassanAhmadiani. Modeling traumatic injury in organotypic spinal cord slice culture obtained from adult rat Tissue and Cell Volume 56, February 2019, Pages 90-97. Khu:11388
- Faranak Shiasi Arana, Latifeh Karimzadeh, Sayed Mohammad Ghafoori, and Mohammad Nabiuni. Antimutagenic and Synergistic Cytotoxic Effect of Cisplatin and Honey Bee Venom on 4T1 Invasive Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, vol. 2019, Article ID 7581318, 8 pages, 2019. Khu:11341
- Rezaeigazik, M., Nabiuni, M., Jalali, H., & Kabuli, M. (2019). Investigating the Effects of Morphine on Survival and Sensitivity to Cisplatin in Ovarian Cancer Cells. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research (JCMR), volume: 11.1 (2019)pages: 1-7. DOI ISSN-Print: 2008-9147 ISSN-Online: 2008-2762. KHU: 13588
- Dorazehi, Fereshteh; Nabiuni, Mohammad; Jalali, Hanieh; Keshavarzi, Raziyeh. Comparison of the Proliferation Potential of Bone Marrow and Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cultivating on Human Amniotic Membrane. Journal of Stem Cells; Hauppauge Vol. 14, Iss. 1, (2019): 31-34. ISSN: 1556-8539 . KHU: 13590.
- Mafikandi, V., Roodbari, N. H., Nabiuni, M., & Yaghmaei, A. (2019). Effects of maternal thyroid hormone deficiency on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in CSF-exposed neonatal Wistar rats. Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, .volume: 79.3 (2019) pages: 270-275. DOI: 10.21307/ane‑2019‑025
- Bueno D, Parvas M, Nabiuni M, Miyan J. Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid formation and regulation. InSeminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 2019 Oct 12. Academic Press.
- Nabiuni, Mohammad, and Latifeh Karimzadeh. "Honey Apis Meliffera bee venom modulate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome by altering expression of vascular factors." Toxicon, Volume 159, Supplement 1, 5 March 2019, Pages s16-s17. ISSN: 0041-0101 (print); 1879-3150 (web).
- Nazari Z, Shahryari A, Ghafari S, Nabiuni M, Golalipour MJ. In Utero Exposure to Gestational Diabetes Alters DNA Methylation and Gene Expression of CDKN2A/B in Langerhans Islets of Rat Offspring. Cell journal. 2020 Jul;22(2):203-11.
- Mohammadi-Mahdiabadi-Hasani MH, Nabiuni M, Parivar K, Yari S, Sahebi AR, Miyan J. The Effects of Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid on The Viability and Neuronal Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in Wistar Rats. Cell journal. 2020;22(2):245-52.
- Nabiuni M, Yazadanian Z, Amirpour Asl S, Dorazehi F, Karimzadeh-Bardei L. Anti-cancer effects of 1, 3-bis (2-ethoxyphenyl) on 4T1 breast cancer cell line, an in-vivo study. Studies in Medical Sciences. 2020 Feb 10;30(12):1016-24.
- Moghaddam FD, Mortazavi P, Hamedi S, Nabiuni M, Roodbari NH. Apoptotic Effects of Melittin on 4T1 Breast Cancer Cell Line is Associated with Up Regulation of Mfn1 and Drp1 mRNA Expression. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2020 Feb 10.
- B
- aharvand Z, Nabiuni M, Tahmaseb M, Amini E, Pandamooz S. Investigating the synergic effects of valproic acid and crocin on BDNF and GDNF expression in epidermal neural crest stem cells. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. 2020 Jan 1;80(1):38-46. KHU:14445
- Shariat SH, Parivar K, Roudbari NH, Nabiuni M. The effect of maternal sleep deprivation on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in the presence of neonates brain cerebrospinal fluid of Wistar rats. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy. 2020 Jan 1;121(2):164-9.
- Kachooei SA, Rahmani R, Zareh N, Donyadideh F, Kachooei SA, Nabiuni M, Yazdansetad S. Down-regulation of TGF-β, VEGF, and bFGF in vascular endothelial cells of chicken induced by a brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus) extract. Heliyon. 2020 Jan 1;6(1):e03199.
- Shahraki, F. K., Nabiuni, M., Farhadi, M., & Amini, E. (2020). The Effect of Hydroalcoholic Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) on Memory Retention Deficit in Young Offspring Rat Induced by Maternal Sleep Deprivation. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research.
- Keshavarzi, R., Nabiuni, M., & Jalali, H. (2020). Cultivation and Neural Differentiation of Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid Treated Adipose Stem Cells on the Scaffold of Amniotic Membrane. Archives of Advances in Biosciences, 11(2), 20-28.
- Amini, E., Nabiuni, M., Behzad, S. B., Seyfi, D., Eisvand, F., Sahebkar, A., & Shakeri, A. (2020). Anticancer Potential of Aguerin B, a Sesquiterpene Lactone Isolated from Centaurea behen in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells. Recent Patents on Anti-cancer Drug Discovery.
- Persian Papers
- Maleki M., Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Yaghmaei P. & Naji M. The effect of mouse umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells into lens fiber cells. Journal of Biology of Garmsar University. Vol 3, No 2, 2009. (ISSN: 1735-5028, Indexing: SID.
- Maleki M., Parivar K., Nabiuoni M., Yaghmaei P. & Naji M. Isolation of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells and differentiation into lens fiber cells. Ardebil University of Medical Sciences 2009; 9(2): 1-7. (ISSN: 2228-7280, Indexing: Google Scholar, ISC, SID, Iran Medex, Magiran, Index Copernicus).
- Mohseni Kouchesfehani, H., Parivar, K., Nabiyouni, M., & Rahimi, M. (2010). Synergistic effect of honey bee venom and 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the Induction of HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cell line differentiation. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, 16(4), 5-12 .(ISSN: 1025-4285, Indexing: scholar google, CAS, DOAJ, Indexcopernicus, iranmedex, ISC, magiran, SID, SRLST). (KHU:471)
- Nabiuni M., Ebrahimi S., Alavi M., Rabiee A., Behbudi H. & Hoveizi E. Effects of 1, 3-bis (2-cyanophenyl) Triazene on cell proliferation PC12 and B16F10 Journal of developmental biology. Azad University North Tehran Branch. 2009 2(5); 45-50. (ISSN: 1735-9880).
- Mirri, N. M., Nabiuni, M., Mohseni, K. H., Naji, M., & Yazdankhah, M. (2009). Expression Of Vegf In Cerebrospinal Fluid (Csf) And Serum Of Children With Hydrocephalus. (ISSN: 1735-9880).
- Azarnia, M., Nabiuyoni, M., Rajabi, Z. S., Mirabolghasemi, G., & Hoveizi, E. (2010). Effect Of Honey Bee Venom On Remyelination In Wistar Rats Experimentally Demyelinated With Ethidium Bromide. (Issn: 2008-9406, Indexing: Sid).
- Mohseni, K. H., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Ebrahimi, B. S. (2010). Effect Of Honey Bee Venom And Ra On Induction Of Neuronal Differentiation Of Mouse Embryonic Carcinoma P19 Cells. (ISSN: 2008-9406, Indexing: SID). (KHU:79)
- Karimzadeh, L., Nabiuni, M., Kouchesfehani, H. M., Adham, H., Bagheri, A., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2013). Effect of bee venom on IL-6, COX-2 and VEGF levels in polycystic ovarian syndrome induced in Wistar rats by estradiol valerate. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 19(1), 32. (ISSN: 1735-1022/E:2008-7780, Indexing: IMEMR, Index Copernicus, ISC,CABI, SID, Iran Medex, Magiran, Cinahl). (KHU:78)
- Parivar K., Yaghmai P., Nabiuni M., Rahbar S. Investigation on the inductive effect of cerebrospinal fluid of Wistar rats. Quarterly journal of Developmental Biology. Vol. 2, No. 8, fall, 2010. (ISSN: 1735-9880).(khu7585)
- Mohseni, K. H., Nabiuni, M., Majles, A. M., & Amini, E. (2010). The Effect Of Nd-Yag Laser In Photodynamic Treatment On Ln-Cap Cells. (9724- 1735, Indexing: Isc ، Sid, Magiran). (KHU:76).
- Bahadori, M., Baharara, J., & Amini, E. (2016). Anticancer Properties of Chrysin on Colon Cancer Cells, In vitro and In vivo with Modulation of Caspase-3-9, Bax and Sall4. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 14(3), 177-184. (ISSN: 1735-9880).
- Karimi, A., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Haghighi, S., & Imani, S. (2011). Effect Of Honey Bee Venom And Vitamin B12 On Gliosis Of Brain Stem In Rats With Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis-Animal Model For Multiple Sclerosis. (ISSN: 2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC, and Magiran).
- Mehrabmohseni M., Mohammadamoli M., Hasaniranjbar Sh. Roohipoor N., Amiri P., Koroshnia A., Heshmat R., Larijani B., Tavakolibazaz J., Nabiuni M. The study of e-NOS in type-2 diabetic microvascular disease. Iranian Journal of Diabete and Lipids. Vol. 10, No. 3, Pp 299-305, 2010. (ISSN: 2251-6581).
- Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Yazdani N. Investigation on the inductive effect of cerbrooshipnal fluid of prenatal Wistar rats in days 15, 16 of pregnancy on the cord mesenchymal cells. Journal of developmental biology Vol.3, No. 10, 1390. . (ISSN: 1735-9880).
- Kouchesfahani, H., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Mohammadi-Sardoo, M. (2012). Evaluation of the efficacy of aminolevulinic acid-dependent photodynamic therapy on melanoma cancer cells treated with tocopherol succinate (in-vitro). Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 13(8), 1-7. (ISSN: 2383-2894.Indexing: EBSCO, CINAHL, Chemical Abstract (CAS), EMRO (IMEMR), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Ulrichs Web, HINARI, Scirus, Open J-Gate, EZB, ISC, RiCest, SID, Magiran, IranMedex, Free Medical Journals (Amedeo). (KHU:69)
- Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., Golestanian, N., & Amini, E. (2011). Effect of low frecuency electromagnetic fields on the spermatogenesis and blood serum protein of Balb/c mice. (ISSN: 2228-7035.Indexing: SID, ISC,Magiran).
- Nabiuni M., Oryan S., Ayubipoor M., Bagheri A. The study of histochemistery effect of Verbascum. Speciocum on ulcer repair in Wistar rat. Journal of Cell and Tissue, 2011; 1(2): 67-75. (ISSN: 2228-7035.Indexing: SID, ISC, And Magiran).
- Mohseni Kouchesfahani, H., Nabiuni, M., Delaviz, H., Bahrebar, K. H., Gheibi, P., & Eslami, N. (2011). The effects of Vitreous Humor on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Bone Marrow to Lens Fiber Like Cells. Armaghane danesh, 16(3), 233-244. (ISSN: 1728-6514). (KHU:72)
- Nabiuni, M., Rasouli, J., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2011). Comparative study of aquaporin-1 protein expression in developing brain of Wistar and H-Tx rats. Pajoohandeh Journal, 16(3), 125-129. (ISSN: 1735-1022/E: 2008-7780, Indexing: IMEMR, Index Copernicus, ISC, CABI, SID, Iran Medex, Magiran, and Cinahl).
- Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Nadali F & Jalali H. Effect of honey bee venom and all-trans retinoic asid on the proliferation and differentiation of HL-60 cell line. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (IRUMS) 2011; 10(2):112-126. (EISSN: 2008-7268, Indexing: Doaj, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (2011 IC Value= 5.59), Iranmedex, ISC, Magiran, Open J Gate, Safety lit, SID).(khu7597)
- Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Zeynali, B., Karimzadeh, L., & Sheikholeslami, A. (2011). Changes in the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in polycystic ovary syndrome in Wistar rats. Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 69(9). (ISSN: 1683-1764, Indexing: Scopus, EMBASE, EBSCO, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), CAB Abstracts (CABI), Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), DOAJ, Psych Info, ULRICH΄S, Index Copernicus, IMEMR, EMR Beta, SID, Magiran and Iran Medex).
- Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Mohseni Kochesfehani, H., & Rasouli, J. (2011). The effects of fetal rat cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on neural differentiation of rat pheochoromocytoma PC12 cells. Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity-Tehran Medical Branch, 21(3), 175-182. (ISSN: 1735-9880). (KHU:70)
- Nabiuni, M., BAHAR, A. J., Amini, E., & Jalali, H. (2012). Determination of Apoptotic Doses of Bee Venom on Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells. (ISSN: 2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC, Magiran).
- Zare Z., Divsalar A., Nabiuni M. A Review on nanoemulsion systems and their application in medicine. NANO Journal; 1390, 10(9). S170. ( ISSN: 1793-2920)(IF:1.025).KHU:7220
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Delaviz H., Bahrebar K., Eslami N., Gheibi P. Bone Marrow Mesenchymal stem cells and treatment of eye diseases. Journal of Shahid Sadooghi University of Medical Sciences Yazd, V.19, N.5, P.568-577. 1390. (ISSN: 2228-5741, Indexing: SID).
- Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband K., Najafi F., Nabiuni M., Gharari Z. The effect of cold stress on protein content and pro activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. The first national conference on economic jihad in the field of agriculture and natural resources. Conference proceeding.1390.
- Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband K., Najafi F., Nabiuni M., Gharari Z. The effect of cold stress on pox activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. The first national conference on economic jihad in the field of agriculture and natural resources. Conference proceeding.1390.
- Nabiuni, M., Nazari, Z., Safaeinejad, Z., Delfan, B., & Miyan, J. A. (2013). Curcumin downregulates aquaporin-1 expression in cultured rat choroid plexus cells. Journal of medicinal food, 16(6), 504-510. (ISSN: 1563-0773).
- Safaeinejad, Z., Nabiuni, M., & Nazari, Z. (2013). Potentiation of a novel palladium (II) complex lethality with bee venom on the human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (MOLT-4). Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 19(1), 25. (ISSN: 1029-7855, indexing: EBSCO, Cinahl, Index Copernicus, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iran Medex, MEDILIB andWHO/EMR/Index Medicus).
- Parivar K., Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Hoveizi E., Rajabi S. The effect of honey bee venom on neural differentiation of rat Pheochoromocytoma cell line (PC12). Medical Sciences journal of Azad University 1391; 22(2): 93-100.(p-ISSN:1023-5922/e-ISSN:2008-3386,Indexing: Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Copernicus, CAB Abstracts & Global Health, Cinahl, ISC, Magiran, SID,Iranmedex).
- Mohseni, K. H., Nabiuni, M., Mirsepasi, S., & Safaeinejad, Z. (2010). Effect Honey Bee Venom And L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) On Proliferation Hl-60 Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line. (KHU:454).
- Khosrojerdi, F., KAZEMI, N. S., Nabiuni, M., & NOURI, Z. (2012). Telomerase activity in breast cancer cells under treatment with crocin. (ISSN: 1606-7487, Indexing: SID, Copernicus, ISC, Magiran & Iran Medex Activity).
- Nabiuni, M., Gholami, S., Teimoori, T. L., Zandi, F., Azari, S., & Yarahmadi, A. (2012). Curcumin Inhibits The Expression Of Aquaporin 5: The New Perspective In Inhibition Of Colon Carcinogenesis. (ISSN: 2228-7035,Indexing: SID, ISC,Magiran).
- Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Ramezani T., Amini E. Erythroid differentiation induction by HBV in the human leukemic cell line K562. ). Medical Sciences journal of Azad University, Vol 22, No 4, Pages 244-250, 1391 .(p-ISSN: 1023-5922/e-ISSN: 2008-3386, Indexing: Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Copernicus, CAB Abstracts , Global Health, Cinahl, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iranmedex).
- Nabiuni M., Zahra Raise. Expression of AQP1 in hydrocephalus due to fetal alcohol syndrome by IHC technique in Wistar rats. Science journal of Kharazmi University. Vol 11, No 4, Pages 259-268. 1391. (ISSN: 1686-8222).
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Gheibi P., Eslami N., Bahrebar K. Induction of mesenchymal stem cell derived from fat pad to lens fiber like cells. Medical Sciences journal of Azad University, Vol22, No 2, Pages 259-265, 2012.(p-ISSN: 1023-5922/e-ISSN: 2008-3386, Indexing: IMEMR, Index Copernicus, CAB Abstracts , Global Health, Cinahl, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iranmedex). (KHU:34). (KHU:67)
- Nabiuni, M., Kouchesfahani, H., Azari, S., Delfan, B., Gholami, S., & Yarahmadi, A. (2013). Effect of Curcumin on AQP5 gene expression in HT-29 human colorectal cancer cells. Feyz Journals of Kashan University of Medical Sciences, 16(6). (ISSN: 1029-7855, indexing: EBSCO, Cinahl, Index Copernicus, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iran Medex, MEDILIB andWHO/EMR/Index Medicus). .(KHU:37).
- Karami, L., Majd, A., Mehrabian, S., Nabiuni, M., Irian, S., & Salehi, M. (2013). Antimutagenic effects of ethanol and aqueous extracts of Avicennia marina leaves on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 bacterium. (Indexing: EBSCO, CINAHL, ISC, EMRO, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, SID, MagIran, IranMedex, Open J-Gate, Socolar and DOAJ).
- Ebrahimi-Barough, S., Ai, J., Mohseni Kouchesfahani, H., & Nabiyuni, M. (2012). Isolation and characterization of human endometrial stem cells and evaluation of their differentiation potential. J Exp Biol, 4, 12-28 (ISSN:1456-1235). (IF: 3.32)
- Ebrahimi-Barough, S. Ai, J., Mohseni Kouchesfahani, H., & Nabiyuni, M. (2012). Isolation and characterization of human endometrial stem cells and evaluation of their differentiation potential. J Exp Biol, 4, 12-28. (ISSN: 1728-6514). (KHU:3111).
- Pouyanmanesh, F., Nabiuni, M., Nasri, S., Nazari, Z., & Karimzadeh, L. (2013). The effect of honey bee venom on levels of lipids and anti-mullerian hormone in a rat with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Feyz Journals of Kashan University of Medical Sciences, 17(3). (ISSN: 1029-7855- Indexing: EBSCO, Cinahl, Index Copernicus, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iran Medex, MEDILIB andWHO/EMR/Index Medicus). (KHU:3110).
- Nabiuni, M., Yarahmadi, A., Delfan, B., Mirsepasi, S., Azari, S., Gholami, S., & Ramezani, T. (2013). The Anti-proliferative and lethal effects of d-alpha tocopheryl succinate (vitamin e succinate) and honey bee venom (BV) on human promyelocyte leukemia cell line (HL-60). (ISSN: 2228-7035.Indexing: SID, ISC, And Magiran). (KHU:3109).
- Sadatenoori Z., Kazemi S., Nabiuni M., Khosrojerdi F. Telomerase activity and expression of hTERT in Papaverine-treated breast cancer cell line. Quarterly journal of Sabzevar University of medical sciences, Vol. 20, No.2, summer 1392. (ISSN: 1606-7487, Indexing: SID, Copernicus, ISC, Magiran & Iran Medex Activity). (KHU:3107).
- Eslimi D., Oryan Sh., Nabiuni M., Azarnia M., Tabatabaee Z. Investigation on liver histological variation in colestasis rats. . Journal of cell & tissue (JCT), 1392, Vol. 4, No. 1, 55-61.(ISSN: 2228-7035, Idexing: SID, ISC,Magiran). (KHU:3106).
- Yaghmaei, P., Nabiuni, M., Mahdavi, M., Mehrvarz, T., & Nazari, Z. (2013). The effects of honey bee venom on the serum interleukin 6 level in EAE Lewis rats a model for the study of multiple sclerosis. Pajoohandeh Journal, 18(2), 69-75. (pISSN:1735-1022/eISSN:2008-7780, Indexing: Academic Search Complete, CABI, CINAHL, Index Copernicus, WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), ISC, SID, Iran Medex Magiran). (KHU:3103).
- Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Safaeinejad, Z., Delfan, B., & Bahrehbar, K. (2013). Qualitative and quantitative study of AQP1 expression in the choroid plexus of the wistar rat. Research in Medicine, 37(1), 55-61. (ISSN: 1735-5311.Indexing: Index Copernicus,WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR). (KHU:3102).
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Noorinejad R., Karimzadeh L., Falahati Z., Khalili F. The effect of neonicotinoids insecticide IMI toward ovarian development in Wistar rat. International conference on environmental planning and management. ICEPM. 1392 Tehran.(khu7607)
- Nabiuni, M., Rostami, M., Alizadehnouhi, M. Z., Lajevardi, F., & Nazari, Z. (2014). The effect of dissolved nitrate toxicity on follicologenesis of the pregnant mice and their offspring. Journal of Medical and Bioengineering Vol, 3(1). (khu7608)( ISSN: 2301-3796)(IF:1.82).
- Nabiuni M., Shiravi A., Azimi E., Nazari Z. Effect of HBV and vitamin D3 on mesenchymal stem cells and differentiation toward osteoblast. Science journal of Kharazmi University. Vol 12, No 3, Pages 569-580. 1392. (ISSN: 1686-8222, Indexing: Iranian research- scientific journals categorized in scientific groups of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Architecture, Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Medical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences and Scientific Journals). (KHU:3100).
- Hoveizi, E., Nabiuni, M., Massumi, M., & Parivar, K. (2014). Derivation of definitive endoderm from human induced pluripotent stem cells using signaling molecules. Koomesh, 15(2), 212-219. (ISSN: 1608-7046, Indexing: Scopus, EMBASE, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, SID, Iranmedex, Emro, CABI (UK), Magiran, ISC). (KHU:3099).
- Nabiuni M., Kakaei M., Nazari Z., Karimzadeh L. The effect of HBV on in-vitro maturation of pre antral follicles in NMRI mice. Science journal of Kharazmi University. Vol 13, No 1, Pages 749-760. 1392.(ISSN:1686-8222, Indexing: Iranian research- scientific journals categorized in scientific groups of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Architecture, Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities, Medical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences and Scientific Journals). (KHU:3098).
- Nabiuni M., Yarahmadi A., Delfan B. Effect of HBV on differentiation potential of vitamin e in HL-60 cell line. Yafteh15,57 (4)89-96.1392.(ISSN: 1563-0773). (KHU:3097).
- Yari, S., Parivar, K., Nabiuni, M., & Keramatipour, M. (2013). Effect of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid on proliferation and differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells. Cell Journal (Yakhteh), 15(1), 29. (ISSN:2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC,Magiran). (KHU:3096).
- Rajabi, M., Parivar, K., Nabiouni, M., & Yaghmaii, P. (2014). Effect Of Curcumin On Rat Embryonic Neuroprogenitor Cells Under In Vitro Conditions. (ISSN: 2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC,Magiran). (KHU:3095).
- Mohseni, K. H., Nabiuni, M., Eslami, N., Bahrebar, K., & Gheibi, P. (2014). Characterization and Lens Fiber like Cells Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue and Amniotic Fluid: A Comparative Study. (ISSN: 2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC, and Magiran). (KHU:3094)
- Nabiuni, M., & Safaeinejad, Z. (2014). Study of the Effect of Prenatal CSF from H-Tx Rat on Proliferation and Differentiation of the Wistar Rat’s Cortical Progenitor Cells. (ISSN:2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC,Magiran). (KHU:3093).
- Norouzi, S., Norouzi, M., Ayerian, S., Nabiuni, M., Amini, M., & Salimi, M. (2014). Evaluation of cytotoxicity mechanism of two cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors in leukemia cell line. Physiology and Pharmacology, 18(1), 16-26. (ISSN: 1735-0581, Indexing: Scopus, ISC-IF, EMBASE, SID, IC, DOAJ, IRANMEDEX, MagIran). (KHU:3200)
- Oryan Shahrbanoo, Nazari Morteza, Bagherpoor Masood, Khodagholi Fariba, Nabiuni Mohammad, Shahzamani Kiana. Evaluation of effect of IP-injection LPS on apoptosis, memory impairment and induced-Alzheimer in Wistar rat hippocampus via time-dependent manner. Journal of medical faculty of Esfahan. 2014: 32 (285). (ISSN: 1027-7595). (KHU:3091)
- Mohammad, N., Mousavi, R., & Ramezani, T. (2014). The effect of Myrtus Communism leave extract cream on wound healing process in Wistar rats. Complementary Medicine Journal of faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, 4(3), 854-864.issn: 2228 5091. e issn -2228-7094:2014: 4, 3(12):853-863. (KHU:3089)
- Behroozi, J., Divsalar, A., Saboury, A. A., & Nabiuni, M. (2014). Preventing Human Hemoglobin Glycation Via Bee Venom. Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 36(3), 10-17. (ISSN: 1608-5671 (Print)/2008-160X (Online), indexing: ebscohost, ncbi, emro, indexcopernicus, SID, iranmedex, magiran). (KHU:3087)
- MOHSENI, K. H., Nabiuni, M., MORTAZAVI, A. S., Nazari, Z., & AMIRI, F. (2014). Effect Of Green Tea Hydro Alcoholic Extract On Aquaporin4 Expression In Cerebral Cortex, As A Potential Therapeuticway To Alleviate Edema Symptoms. (ISSN: 2228-7035, Indexing: SID, ISC, Magiran).(KHU:3085)
- Nabiuni, M., Mohammadi, S., Kayedpoor, P., & Karimzadeh, L. (2015). The effect of curcumin on the estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovary in rats. KAUMS Journal (FEYZ), 18(6), 515-523. (ISSN: 2008-9821, Indexing: EBSCO, Cinahl, Index Copernicus, ISC, Magiran, SID, Iran Medex, MEDILIB andWHO/EMR/Index Medicus). (KHU:3084).
- Azarnia, M., Nabuni, M., Kouchesfahani, M. H., & Tousu, A. (2013). The Effects Of Metformin And Bee Venom On In Vitro Maturation Of Isolated Preantral Follicles In Mice. (ISSN: 2251-628X (Print)/ 2251-631X (Online) Indexing: CABI, CiteFactor (Academic Scientific Journals), DOAJ, DRJI, EBSCO, EJS, Google Scholar, IndexCopernicus, InfoBase Index, ISC, Magiran, Ministry of Science, SID,Urlich's Periodical Directory). (KHU: 47).
- Nabiuni M, *, Panahandeh S R, , Doostikhah S, Karimzadeh Bardei L. The Effects of Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Raspberry Fruit on Ovarian follicles and serum parameters in Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome-Induced Rat. Armaghane danesh. 2015; 19 (11) :955-968. URL: (ISSN: 1728-6514). (KHU:3081)
- Hoveizi, E., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Massumi, M., & Ai, J. (2014). Inductive Effect Of Ide1 On Differentiation Of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Into Definitive Endoderm Cells By Using Pcl Nanofibrous Scaffold. Issn: 2423-6330. 2015, 1(1):8-22. .(Khu:3080).
- Gharoony, F., Oryan, S., Nabiuni, M., Eslimi, E. D., Hosseinynia, T. S., Karimian, P. M., & Parsa, S. (2015). The Histopathological Effects Of Cholestasis On Hypothalamic Paraventricular And Supraoptic Nucleus On Male Wistar Rats. Issn: 2423-6330. 2014, 1 (2):77-85. (Khu:3077)
- Nabiuni, M., Kayedpoor, P., Mohammadi, S., & Karimzadeh, L. (2015). Effect of silymarin on estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovary syndrome. Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity-Tehran Medical Branch, 25(1),16-26. p-ISSN:1023-5922 e-ISSN: 2008-3386. 3. 2015; 25 (1):16-26. (EMRO)(Index Medicus): (Index Copernicus): Cinahl, CAB Abstracts & Global Health, google scholar, Magiran ,SID, ISC, Iran Medex. .(KHU:3075).
- Amirpour Asl, S., Nabiuni, M., Yazdanian, Z., Rofouei, M. K., Mahdavi, M., Khoshvagti, A., & Karimzadeh, L. (2015). Anti-tumor effects of a new triazene compound: A laboratory study. EBNESINA, 17(2), 4-11. (KHU:3073).(ISSN:1725-9503).
- Mohammad Nabiuni‚ Shahrbanoo Oryan‚ Mohammad Ayobipour, Tayebeh Ramezani. Histological effects of the smoke of Verbascum speciocum leaves on the healing of rats wounds. NOVA BIOLOGICA REPERTA. ISSN: 2423-6330. 2015, 2(1):25-35. (KHU:3071).
- Nabiuni, M., Nazari Serenje, M., Bagherpour Zarchy, A., & Shahzamani, K. (2015). The application of a new method in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease induced by streptozotocin in male Wistar rats with reduced hematocrit effects. yafte, 17(2). ISSN: 1563-0773. ISC, Indexcopernicus, magian, SID, srlst, iranmedex. (KHU:3069)
- Najafi Kakavand, M., Oryan, S., Nabiuni, M., & Ghafournian, H. (2015). The effect of green tea extract memory impairment induced by injection of streptozotocin-induced brain in male Wistar rat. Pajoohandeh Journal, 20(4), 198-205. pISSN:1735-1022.eISSN: 2008-7780. (KHU:3162).
- Kouchesfahani Mohseni H, Saeedeh Khoshnood, Mohammad Nabiuni. Evaluation of protective effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of raspberry fruit on the methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity in male Wistar rats. RJMS.PISSN: 2228-7043, EISSN: 2228-7051. 2015; 22 (138) :78-87. (KHU:1730)
- Mohammadi-Sardoo, M., Nabiuni, M., Amirheidari, B., & Mandegary, A. Structure and function of blood-testis barrier and its role in damages induced by environmental contaminants. PISSN: 24765236. EISSN: 24765244. 1 (4), 194-202 Winter 2015 (KHU7609)
- Nabiuni Mohammad, DoostiKhah Solmaz,Panahandeh S.Rezvan,Karimzadeh Latifeh.Hydro-alcholic extract of Ziziphora tenuior L.on Polycystic Ovary syndrome in Wistar rats.Tehran university Medical Journal.vol:73,No:5,Page 324 ,333.2015 august) ( ISSN: 1683-1764) .(KHU 7475
- Nabiuni M,Hojati V,Ghorbani A,Karimzadeh L.The Effect of Curcumin on Liver of Stradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Wistar Rat. 106-118(1)29. Pajoheshhaye Janevari journal. (KHU 7476)
- Ghoreishi M, Nabiuni M, Shiravi A, Rostami M, Karimzadeh L. The Effects of the water nitrate on the histology and immunohistology of the liver development in NMRI Mice Fetus. 184-199(2)29 Pajoheshhaye Janevari journal. (KHU 7477)
- gharari Z, Khavarinejad R A, Shekaste band R, Najafi F, Nabiuni M. The Study of Some Morphological, Physiological and Molecular Parameters in the Chs Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. JMBS.2016;7(1):1-10.URL: KHU:5933
- Ramezani, T., Nabiun, I., J, Baharara., K, Pparivar., Namvar, F. (2016). Anti-cancerous effects of silver nanoparticles coated with curcmin on A2780 ovarian cancerous cells. Journal of Cell & Tissue, 7(3), 313-322. doi: 4324. (ISSN: 0040-8166)(IF:1.314). KHU: 7257.
- Alizadeh, P. H., Rajabi, H., Nabiuni, M., Motamedi, P., & Khaledi, N. The Effect of Aerobic Exercise And Melatonin Consumption on The Expression of Bax And Bcl-2 Markers In Rat Myocard After Ischemia-Reperfusion journal Of Isfahan Medical School (I.U.M.S). ISSN: 1735-854X. KHU9721.
- Ghambari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Jalali, H., Karimzadeh, L. (2017). Inhibition of lung cancer Calu-6 cell line proliferation using Cdc42 gene shRNA. Journal of Cell & Tissue, 8(3), 261-270. doi: jhhk. KHU:10522.
- Eslimi Esfahani D, Oryan S, Nabiuni M, Karimian Peiro M, Gharooni F. The effect of hepatic impairment on the aquaporin-4 in the paraventricular (PVN) and Supraoptic (SON) nuclei of rat hypothalamus. MEDICAL SCIENCES. 2017; 27 (4) :252-260. ISSN: 2383-2622. URL: KHU:8084.
- Oryan S, Nabiuni M,Eslimi Esfahani D.Effects of Cholestasis on Aquaporin 4 Choroid Plexus of Male Wistar Rat. Journal Of Animal Research. Volume 30, Issue 1, Spring 2017, Page 134-144. KHU:8652
- Nabiuni M, Kouchesfahanii H, Azari S, Delfan B. CytotoxicEffect of Curcumin on Proliferation of HT_29 Cell Line. yafte. 2017; 19 (2) :9-17.khu:12181
- Jokar M, Motamedi P, Nabiuni M, Rajabi H, Khaledi N. The effect of aerobic exercise with melatonin consumption on the expression of hsp60 and hsp70 markers in rat myocard after ischemic-reperfusion. Journal of Knowledge & Health 2017;12(1):73-80. DOI: 10.22100/jkh.v12i1.1657. KHU:12183
- Safaeinejad, Z., Nabiuni, M., Peymani, M., Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M. (2018). Investigating the effects of Resveratrol on proliferation and colony formation of dissociated human embryonic stem cells. Journal of Cell & Tissue, 8(4), 322-331. doi: 12323. Khu: 10523
- mohammadi mahdiabadi hasani, M., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Yari, S., Sahebi, A. (2018). Isolation, Culture and characterisation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (ADMSCs) by Explant-Enzymatic Methods. Journal of Cell & Tissue, 8(4), 303-313. doi: hgjk. KHU: 10526
- Mohammadi-Sardoo, M., Nematollahi-Mahani, S., Nabiuni, M., Mandegary, A., Eslaminejad, T., Amirheidari, B. (2018). The effects of mancozeb on the integrity of blood- testis barrier and expression of associated genes. Journal of Cell & Tissue, 9(1), 56-65.khu:10525.
- Haghir SHarif Zamini Y, Nabiuni M, Irian S, Karimzadeh L. The Effect of Honey Bee Venom on the Expression of Aquaporin 1 in Epithelial Cells of Choroid Plexus in Lateral Ventricles of Rat. yafte. 2019; 20 (4) :97-106. khu:12182
- Pahlavani HA, Rajabi H, Nabiuni M, Motamedi P, Khaledi N. The effect of anaerobic exercise with melatonin consumption on the expression of Bax and Bcl-2 markers in rat myocardium after ischemic-reperfusion. Majallah-i pizishki-i Danishgah-i Ulum-i Pizishki va Khadamat-i Bihdashti-i Darmani-i Tabriz. 2019 Aug 1;41(3):68-77.KHU: 13519
- Publications: Paper Abstracts & Congresses;
- National & International
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K. The effect of EMFs with low frequency on the spermatogenesis and blood serum protein of Balb/c mice. 1th Congress Anatomists 1993, Kerman, IRAN
- Nabiuni M., Zandeh M., Miyan J., Owen-Lynch P. Cerebrospinal fluidin the hydrocephalic brain arrests cortical development through direct effect on cortical progenitors. Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002; 12: S53-S62.
- Nabiyouni, M., Bannister, C. M., & Miyan, J. A. (2002). Analysis of CSF Protein Content of the H-Tx Rat During Fetal Development. European Journal Of Pediatric Surgery, 12, S57-S57.
- Zandeh M., Nabiuni M., Banister C., Owen-Lynch P., Miyan J. Influence of cerebrospinal fluid on the development of the cerebral cortex. Eur J Pediatr Surg 2002; 12: S53-S62
- Nabiuni M., Miyan J. Developmental role of CSF proteins; an investigation of pre and postal hydrocephalic CSF in comparison to normal. Society for developmental biology 65th annual meeting.
- Nabiuni M., Augustine S. A., Gharnit M., Paul L., Pattisapu J.V. Regulation of AQ1 protein in developing H-Tx rat brain. Neuroscience 2006.
- Augustine S. A., Nabiuni M., Gharnit M., Paul L., Pattisapu J.V. Comparison of the expression of AQ4 protein in the developing brain of Sprague-Dawley, hydrocephalus Texas and affected hydrocephalic rats. Neuroscience 2006.
- Pattisapu J.V., Nabiuni M., Augustine S. A., Gharnit M., Paul L. Dose the nasal lymphatic pathway exist in the affected hydrocephalic H-Tx rat? Neuroscience 2006.
- Nabiuni M., Miyan L., Behnam B. Application of proteomics for CSF contents in the developing H-Tx rat. First Congress of Proteomics, march 2007. Shahidbeheshti university of Tehran. Iran.
- Nabiuni M. Effect of honey bee venom on the induction of the differentiation on undifferentiated neural cells of rat’s embryo.bee venom congress Nov 2007, Karaj, Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Adham H. Study of therapeutic effect of bee venom on the PCOS. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.
- Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Toosi A. Developmental effects of metformin on the isolated ovarian preantral follicles in mice. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7414)
- Nabiuni M., Zeynali B., Sari A., Yazdankhah M., Naji M. Level of TGF-β1 in CSF of Children with Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocele. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7567)
- Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Rajabi S. Effect of honey bee venom on remyelination in Wistar rats experimentally demyelinated with etidium bromide. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7568)
- Kouchesfahani H., Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Ebrahimi S. The effect of honey bee venom and RA on induction of neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic carcinoma P19 cells. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7569)
- Parivar K., Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Hoveizi E. Differentation honey bee venom on cell proliferation PC12 cell line. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU5770)
- Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Nadali F., Jalali H. The effect of honey bee venom on proliferation and differentiation of HL-60 cell line with and without All- Trans Retinoic Acid. 15th National & 3th International Conference of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7571)
- Kouchesfahani H.,Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Rahimi M. Effect of honey bee venom and 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the induction of differentiation of HL-60.15th National & 3th International Conference Of Biology, 19-21 August 2008, University Of Tehran, Iran.(KHU7552)
- Nabiuni M., Naji M., Yazdankhah M., Nejat F., Zeynali B. Expression of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and TGF-b1 in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with non- communicating Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocele. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Vol.110, Supplement1, September 2008. S1-S41.(KHU7553)
- Rajabi S., Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., & Seyedi M. Effect of honey bee venom on MS Wistar rats induced by Etidium Bromide. 55th Conference of Medical and Para Medical Science Esfahan, Iran. 19-20 July 2008.
- Jalali H., Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Bastani R. The effect of honey bee venom on proliferation and differentiation of HL-60 cell line with and without All- Tran Retinoic Acid. 55th Conference of Medical and Para Medical Science Esfahan, Iran. 19-20 July 2008.
- Attar M., Soleimani M., Nabiuni M., Jamshidi F., Arefian E., Aghaie H., Karimi Z. Gene cloning miR-17 in PB-CAG-PuTK vector and translate to eukaryotic cell. Congress of Genetic, 2009, Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Majlesara M.H., Amini E. The biological effect of 5-ALA and Nd-YAG laser in LN-cap. 16TH Iranian conference on optics and photonics 2nd Iranian conference on photonics engineering March 26-28, 2010. Yazd University.
- Kouchesfahani H., Mohamadi M., Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Majlesara M.H. Photodynamic therapy and its role in B16F10 Death. 16TH Iranian conference on optics and photonics 2nd Iranian conference on photonics engineering March 26-28, 2010. Yazd University.
- Nabiuni M., Sheikholeslami A., Majlesara M.H. PDT as a new approach for the treatment of extra uterine pregnancy (EPU). The 1th Congress Fertility Preservation. Jan 13-14, 2010 Tehran, Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Sheikholeslami A., Majlesara M.H. PDT as a new approach in ablation of rat’s embryo. 16TH Iranian conference on optics and photonics 2nd Iranian conference on photonics engineering March 26-28, 2010. Yazd University.
- Shabrangi A., Sheidai M., Majd A., Nabiuoni M., Dorranian D. Environmental stress and adaptation to stress. Plant Biology Congress 2010, July 31-Aug 4, Montreal Canada.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Amini E. Effect of vitamin E succinate in treating LNCaP cells. The 9th Iranian Congress of Anatomical Science. May-2010 Hamedan-Iran.(khu7549)
- Nabiuni M., Rasouli J., Parivar K., Kouchesfahani H. The role of fetal rat cerebrospinal fluid on differentiation and proliferation of rat pheochoromocytoma cells. 9th Iran Biophysical Chemistry Conference, 24-25 Feb2010, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
- Mohseni M., Amiri P., Sayahpour F., Nabiuni M., Heshmat R., Hasani S., Roohipoor N. Study of VEGF gene polymorphism association with risk of diabetic foot ulcer. Cell journal, Royan. Vol.12, Supplement 1, winter 2011.
- Nazari Z., Nabiuni M., Delfan B., Angaji A., Haghir Sharif Zamini Y. In vitro comparative study of the cytotoxic effects of natural Curcumin and synthetic Curcumin analogue (h15) on epithelial cells of lateral ventricle choroid plexus has in Wistar rat. Iranian Congress on Apply Biology.2011, Mashhad. Iran.(KHU7434)
- Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Behnam B., Raisi Z. Expression of AQP1 in hydrocephalic litters of Wistar rats by fetal alcohol. Iranian Congress on Apply Biology.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Haghir Sharif Zamini Y., Nabiuni M., Nazari Z. Honey bee venom effects on pain relief on CSF caused by CSF pressure through the aquaporins expression. Iranian Congress on Apply Biology.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Amini E., Jalali H. Determination of cell death-induced by bee venom on hl-60 cancer cells. Iranian Congress on Apply Biology.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Nabiuni M. Basic Clinical applications of bee venom. Iranian Congress on Apply Biology.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Delaviz H., Bahrebar K., Gheibi P., Eslami N. The effect of vitreous humor on the Mesenchymal stem cell derived from bone marrow. Iranian Congress on Biology and Applications of Stem Cells.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Parivar k., Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Ramezani T. The effect of honey bee venom on differentioation K-562 cell line. Iranian Congress on Biology and Applications of Stem Cells.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Yari S., Parivar k., Nabiuni M., Keramatipoor M., Rajabi M. Survey effect of neural stem cell by CSF. Iranian Congress on Biology and Applications of Stem Cells.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Eslami N., Bahrebar K., Gheibi P. The effect of vitreous humor on the mesenchymal stem cell derived from amniotic fluid. Iranian Congress on Biology and Applications of Stem Cells.2011, Mashhad. Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Gheibi P., Bahrebar K., Eslami N. The effect of vitreous humor on the mesenchymal stem cell derived from adipo tissue. Iranian Congress on Biology and Applications of Stem Cells.2011, Mashhad. Iran
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Zeynali B., Karimzadeh L. Evaluation of therapeutic effect of honey bee venom on the testosterone Propionate-induced Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Wistar rat. 66th Annual meeting of Apicon 2011, 6-9 Jan, Ahmedabad. India.
- Zare Z., Divsalar A., Nabiuni M., Saboury A. A., Kefayaty M.E. Investigation of the side effects of new designed nanoemulsion system: human serum albumin as a target.10th Iran Biophysical Chemistry Conference,22-23 Feb2011, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran.
- Zare Z., Divsalar A., Nabiuni M., Saboury A. A., Kefayaty M.E, Aghaalizade. Spectroscopic studied of the intraction between new designed nanoemulsion and human serum albumin. FAOBMB conference 2011, Singapore.
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Divsalar A., Mansouri-Torshizi H., Safaynejad Z. Cytotoxic effect of honey bee venom and novel palladium complex against human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (molt-4). FAOBMB conference 2011, Singapore.
- Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Behnam B., Raisi Z. Brain abnormal development following ethanol exposure during fetal period. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.
- Hoveizi E., Nabiuni M., Khodadadi S., Ebrahimi S. Synergism effect NGF and honey bee venom on neurons differentiation PC12 cells. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.(khu7544)
- Nabiuni M., Ebrahimi S., Alavi M., Rabiei A., Behbodi H., Hoveizi E. Effect of 1, 3- bis (2-cyanophenyl) triazine on cell proliferation of PC12 and B16F10 cell lines. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Mirsepasi S. Effect of honey bee venom and L-ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) on the induction of the differentiation of HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cell line. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.(khu7545)
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Majlesara M.H., Amini E. Differentiation and photodynamic therapy in treating prostate cancer cells. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.(khu7546)
- Parivar K., Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Ramezani T., Safaee Nejad Z., Naseri S. The inhibitory effect of honey bee venom on proliferation of K562 promyelocytic cell line. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.(khu7547)
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Zeynali B., Karimzadeh L. Investigate of therapeutic effect of honey bee venom on the testosterone Enanthate-induced Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Wistar rat. 16th national and 4th international conference of biology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. 14-16 Sep 2010.(khu7548)
- Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Mirsepasi S. Anti proliferative effect of honey bee venom on human leukemia (HL-60) cell line. The 11th Iranian congress of toxicology. 13-15 Sep.2011, Mashhad, Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Delfan B., Angaji A., Nazari A. In-Vitro comparative study of the cytotoxic effects of natural curcumin and synthetic curcumin analogue (h6) on epithelial cells of lateral ventricle choroid plexuses in Wistar rat. The 11th Iranian congress of toxicology. 13-15 Sep.2011, Mashhad, Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Naseri S. Cytotoxic effect oF honey bee venom on human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MA-468). The 11th Iranian congress of toxicology. 13-15 Sep.2011, Mashhad, Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Divsalar A., Safainejad Z. Cytotoxic effect oF honey bee venom on human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (MOLT-4). The 11th Iranian congress of toxicology. 13-15 Sep.2011, Mashhad, Iran.
- Bahrebar K., Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Delaviz H., Gheibi P., Eslami N. The effect of vitreous humor on the Mesenchymal stem cell derived from bone marrow. Cell journal (yakhteh), vol. 13, supplement 3, summer 2011. 7th congress on stem cell biology& technology. Royan international twin congress. September 7-9, 2011, Tehran, Iran.
- Eslami N., Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Gheibi P., Bahrebar K. Amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells and curing eye disease. Cell journal (yakhteh), vol. 13, supplement 3, summer 2011. 7th congress on stem cell biology& technology. Royan international twin congress. September 7-9, 2011, Tehran, Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Kochesfehani H., Rasouli J. The effect of fetal rat cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on neural differentiation of rat Pheochoromocytoma cell line (PC12). National congress of biology student 2009, Shahrekord University.
- Nabiuni M., Kochesfehani H., Parivar K Rasouli J. Prenatal cerebrospinal fluid modulate differentiation and proliferation of PC12. 54th Annual meeting of the society for research into hydrocephalus and spina bifida. Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 July 2010.
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Divsalar A., Safaee Nejad Z., Ramezani T. The inhibitory effect of honey bee venom on proliferation of MOLT-4 cell line. 70th Conference of Medical and Para Medical Science Esfahan, Iran. 28-30 Oct 2010.
- Karimi Z., Soleimani M., Nabiuni M., Jamshidi F., Arefian E., Aghaie H., Attar M. Gene cloning miR-302a in transposon vector and translate to HEK 293. 11th Iran genetic congress.1-3 may 2008.
- Karimi Z., Soleimani M., Nabiuni M., Jamshidi F., Arefian E., Aghaie H., Attar M. Micro RNAs and stem cells. 11th Iran genetic congress.1-3 may 2008.
- Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband K., Najafi F., Nabiuni M., Gharari Z. The effect of cold stress on protein content and pro activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. The first national conference on economic jihad in the field of agriculture and natural resources.1390. Conference proceeding.
- Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband K., Najafi F., Nabiuni M., Gharari Z. The effect of cold stress on pox activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. The first national conference on economic jihad in the field of agriculture and natural resources.1390. Conference proceeding.
- Nabiuni M., Delfan B., Angaji A., Nazari Z. The effect of Curcumin on expression of the aqp4 in chroidal epithelial cells of lateral ventricle in Wistar rat. Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Delaviz H., Bahrebar K., Gheibi P., Eslami N. The effect of vitreous humor on the Mesenchymal stem cell derived from bone marrow. Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Nabiuni M., Kouchesfahani H., Mirsepasi S. Synergetic effect of vitamin C and bee venom on inhibition of proliferation HL-60 cell line. Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Nabiuni M., Divsalar A., Mansouri-Torshizi H., Safaynejad Z. Effect of novel palladium complex on viability of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (MOLT-4). Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Naseri S. Anti proliferation effect of bee venom on human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MA-468). Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Gheibi P., Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Eslami N., and Bahrebar K. the use of stem cells derived from adipocyte tissue in production of eye lens. Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN.
- Nabiuni M., Haghir Sharif Y., Irian S. Biological effects of bee venom on the expression of the AQPs in epithelial cells of choroid plexus. Hydrocephalus 2011, Copenhagen Sep 4-7.
- Nabiuni M., Raisi Z., Kouchesfahani H., Behnam B. Expression of in AQP1 AQP4 in hydrocephalic Wistar rats induced by fetal alcohol. Hydrocephalus 2011, Copenhagen Sep 4-7.(KHU7446)
- Nabiuni M., Nazari Z., Angaji A., Delfan B. Curcumin has bright prospects for the treatment of hydrocephalus by decreasing of the aqp1 level in rat choroid plexus (in-vitro model). Hydrocephalus 2011, Copenhagen Sep 4-7.
- Nabiuni M., Kakaei Tehrani M., Karimzadeh L. The effect of bee venom on in vitro maturation of isolated preantral follicles in NMRI mice. 3 International and 18 National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine.(khu7576)
- Alizadehnohi MZ. Nabiuni M., Nazari Z. The lethal effect of Honey Bee Venom on Human Ovarian Cancer Cisplatin Resistance Cell Line A2780 cp. Notification of acceptance of the ICEBB2012 (round 2). August 4-5, 2012, Dubai, UAE.
- Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Zeynali B., Sheikholeslami A., Karimzadeh L. Anti-inflammatory effect of Honey Bee Venom on Wistar rats induced PCOS by EV.17th world congress of the international society on Toxinology & venom week 2012, 4th international scientific symposium on all things venomous. Volume 60, issue 1,pp1-94.toxicon 60 (2012) 95-248.july 2012.
- Nabiuni M., Nasri S., Poyanmanesh F., Karimzadeh L., Nazari Z. Honey Bee Venom modulates hyperglycemia in response to hyperandrogenism In PCOS induced Wistar rats. International conference on applied life science (ICAL2012) Turky, September 10-12, 2012.
- Farhadi Nasser, Oryan Shahrbanoo, Nabiuni Mohammad. Association between melatonin and cytokines in MS. 9th international congress MS Iran.
- Nabiuni M., Amirpoor Asl Miandoab S., Rofooee M.K., Mahdavi M. analysis of 1-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-3-(2-ethoxyphnyl) triaz-1-ene effects on 4t1 cell line induced breast cancer in adult Balb/c mice. Congress on breast diseases, Tehran 15-17 Azar 1391. 2012
- Nabiuni M., Z., Rofooee M.K., Mahdavi M. analysis of 1, 3bis (2-ethoxyphnyl) triazene effects on 4T1 cell line induced breast cancer in adult Balb/c mice. Congress on breast diseases, Tehran 15-17 Azar 1391. 2012
- Ganji R., Bahadori M., Nabiuni M. Effect of melatonin on mouse follicular development and oocyte maturation in vitro. 3rd International and 18th National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine.(KHU7578)
- Nabiuni M., Ganji R., Bahadori M.H. Stem cell factor increases blastocyst formation in mouse two-cell embryo culture. Abstracts of the 13th Royan international congress on reproductive biomedicine.2012.(khu7560)
- Ganji R., Nabiuni M., Oryan Abkar Z. In-vitro fertilization of pre antral follicles. 10th Iranian anatomical sciences congress Guilan university of medical sciences Rasht-Iran 9-11 may 2012.
- Ganji R., Nabiuni M., Bahadori M.H. Stem cell factor increases in-vitro maturation of mice pre antral follicles. 10th Iranian anatomical sciences congress Guilan university of medical sciences Rasht-Iran 9-11 may 2012.
- Gharari Z., Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband K., Najafi F., Nabiuni M. Increase of expression of mutant 50 KD protein in Arabidopsis thaliana L. cold treatment. National conference in modern biological sciences and technologyies.24th January 2013.
- Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa M. Kouchesfahani, Sakineh Azari, Bahram Delfan. In vitro survey of the effect of curcumin on AQP5 expression in colorectal cancer cells. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Mohammad Nabiuni, Mahnaz Azarnia, Rahmatollah Mosavi, Tayebeh Ramezani. Evaluation of wound-healing potential of myrtus communis leaf extract in Wistar rats. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Tahereh Mehrvarz, Parichehr Yaghmaii, Mohammad Nabiuni, Mehdi Mahdavi. Study on therapeutic effect of HBV on experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Lewis rat model. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Azimi Elham, Mohammad Nabiuni, Abdolhasan Shiravi, Zahra Nazari. In vitro survey of differentiation effects of HBV on stem cell derived from umbilical cord in NMRI mice. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa M. Kouchesfahani, Sakineh Azari, Bahram Delfan, Sedigheh Gholami, Azam Yarahmadi. Cytotoxic effect of curcumin on proliferation of colorectal cancer cells (HT-29). The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Sedigheh Gholami, Mohammad Nabiuni, Azam Yarahmadi, Sakineh Azari. Curcumin down regulates the expression of AQP5 in colon cancer cell line (hct116). The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Razmi M., Divsalar A., Izadi Z., Saboury A.A, Nabiuni M., Mansouri Torshizi. The effect of b-casein nanoparticles on bioavailability of platinum complex as an anticancer drug. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Izadi Z., Divsalar A., Razmi M., Saboury A.A, Nabiuni M., Mansouri Torshizi. Designe of BLG-pectin nanoparticles as an anticancer drug and investigate of their effect on cancer cell line. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Tayebeh Ramezan, Kazem Parivar, Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa M. Koochesfahani, Elham Amini. Bee venom induces apoptosis in k562 cells through caspases activation. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Majid Rajabi, Mohammad Nabiuni, Siamak Yari. Effects of curcumin on aquaporins of choroid plexus in vivo. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Havasi Parvaneh, Mohammad Nabiuni, Masood Soleimani, Kazem Parivar. Mesenchymal stem cells as appropriate feeder layer for prolonged in vitro culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran
- Havasi P., Nabiuni M., Soleimani M., Morovati H. PCL scaffold as a mimic extra cellular matrix for differentiation of hiPS cell into neural cells in-vitro. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference 2012 Kerman.(khu7583)
- Jalali Hanieh, Kazem Parivar, Masood Soleimani, Mohammad Nabiuni, Hamid Aghaii Bakhtiari, Fatemeh Jamshidi Aadegani. Unrestricted somatic stem cells as vehicle for nerve growth factor gene transfer. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran
- Elham Hoveizi, Mohammad Nabiuni, Masood Soleimani, Kazem Parivar, Jafar Ai. Effect of small molecule IDE1 in induced definitive endoderm by using Nano o scaffold. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Nostari F. the investigation of NMRI Mice umbilical cord derived MSC manner on Caspian sea bivalve( cerastoderma lamarcki) shell scaffold. International congress on natural products 11, 12 Sep, 2013, Mashhad.
- Nabiuni M., Nazari Z., Alizadehnohi M. applications of curcumin on AQPs related to the CSF disorders and cancer. International congress on natural products 11, 12 Sep, 2013, Mashhad.
- Amini E., Baharara J., Nabiuni M. evaluation of Cytotoxic effect of sea cucumber methanol extract on B16F10 melanoma cancer cells. International congress on natural products 11, 12 Sep, 2013, Mashhad.
- Gharari Z., Khavarinejad R.A., Shekasteband R., Najafi F., Nabiuni M. the role of Cu-Zn SOD in the protection of chs mutants of Arabidopsis plants against chilling stress. 1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference 22-24 may 2013.(KHU7579)
- Kouchesfahani H., Nabiuni M., Nostari F. The study of rice ethanol extraction on NMRI Mice umbilical cord derived MSC manner on Caspian sea bivalve( cerastoderma lamarcki) shell scaffold. Bioscience, 3, 4 mehr1392, ESFAHAN.
- Ghafoornian H., Azarnia M., Nabiuni M., Karimzadeh L. The effect of hydro alcoholic extraction of green tea on PCOS rats. Bioscience, 3, 4 mehr1392, Esfahan.
- Farhadi N, Oryan Sh., Nabiuni M., Rahbi E. Surgical stress and melatonin – cytokines relationships.has contributed in the 21 st INT.Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology (Phypha21) held on 23-27, August 2013 in Tabriz.
- Hoveizi E., Ai J., Nabiuni M., Massumi M. The comparison of IDEI and ACTIVIN A in derivation of definitive endoderm from eye-derived induced pluripotent Stem Cell.Cellular programs and reprogramming .October 24-28,2011.Dushu lake Conference Center. Suzhou, China.
- Noorinejad R., Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Falahati Z., Khalili F. Teratogenic effects of Imidacloprid and Precocene1 on embryonic period in Wistar rats.12 the Iranian congress of Toxicology. ordibehsht 25-27.1392.Mazandaran.
- Noorinejad R., Nabiuni M. ,Parivar K. ,Falahati Z. ,Khalili F. Teratogenic effects of Imidacloprid and Precocene1 on Reproductive Ability in Female Wistar Rats.14th Royan international Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine.summer 2013.(khu7593)
- Razmi M., Divsalar A., Izadi Z., Sabouri A., Nabiuni M., Mansouri-Torshizi H. The effect of b-casein nanoparticles on bioavailabity of platinum complex as an anticancer drug. The 17th national & 5th international Iranian biology conference. 2012, Kerman, Iran.
- Moghadam P., Nabiuni M., Airian S., Yari S., Shokoohi R. Inductive effects of Wistar rat CSF on neural differentiation and proliferation umbilical MSC derived from Wharton’s jelly. Second neuroscience congress 2013. Dec 18-20. Tehran.
- Shokoohi R, Nabiuni M., Airian S., Yari S., Moghadam P. The effect of Wistar rat CSF on neural differentiation of stromal MSC derived from bone marrow. Second neuroscience congress 2013. Dec 18-20. Tehran.
- Mohammadi MH., Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Yari S., Sahebi A. effect of embryonic CSF on neural differentiation of male Wistar adipose tissue-derived stem cells. Second neuroscience congress 2013. Dec 18-20. Tehran.
- Manijeh Karimian Peiro, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni, Delaram Eslimi Esfahani, Fatemeh Gharooni, Talieh Sadat Hosseini Nia. The role of cholestasis in damage of thalamus and hippocampus tissue in male wistar rat. 21th international Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology 23-27 august 2013, Tabriz university of medical sciences.
- Mohseni kouchesfehani, H. Nabiuni, M. Naseri, S. Anti proliferation effect of honey bee venom on human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231). Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2011, Hamedan, IRAN. (KHU7495)
- Fekri, M. Divsalar, A. Eslami-Moghadam, M. Sheikhmohammady, M. Nabiuni, M. Cytotoxicity evaluation of new synthesized Pd(FIP)2 complex against k562.1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference 22-24 may 2013.(khu7616)
- Sheikhmohammady, M. Divsalar, A. Eslami-Moghadam, M. Nabiuni, M. Fekri, M. Comparative cytotoxic studies of new synthesized Pd and Ni complexes against K562 cell lime.1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference 22-24 may 2013.(khu7617)
- Talieh Sadat Hosseini Nia, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni, Delaram Eslimi Esfahani, Manijeh Karimian Peiro, Fatemeh Gharooni. Effect of cholestasis in brain cortical thickness in male wistar rat. 21th international Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology 23-27 august 2013, Tabriz university of medical sciences.
- Fatemeh Gharooni, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni, Delaram Eslimi Esfahani, Talieh Sadat Hosseini Nia, Manijeh Karimian Peiro. Effect of cholestasis onhypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in male wistar rat. 21th international Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology 23-27 august 2013, Tabriz university of medical sciences.
- Mehdi najafi kakavand, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni. Investigation of the impact of 2 different doses of erythropoietin on learning and memory at Alzheimer’s induction by with by streptozotocin at rats the male race Wistar. 21th international Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology 23-27 august 2013, Tabriz university of medical sciences.
- Mehdi najafi kakavand, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nabiuni, Masood Bagherpoor. The effect of erythropoietin on learning and memory of male Wistar rats in Alzheimer’s induced by streptozotocin. 21th international Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology 23-27 august 2013, Tabriz university of medical sciences.
- Amirpour ,S. Nabiuni,M . Rofouei, MK. Mahdavi, M. Analysis of 1-(3.5- Dichlorophenyl)-3-(2-exthoxyphenyl) triaz -1-ene effects on 4T1 cell line and Bax gene expression in induced breast cancer. 12 the Iranian congress of Toxicology. ordibehsht 25-27.1392.Mazandaran.(khu7550)
- Nabiuni, M. Nasri, S. Pouyanmansh, F. Nazari, Z. Effect of Honey bee venom on changes anti Mullerian hormone levels of polycystic ovary syndrome in wistar rat model.19th national congress on Infertility and reproduction, 22,24 may 2013.Tehran.(khu7561)
- 178)Nabiuni, M. Azimi,E . Shiravi, AH. Study of bee venom differential effects on stem cells derived from umbilical cord in to osteoblast. 213 International Congress on, Chemical, Biological and Enveronmental Sciences (ICCBES2013) Taiwan. January 8-10, 2013.(khu7562)
179) Nabiuni,M . Nasri,S. Poyanmanesh, F. Effect of Honey bee venom on changes anti Mullerian hormone levels of polycystic ovary syndrome in Wistar rat model. 2013 International Congress on Social Sciences and Business. 8 - 10 January, 2013
180) Nabiuni, M. Nasri, S. Pooyanmanesh, F. Kakai, M. Karimzadeh, L. The effect of honey bee venom on modulation of polycystic ovarian syndrome induced oxidative stress in wistar rat model. 3 International and 18 National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine.18,20 April 2012,Tabriz.(KHU 7577) - Khoshnoud ,S. Mohseni kouchesfehani, H., and Nabiuni M. Effect of hydroalcholic raspberry extract on changes induced by methotrexate in the vistar rats renal tissue. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University. (khu 7481)
- Rezaeigazik, M . Nabiuni,M . Jalali,H . Alizadeh, MZ. Investigation of antiprolifrative effect of morphine on human ovarian cancer cells. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University. (khu 7493)
- Rostami, M and, Nabiuni, M. Changes of induction and inhibition of nitric oxide in the mouse placenta. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University .(khu 7482)
- Roudi Rasht Abadi, A. Nabiuni, M . Serahatjoo,L. Sadeghi,H. Karimzadeh,L. The cytotoxicity effects of Methanol extracts of Euphorbia Iranshahri on human ovarian cancer cells(A2780cp). 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University .(khu 7494)
- Zeinaddini, Sh. Nabiuni, M. Jalali, H. Investigation of anti-cancer effects of viola odorata extract on human breast cancer cells. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7495)
- Serahatjoo ,L . Nabiuni, M. Karimzadeh, L. The protective effects of salicin on reproductive parameters male NMRI mice. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu 7483)
- Parvardeh, S. Mohseni kouchesfehani, H. Nabiuni M. The protective effect of Grean tea extract in Gentamicin treated rat kidney. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu 7496)
- Khoshnood, S. Mohseni kouchesfehani, H. Nabiuni M. Effect of hydroalcohlic raspberry extract on the serum levels of Urea , Uric acid and Creatinine in rats treated by methotrexate. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu 7486)
- Zarei, F. Nabiuni, M. Jalali, H. Alizadeh, MZ. Investigation of Sea buckthorn extract effect on human ovarian cancer cells (A2780cp) . 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7497)
- Ghafurniyan, H. Azarnia, M. Nabiuni, M. Karimzadeh, L. The effect of Green tea extract on Histomorphology of Ovarian in Modle of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu 7487)
- Serahatjoo, L. Nabiuni, M. Mazandarani, S. Effect of radachlorine and Laser on MOLT4 cell line as a method of photodynamic therapy. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7498)
- Kayedpoor , p. Nabiuni, M. Mohammadi, S. Karimzadeh, L. Effect of Silymarin on TNFalpha level in polycystic ovarian syndrome induced by estradiol valerate. 22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 94 Kashan , IRAN.(Khu7551)
- Sahebi Shahem Abadi, A. Sahebi, A. Nabiuni, M. Parivar, K. Yari, S. Pandamouz, S. Mohammadi, MH. The evaluation of Beta III-tubulin expression in epidermal neural crest stem cells under treatment of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid. 3rd neur science congress, Tehran, 29,31 october 2014.(khu7558)
- Heydari, Z, Nabiuni, M., Mohseni kuchesfahani, H. Yari, S. and Hossein zadeh, H. The effect of Wistar rat fetal cerebrospinal fluid on neural differentiation of amniotic fluid-derived stem cells. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7499)
- Hosseinzadeh, H., Nabiuni, M., Mohseni kuchesfahani, H., Yari, S. and Heydari, Z. The Effect of Fetal-Cerebrospinal Fluid of Wistar Rat on Neural Differentiation of Stem Cells Derived from Human Menstrual Blood. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University .(khu7500)
- Amiri, F., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K. and Yari, S. The Inductive effects of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid on neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonic cancer cells. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Rostami, M and, Nabiuni, M. Changes of induction and inhibition of nitric oxide on folliculogenesis. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Ghoreishi, M., Nabiuini, M., Shiravi, A. and Rostami, M. The effect of the water nitrate toxicity on the morphology and histology of the liver in NMRI Mice Fetus. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Koshnoud, S. , Mohseni kouchesfehani, H. and Nabiuni M. Effect of hydroalcoholic raspberry extract on Changes induced by methotrexate in the vistar rats renal tissue. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Koshnoud, S., Mohseni kouchesfehani, H., and Nabiuni M. Effect of hydroalcoholic raspberry extract on the serum levels of urea, Uric acid and creatinine in rats treated by methotrexate. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Tadayon, Z., Nabiuni, M., Karimzadeh, L. Effects of curcumin on varicocele- induced rats. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7501)
- Tadayon, Z., Nabiuni, M., Karimzadeh, L. The Study of Anti-Permeability Effect Of Honey Bee Venom on Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7502)
- Panahandeh, S., Azarnia, M., Nabiuni, M. and Dostikhah, S. Synergistic effects of rosberry and ziziphora extract on polycystic syndrome induced in rats. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(7504)
- Mohammadi, M.H. , Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Yari, S. and Sahebi, A. A new method for isolation and culturing of adipose tissue-derived stem cell. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Sahebi, A., Nabiuni, M., Parivar, K., Yari, S., Pandamouz, S. and Mohammadi, M.H. The effect of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid on differentiation of epidermal neural crest stem cells (EPI-NCSCs) derived from hair follicles. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Ayyobi pour M., Ramazani TF., Nabiuni M., Hassanpor A. and Mehranifar, M. Study the effects of alcoholic extract of Curcuma Longa on angiogenesis in chick chorioallantoic membrane(CAM). 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7503)
- Kayedpoor, P., Nabiuni, M., Panahandeh, R. and Mohammadi, Sh. The combined effects of silymarin and raspberries extract on polycystic ovary syndrome. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(7505)
- Mohammadi, Sh., Nabiuni, M., Doostikhah, S. Kayedpoor, P. and Mohammadi, M. Synergistic effects of curcumin and Ziziphora tenuior extract on rat ovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7506)
- Tayanloo, A., Zare. S., Nabiuni, M., Karimzadeh, L. and Hoseini, S. Effect of nettle extract on factors in rats induced polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(KHU7444)
- Karimian Peiro, M., Oryan, SH., Nabiuni, M., Eslimi Esfahani, D., Gharooni, F. and Tabatabaei Nejad, Z.S. The effect of cholestasis on supra optic nucleus (SON) morphological changes in male wistar rat. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University(khu7507).
- Shiassi Arani, F.1, Nabiuni, M., and Ghafoori, M. Antimutagenic and cytotoxic effects of bee venom and cisplatin on mouse mammary carcinoma 4T1 cell-line. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7508)
- Fathalizadeh, N., Mirjalili,A., Tahmaseb,M., Nabiuni,M., Khoshnood,S. and Safavieh,S. Examination of the possibility of cross-contamination of SP2/0 cell line with HeLa cells in cell bank of Razi institute using STR profiling. 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.(khu7509)
- Amini, E. Nabiuni, M., Baharara, J., Parivar, K. and Asili, J. Antioxidant effect of saponin extracted from Persian Gulf brittle star(Ophiocoma erinaceus) . 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Iran, 26-29 August 2014. - Kharazmi University.
- Eslimi, D. Orian, S. Nabiuni, M. Cholestasis and aquaporin 4 expression in astrocytes. 22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 94 Kashan , IRAN.(khu7552)
- Mohammadi, MH. Nabiuni, M. Parivar, K. Yari, S. Sahebi, A. Study of Beta III-tubulin expression in adipose tissue derived stem cells whit treatment of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid. 22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 94 Kashan , IRAN.(khu7553)
- Mohammdi, S. Nabiuni, M. Kayedpour, P. Karimzadeh, L. Effect of curcumin on the expression of tissue factor TNF-alpha in the Wistar rats with polycystic ovary syndrome. 22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, 94 Kashan , IRAN.(khu7555)
- safai nejad 94
- ghobadian 94
- Modeling Traumatic Injury in Organotypic Spinal Cord Slice Culture Obtained from Adult Rat. The 8th International Association of Neurorestoratology and 12th GCNN Congress. 27th29-th April 2015, Tehran, Iran.(khu7467)
- Mohaddeseh mohammadi- sardo, Mohammad Nabiuni, Ali Mandegary ,S. N. Nematollahi-Mahani Bagher Amirheidari. Effect of mancozeb fungicide on sperm count and motility in NMRI mice. 19th national and 7th internashnal congeress of biology 30 agu-1 sep 2016 Uni. Tabriz Iran.
- Fatemeh salimian, Zabi Mir Hassani, Mohammad Nabiuni. The effect of melittin on migration of MDA.MB.231 breast cancer cell line as a metastatic cell line. 19th national and 7th internashnal congeress of biology 30 agu-1 sep 2016 Uni. Tabriz Iran.
- Shahrzad Mirbaha, Mohammad Nabiuni, Firooz Ghaderi Pakdel, Fatemeh Abareshi. Oxidative effect of UVA and antioxidative effect of Royal jelly on human dermal fibroblasts. 19th national and 7th internashnal congeress of biology 30 agu-1 sep 2016 Uni. Tabriz Iran.
- Abarashi F., Nabiuni M., Parivar K., Mirbaha Sh. potential of royal jelly as a food supplement on proliferation and senesence in HDF S. 19th national and 7th internashnal congeress of biology 30 agu-1 sep 2016 Uni. Tabriz Iran.
- Zohreh Ghambari, Mohammad Nabiuni, Hanieh Jalali, Latifeh Karimzadeh. Investigation of Cdc42 gene-specific shRNA inhibition effect in Calu-6 cell line:an RNAi technology. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China
- Mohammad Nabiuni1, Saeed Irian, Mohammad Tahmaseb, Maryam Nemati.Embryonic rat-CSF Instructs the Menstrual Blood Derived-Stem Cells to Neural fate in a 3-D Culture System. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China
- Mohammad Nabiuni1, Hanieh Jalali2, Raziyeh Keshavarzi1 Human amniotic membrane as natural 3-D scaffold for stem cells neural differentiation. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China.
- Fateme Abareshi, Mohammad Nabiuni,* and Kazem Parivar1 .Induction of premature aging by UV-A irradiation and the anti-photoaging effect of royal jelly on human dermal fibroblasts. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China
- Mohammad Nabiuni1 ,Hanieh Jalali2 , FereshtehDorrazehi1 Bone Marrow Mesenchymal stem cells culturing on Amniotic Membrane Based Scaffold to investigate the developmental effects of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China
- Mohammad Nabiuni , Shahrzad Mirbaha , Firooz Ghaderi Pakdel.Anti-oxidative effects of royal jelly on UVA- exposed human dermal fibroblasts. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China
- Mohammad Nabiuni, Fatemeh salimian, Zabi Mir Hassani.The natural compound melittin inhibits migration of MDA.MB.231 cell line, human breast cancer. The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology ICBEB2016. August 1st to 4th, Hangzhou China.
- Nazari Z., Nabiuni M., Ghaffari S., Saeidi M., Shahriyari A., Golalipour M. Gestational Diabetes Affects Kcnj11 Gene Expression in Pancreatic Islets of Rat Offspring. 17th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 11th Seminar on Nursing and Midwifery. 31 August-2 September 2016. (khu7581)
- Mohammadi Sardo M., Nabiuni M.M Mandegari A., Nematollahi Mahani N., Amirheidari B. Sub-Chronic Mancozeb- Induced Oxidative Changes in The Testes of Mice. 17th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 11th Seminar on Nursing and Midwifery.31 August-2 September 2016.
- Mohammadi Sardo M., Nabiuni M.M Mandegari A., Nematollahi Mahani N., Amirheidari B. Subchronic administration of Mancozeb induce testicular damage in adult male NMRI mice. The 12 th Iranian congress on anatomical sciences. Shahib Beheshti Uni. Iran. May 4-6 2016. (khu7465)
- Parnian Jamshidi, Zahra Pishkahi, Mohammad Nabiuni. The Study of Regeneration in Posterior Part of Aporrectodea Caliginosa. The 12 th Iranian congress on anatomical sciences. Shahib Beheshti Uni. Iran. May 4-6 2016.(khu 7466)
- Sheikholeslami A., Arefian E., Nabiuni M. miR-590 down regulates the genes of signaling pathways similar in inflammation and cancer in breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7. International Conference on Medicine, Public Health and Biological Sciences (MPHBS)2016. 18 SEP. 2016.Tehran.
- Sheikholeslami A., Arefian E., Nabiuni M . miR-590 upregulates the NF-kB expression in breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231" in the 11th International Breast Cancer Congress (IBCC), 11th International Breast Cancer Congress (IBCC). February 24-26, 2016, Tehran, Iran.
- Sareh Pandamooz , Mohammad Saied Salehi, Mohammad Nabiuni, Leila Dargahi. Valproic Acid preserves Motoneurons following contusion in organotypic spinal cord slice culture. European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students (ENCODS 2016MY BRAIN). June 29th – July 1st 2016 Helsingør, Denmark.(khu7468)
- 181) Mohammadi-Sardoo, M. Nabiuni, M. Mandegari, A. Nematollahi Mahani, N. Amirheidari, B. sub-chronic Mancozeb induced oxidative changes in the Testes of Mice. 17th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 11th Seminar on Nursing and Midwifery. 31 August-2 September2016. (khu7582)
- Books Published
- کتاب تکامل زیستی (تغییر و تحول موجودات زنده)( تالیف). کاظم پریور- محمد نبیونی. انتشارات مبتکران / چاپ اول 2011
- کتاب بیوتکنولوژی مولکولی (ترجمه). محمد نبیونی- احمدرضا کاتوزیان- الهه امینی- حسن میرمنصف. انتشارات دانشگاه آزاد مشهد / چاپ اول 2012
- کتاب چگونه مسایل ژنتیک را حل کنیم (ترجمه). محمد نبیونی- ذبیح اله میرحسنی. انتشارات نهر/ چاپ اول 2013
- کتاب تکامل زیستی (تغییر و تحول موجودات زنده)( تالیف). کاظم پریور- محمد نبیونی. انتشارات مبتکران / چاپ دوم 2014
- کاربرد بیولوژیک ترکیبات طبیعی بر سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک .( تالیف). محمد نبیونی، لطیفه کریم زاده باردیی، اکرم تایانلو، حبیبه غفورنیان. 280 صفحه انتشارات نهر 1396.
- ابزارها و روش ها در زیست شناسی سلولی . (ترجمه). محمد نبیونی- زهره قمبری- لطیفه کریم زاده باردیی. 358 صفحه انتشارات نهر 96
Research project - تعیین دوز آپوپتوتیک زهر زنبورعسل بر سلول های پرومیلیوسیتی HL-60 (دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد مشهد) شروع 89- اتمام 90
- بررسی اثر کورکومین بر بیان AQP در سلول های اپیتلیال شبکه کوروئید در محیط کشت (مرکز تحقیقات گیاهان دارویی رازی وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی لرستان) شروع 89- اتمام 90.
- بررسی اثر زهر زنبور عسل بر قدرت تمایزی D الفا تکوفرول سوکسینات در سلول های HL-60 (مرکز تحقیقات گیاهان دارویی رازی وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی لرستان) شروع 90- اتمام 91.
- بررسی اثر کورکومین بر بیان AQP5 در سلول های HCT116 (مرکز تحقیقات گیاهان دارویی رازی وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی لرستان) شروع 90- اتمام 91.
- بررسی اثرات زهر زنبور عسل بر کاهش علایم سندرم تحریک بیش از حد تخمدان با تاثیر بر بیان انزیم سیکلواکسیژناز 2 و اینترلوکین 6 در مدل موشی نژاد Balb-C(صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران و فناوران کشور) شروع سال 92 - در حال انجام.
- بررسی ویژگی های انتی باکتریال درون تنی و برون تنی عسل Apis florea بر باکتری هلیکوباکترپیلوری در ایران(صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران و فناوران کشور).
- Supervised and Advised MSc And PhD Students Since 2007
MSc Supervised thesis: - Mohammad Naji (MSc)
- Ali Toosi (MSc)
- Meysam Yazdankhah (MSc)
- Azar Sheykholeslami (MSc)
- Javad Rasuoli (MSc)
- Latifeh Karimzadeh (MSc)
- Yasamin Haghir Sharif (MSc)
- Tayebeh Ramezani (MSc)
- Zahra Safaeinejad (MSc)
- Zahra Nazari (MSc)
- Zahra Raeisi (MSc)
- Mohammad Ayoubi pour (MSc)
- Azam Yarahmadi (MSc)
- Sakineh Azari (MSc)
- sedigheh Gholami (MSc)
- Khadijeh Falahzadeh (MSc)
- Roya Ganji (MSc)
- Rohollah Norinejad (MSc)
- Reihaneh Ramezani (MSc)
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- Parisa Moghadam (MSc)
- Alireza Sahebi (MSc)
- Zahra Heidari (MSc)
- Leila Serahatjoo(MSc)
- Zeinab Tolohoseini (MSc)
- Serveh Hosseini (MSc)
- Shima Mohammad (MSc)
- Parvin Kayedpour (MSc)
- Solmaz Doosti khah (MSc)
- Rezvan Panahandeh far (MSc)
- Mina Salamatmanesh( MSc)
- Masood Bagherpoor (MSc)
- Shirin Zeinodini (MSc)
- Farzaneh Rostami (MSc)
- Maryam Rezaei (MSc)
- Fatemeh Zarei (MSc)
- Parastoo Veiseh (MSc)
- Zohreh Ghambari (MSc)
- Laleh Salehian (MSc)
- Mona Motaharinia (MSc)
- Fatemeh Donyadideh (MSc)
- Roya Rahmani (MSc)
- Nasrin Zare (MSc)
- Fereshteh Dorazehi(MSc)
- Fatemeh Salimian (MSc)
- Azar Chavoshian (MSc)
- Shahrzad Mirbaha (MSc)
- Raziyeh Keshavarzi (MSc)
- Maryam Nemati (MSc)
- Maryam Ghoreishi (MSc)
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- Mohamadreza Afza(MSc)
- Elham Lak Mazaheri(MSc)
- Ghazal Ghajari(MSc)
- Maryam Hasanpoor(MSc)
PhD Supervised thesis - Siamak Yari (PhD)
- Akbar Karimi (PhD)
- Masoud Maleki (PhD)
- Elham Hoveizi (PhD)
- Parvaneh Havasi (PhD)
- Azar Sheikholeslami (PhD)
- Mohadeseh Mohamadi (PhD)
- Elahe Amini (PhD)
- Sareh Pandamooz (PhD)
- Mehdi Ghobadian (PhD)
- Zahra Nazari (PhD)
- Mehdi Ghobadian (PhD)
- Zahra Safaeinejad (PhD)
- Tayebeh Ramezani (PhD)
- Hamed Alizadeh Pahlevan (PhD)
- Masood Jokar Baloochi (PhD)
- Vida Mafikandi(PhD)
MSc Co- Supervised Thesis
- Elham Hoveizi (MSc)
- Maryam Rahimi (MSc)
- Hanieh Jalali (MSc)
- Sareh Rajabi (MSc)
- Somayeh Ebrahimi (MSc)
- Hamed Adham (MSc)
- Elahe Amini (MSc)
- Mohaddese Mohammadi (MSc)
- Faezeh Kafi (MSc)
- Atefeh Hemati (MSc)
- Sara Mirsepasi (MSc)
- Parisa Gheibi (MSc)
- Nasim Eslami (MSc)
- Khadijeh Bahrebar (MSc)
- Sedigheh Naseri (MSc)
- Solmaz Khalifeh (MSc)
- Nafiseh Eslahi (MSc)
- Zohreh Zareh (MSc)
- Elham Azimi (MSc)
- Farideh Pouyanmanesh (MSc)
- Mahdieh Razmi (MSc)
- Jila Izadi (MSc)
- Shaghayegh Noroozi (MSc)
- Fariba Nosrati (MSc)
- Zeynab Faraghpoor (MSc)
- Haleh Falahi (MSc)
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- Samira Mortazavi (MSc)
- Fatemeh Gharooni (MSc)
- Talie Hoseininia (MSc)
- Vahid Ghorbani(MSc)
- Mehdai Najafi (MSc)
- Morteza Nazari (MSc)
- Masoud Bagherpour (MSc)
- Saideh Khoshnood (MSc)
- Saideh Parvardeh (MSc)
- Nasim Fatalizadeh(MSc)
- Minoo Mohajer(MSc)
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- Fatemeh Shahmoradi(MSc)
- Ghasemi Sayadi(MSc)
- Mostafa Saeed(MSc)
- Bashar Almojali(MSc)
PhD Co- Supervised Thesis - Robabeh Davar (PhD)
- Azita Shabrangi (PhD)
- Leila Karami (PhD)
- Hanieh Jalali (PhD)
- Naser Farhadi (PhD)
- Elmira Mikaeili (PhD)
- Majid Rajabi (PhD)
- Fatemeh Taji (PhD)
- Malakeh Rezaei (PhD)
- Kambiz Moradi Dehbaghi (PhD)
- Simin Tajik Esmaili (PhD)
- Shamim Shariat (PhD)
- Farnaz Dabbagh Moghaddam(PhD)
- Latifeh Karimzadeh (PhD)
Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
The study of relationship between interleukin 8 gene polymorphisms(-251A/T, +396G/T) with the risk of ovarian cancer
رفعت السادات باقری باوندپوری
Comparing the protective effect of Date Palm Pollen (DPP) aqua extract with antidepressant drug Fluvoxamine on hydrogen peroxide induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cell line
الهام لک مظاهری
Invistigation Osteogenic effect of polycaprolactone 3D scaffold containing hydroalcoholic extract of Berberis integerrima root on bone differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue of male Wistar rats
مهسا قاسمی نظرابادی
Evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and biocompatibility properties of polycaprolactone scaffold prepared by electrospinning method coated with alcoholic extract of evening primrose seeds
سحر جعفری
Investigation of osteogenic effect of 3D polycaprolactone scaffold containing flaxseed hydroalcoholic extract on adipose-drived mesenchymal stem cells from male wistar rat
رویا فتاحی
Invistigation Osteogenic effect of polycaprolactone 3D scaffold containing hydroalcoholic extract Ferula gummosa of root on bone differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue of male Wistar rats
سیمین دخت مهرنوش
Evaluation of Egg White-Modified Cellulose Scaffold in Bone Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
معصومه کهندانی
Evaluation of antioxidant effects of Daucus carota seed on oxidative stress induced by Mancozeb pesticide in Sertoli cells, TM4 cell line.
فائقه یونسی
the protective effect of selenium on ovarian failure in adult wistar rats under treatment of Busulfan
مریم کوهدار
The effect of Chlorella sorokiniana water extract on the expression of MDM2 and ARF genes in human lung cancer A549 cell line
فاطمه نقی بیرانوند
Investigating the effect of SKP2 protein inhibition on the expression changes of KU70/KU80, 53PB1 genes in B cell progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (NALM-6 cell line)
زهرا علی کرمی
The evaluation of neuro-differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells by grape (Vitis vinifera) extract-contained polymeric nanofibers
فرشته رهبرسوره
The Evaluation of anti-cancer effects of Persian Gulf sea anemone (Stichodactyla haddoni) extract on AGS gastric cancer cell line
مصطفی پورفلاح
Investigating neural differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from Wistar rat bone marrow by polymeric nanofibers containing honey bee venom (Apis mellifera)
نفیسه دوستی
A study on neural differentiation of Wistar rats adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells by polymeric nanofibers containing grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract
کیمیا هدایتی میارکلائی
Investigating the effects of extracellular vesicles derived from peppermint (Mentha piperita) on HDF cell line
مینا ظهیری
Investigating the effect of extracellular vesicles derived from Sage (Salvia officinalis ) on HDF cell line
مریم سادات باقری
The evaluation of effects of Rosemary-Derived extracellular Vesicles(EVs) on HDF dermal fibroblast cells
کیمیا یارمحمدی
Theses advised
Investigating thy effect of celery seed extract on Sirt1-Claudin1signaling in kidney tissue male wistar rats injured dy methotrexate
بشار المجلی
Effect of Methotrexate and celeery seed extract onglomeruli structure and expression of nephrin and podocin genes in male wistar rats
مصطفی سعید
evaluation of toxicity of hydroalcoholic extract of euphorbia Iranshahrii pahlavani root on BCL2 gene expression in human lung cancer cell line (A549)
قادر پیلتن
Comparison of the effect of polycaprolactone scaffolds containing salicin and boric acid on growth and bone differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
میلاد سالمیان
Investigating the effect of evening primrose oil on the expression of GDF-9 and BMP-15 genes in the oocytes isolated from ovaries of NMRI mice
زهرا تیموری الیله سر
میثاق قاسمی صیادی
Evaluation the anti metastatic mechanism of Nuruozak terpenoid on SKOV3 human ovarian cancer cells
کیمیاسادات بنی طبائی
Comparison of the anticancer effect of salinomycin and curcumin encapsulated lipid nanoparticles in 4T1 cell line and Balb-c mice of breast cancer model
مریم سلمانی
The effect of selenium and silver nanoparticles on the expression of SOD and Kindlin-2 genes in Sertoli cells extracted from NMRI mice
ستایش صفایی
Evaluating the effect of Lauric acid-containing Polycaprolacone-Gelatin dressing on skin wound healing in Wistar male rats
سیما اورنگی
Published articles
Paper title
Magazine title
Publish year
Publish type
Article type
Phoenix dactylifera L. Pollen and Fluvoxamine Maleate Protect PC12 Cells Against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress by Involvement of Nrf2 and SIGMAR1 Gene Expression
Elham Lak mazaheri, Azadeh Niknejad, Elaheh Amini, Mohammad Nabiuni
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
Full Text
Evaluating the Effect of 3D Printed Polycaprolactone-Boric Acid Scaffold on Proliferation and Bone Differentiation of Human Bone
Milad Salemian, Hanieh Jalali, Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani
international journal of advanced biological and biomedical research
Full Text
Fabrication and application of salicin-polycaprolactone 3D-printed scaffold in the healing of femur bone defects
Hanieh Jalali, Milad Salemian, Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Latifeh Karimzadeh Bardei, Gregory Carl
Biomedical Materials
Full Text
Evaluating the Effect of 3D Printed Polycaprolactone-Boric Acid Scaffold on Proliferation and Bone Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Milad Salemian, Hanieh Jalali, Mohammad Nabiuni, Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani
international journal of advanced biological and biomedical research
Full Text
The expression of fibrosis-related genes is elevated in doxorubicin-induced senescent human dermal fibroblasts, but their secretome does not trigger a paracrine fibrotic response in non-senescent cells
Fariba Nosrati , Johannes Grillari, Mahnaz Azarnia, , Reza Moghadasali, Latifeh Karimzadeh, Ingo L?mmermann
Full Text
Ovarian Toxicity Induced by Aluminum Chloride: Alteration of Cyp19a1, Pcna, Puma, and Map1lc3b genes Expression
Farima Rahimi mansoor, , Elaheh Amini
Full Text
Melittin Prevents Metastasis of Epidermal Growth Factor-Induced MDA-MB-231 Cells through The Inhibition of The SDF-1?/CXCR4 Signaling Pathway.
Fatemeh Salimian, , Salehghamari Ensieh
Cell Journal
Full Text
The Effect of Honey Bee Venom on CD14 Protein Expression as Monocyte Marker in D-Alpha-Tocopheryl Succinate (Vitamin E)-Treated HL-60 Cells
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
Full Text
optimized primary culture and subculture of , granulosa cells
Nadia Fallah Hosseini, Maryam Paktinat, Milad Rasouli, , Elaheh Amini
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
Full Text
The Response of Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisl.) Plants to Electromagnetic Field Exposure
Simin Tajik Esmaeili, , Mohammad Nabiuni, Saeed Irian, Farrokh Ghahremaninejad
Biomacromolecular Journal
Full Text
Enhanced Neural Differentiation of Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cell by Synergistic Effect of Lithium carbonate and Crocin on BDNF and GDNF Expression as Neurotrophic Factors
Shirin Ahmadi, , Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Full Text
The association between testicular toxicity induced by Li2Co3 and protective effect of Ganoderma lucidum: Alteration of Bax & c-Kit genes expression
Ghazal Ghajari, , Elaheh Amini
Full Text
The Effect of Cerastoderma lamarcki and Rice Bran Extract on Wharton's Jelly - Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation
Fariba Nosrati, Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , latifeh karimzadeh, Farideh Dorazehi
Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences
Full Text
Profound changes in cerebrospinal fluid proteome and metabolic profile are associated with congenital hydrocephalus
Alicia Requena Jimenz, , Jaleel A Miyan
Full Text
Regeneration of Bone Defects in a Rabbit Femoral Osteonecrosis Model Using 3D-Printed Poly (Epsilon-Caprolactone)/Nanoparticulate Willemite Composite Scaffolds
Latifeh Karimzadeh bardei, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Ghamartaj Hossein, , , Jochen Salber
Full Text
Selenium enhances the expression of miR-9, miR-124 and miR-29a during neural differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Hanieh Jalali, Hasti Golchin, Zahra Sadri, Latifeh Karimzadeh Bardei,
Full Text
Cytotoxicity of mancozeb on Sertoli-germ cell co-culture system: Role of MAPK signaling pathway
Mohaddese Mohammadi sardoo, Ali Mandegary, Seyed Noureddin Nematollahi-Mahani, Mahshid Moballegh Nasery, , Bagher Amirheidari
Full Text
Melittin inhibits the expression of key genes involved in tumor microenvironment formation by suppressing HIF-1? signaling in breast cancer cells
Zabihullah Mir Hassani, , Kazem Parivar, Somayeh Abdirad, Latifeh Karimzadeh
Full Text
Investigating the synergic effects of valproic acid and crocin on BDNF and GDNF expression in epidermal neural crest stem cells
Zahra Baharvand, , Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini, Sare Pandamouz
Full Text
Down-regulation of TGF-?, VEGF, and bFGF in vascular endothelial cells of chicken induced by a brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus) extract
Saeed Ataei Kachooei, Roya Rahmani, , Fatemeh Donyadideh asiabar, Saba Ataei kachooei, , Sajjad Yazdansetad
Full Text
The effect of maternal sleep deprivation on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in the presence of neonates brain cerebrospinal fluid of Wistar rats
S. H. Shariat, K. Parivar, NASIN HAYATI Roudbari,
Bratislava Medical Journal-Bratislavske Lekarske Listy
Full Text
Apoptotic Effects of Melittin on 4T1 Breast Cancer Cell Line is associated with Up Regulation of Mfn1 and Drp1 mRNA Expression
Farnaz D. Moghaddam, Pejman Mortazavi, Somayeh Hamedi, , Nasim H. Roodbari
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Full Text
Anti-cancer effects of 1, 3-bis (2-ethoxyphenyl) on 4T1 breast cancer cell line, an in-vivo study
, Zeinab Yazdanian, Saber Amirpour asl miyandoab, Fereshteh Dorrazehi, LATIFEH KARIMZADEH BARDEEI
Studies in Medical Sciences
Full Text
The Effect of Hydroalcoholic Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) on Memory Retention Deficit in Young Offspring Rat Induced by Maternal Sleep Deprivation
, , Mona Farhadi, Elaheh Amini
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
Full Text
Anticancer Potential of Aguerin B, a Sesquiterpene Lactone Isolated from Centaurea behen in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells
Elaheh Amini, , Seyed Bahram Behzad, Danial seifi, Farhad Eisvand, Amirhossein Sahebkar, Abolfazl Shakeri
Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
Full Text
Cultivation and neural differentiation of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid treated adipose stem cells on the scaffold of amniotic membrane
Archives of Advances in Bioscience
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Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid formation and regulation
David Bueno, Maryam Parvas, , Jaleel Miyan
Full Text
The Effects of Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid on The Viability and Neuronal Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in Wistar Rats
Mohammad hosein Mohammadi mehdiabadi hasani, , Kazem Parivar, Siamak Yari, Alireza Sahebi shahem abadi, Jaleel A. Miyan
Cell Journal
Full Text
The synergistic cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin and Viola odorata extract on human breast cancer cell line T47-D
Shirin Zeinaddini, , Hanieh Jalali
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
Full Text
Antimutagenic and Synergistic Cytotoxic Effect of Cisplatin and Honey Bee Venom on 4T1 Invasive Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line
Faranak Shiassi arani, Latifeh Karimzadeh, Seyed Mohammad Ghafoori,
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences
Full Text
Modeling traumatic injury in organotypic spinal cord slice culture obtained from adult rat
Sareh Pandamooz, Mohammad Saied Salehi, Mohammad Ismail Zibaii, Anahid Safari, , Abolhassan Ahmadiani, Leila Dargahi
Full Text
Sensitization of Resistance Ovarian Cancer Cells to Cisplatin by Biogenic Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles through p53 Activation
tayebeh ramezani farzin, , javad baharara, kazem parivar, f namvar
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Full Text
Verbascoside Attenuates Rac-1 and HIF-1? Signaling Cascade in Colorectal Cancer Cells
DANIAL SEYFI, Seyed bahram Behzad, , Kazem Parivar, Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Full Text
Investigating the Effects of Morphine on Survival and Sensitivity to Cisplatin in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Maryam Rezaei gazik, , Hanieh Jalali, MAjid Kabuli
Journal of Cell and Molecular Research
Full Text
Comparison of the Proliferation Potential of Bone Marrow and Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cultivating on Human Amniotic Membrane
Fereshteh Dorrazehi, , Hanieh Jalali, RAZIYEH KESHAVARZI
Journal of Stem Cells
Full Text
Effects of maternal thyroid hormone deficiency on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in CSF-exposed neonatal Wistar rats
Vida Mafikandi, Nasim Hayati Roodbari, , Parichehreh Yaghmaei
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In Vitro Effects of Wistar Rat Prenatal and Postnatal Cerebrospinal Fluid on Neural Differentiation and P roliferation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived from Bone Marrow
Rozmehr Shokohi, , Saeed Irian, Jaleel A. Miyan
Cell Journal
Full Text
Mancozeb induces testicular dysfunction through oxidative stress and apoptosis Protective role of N -acetylcysteine antioxidant
Mohaddese Mohammadi sardoo, Ali Mandegary, , Seyed-Noureddin Nematollahi-Mahani, Bagher Amirheidari
Full Text
Epidermal neural crest stem cell-derived glia enhance neurotrophic elements in an ex vivo model of spinal cord injury
Sareh Pandamooz, Mohammad S. Salehi, Mohammad I. Zibaii, Abolhassan Ahmadiani, , Leila Dargahi
Full Text
Potential Use of Amniotic Membrane - Derived Scaffold for Cerebrospinal Fluid Applications
Fereshteh Dorrazehi, , Hanieh Jalali
International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
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evaluation of the protective effect of hydro- alcoholic extract of raspberry fruit on aquaporin 1 expression in rats kidney treated by methotrexate
Saiideh Khoshnood, Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani,
Cell Journal
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The anti-inflammatory effect of silymarin on ovarian immunohistochemical localization of TNF-alpha associated with systemic inflammation in polycystic ovarian syndrome
Parvin Kayedpoor, Shima Mohamadi, Latifeh Karimzadeh,
Full Text
Anti-inflammatory effects of Curumin on Insulin resistance index levels of Interleukin-6 C-Reactive protein and liver Histology in Polycystic Ovary syndrome induced Rats
Azita Ghorbani, Vida Hojati , Latifeh Karimzadeh, Shima Mohammadi,
Cell Journal
Full Text
Honey bee venom combined with 125dihydroxyvitamin D3 as a highly efficient inducer of differentiation in human acute myeloid leukemia cells
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , Zahra Khosravi, Maryam Rahimi
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
Full Text
, Ahmad Majd, Saeed Irian, , Farrokh Ghahremaninejad
Full Text
Suppressing the molecular signaling pathways involved in inflammation and cancer in breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 by miR-590
Azar Sheikholeslami, , Ehsan Arefian
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Gestational Diabetes Induces Pancreatic Beta-Cells Apoptosis in Adult Rat Offspring.
Zahra Nazari, , Soraya Ghaffari, Mohsen Saeidi, Alireza Shahriyari , Mohammad Jafar Golalipour
Full Text
Histopathological evaluation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae following embryonic exposure to MgO nanoparticles
Mehdi Ghobadian, , Kazem Parivar, Mojtaba Fathi, Jamileh Pazooki
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
Full Text
Resveratrol promotes human embryonic stem cells self-renewal by targeting SIRT1-ERK signaling pathway
Zahra Safaeinejad, , Maryam Peymani, Kamran Ghaedi, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Hossein Baharvand
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The Effect of Curcumin on TNF- IL-6 and CRP Expression in a Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as an Inflammation State
shima mohammadi, parvin kayedpoor, latifeh karimzadeh bardei,
Journal of Reproduction and Infertility
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Fetal Cerebrospinal Fluid Promotes Proliferation and Neural Differentiation of Stromal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Bone Marrow
Rozmehr Shokohi, , Parisa Moghaddam, Saeed Irian, Jaleel A. Miyan
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zahra nazari---mohammad nabiuni---zahra safaei nejad---bahram delfan---saeed irian---
Archives of Neuroscience
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Two COX-2 inhibitors induce apoptosis in human erythroleukemia K562cells by modulating NF- B and FHC pathways
Shaghayegh Norouzi, Mahnaz Norouzi, Mohsen Amini, Amir Amanzadeh, , Saeed Irian, Mona Salimi
DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Full Text
Ex-Vivo Gene Therapy Using Lentiviral Mediated Gene Transfer Into Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Stem Cells
Hanieh Jalali, , , ,
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Full Text
Nonlinear optical investigation of normal ovarian cells of animal and cancerous ovarian cells of human in-vitro
Mohajer Salman, ,
Full Text
Valproic acid preserves motoneurons following contusion in organotypic spinal cord slice culture.
Full Text
Evaluation of Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cells in Organotypic Spinal Cord Slice Culture Platform
Mohammad Pourghasem, Leyla Dargahi, , Mohammad Saied Salehi, Sareh PandAmooz
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The reproductive side effects of Imidacloprid in pregnant Wistar rat.
, kazem parivar, Rohallah Nourinejad, , ,
international journal of cellular molecular biotechnology
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Metastatic Inhibitory and Radical Scavenging Efficacies of Saponins Extracted from the Brittle Star (Ophiocoma erinaceus)
, , , ,
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Organotypic Spinal Cord Culture a Proper Platform for the Functional Screening
Sareh Pandamooz, , Jaleel Miyan, Abolhassan Ahmadiani, Leila Dargahi
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Toxic effects of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on early developmental and larval stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
, , , ,
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In vitro comparative survey of cell adhesion and proliferation of human induced pluripotent stem cells on surfaces of polymeric electrospun nanofibrous and solution-cast film scaffolds
Elham Hoveizi, Somayeh Ebrahimi-Barough, Shima Tavakol,
Full Text
The effect of morphine on the proliferation of human ovarian epithelial cancer A2780cp cell line
, Hanieh Jalali, Maryam Rezaeigazik
international journal of cellular molecular biotechnology
Full Text
The effects of Urtica dioica extract on lipid profile insulin resistance index and liver histology in polycystic ovary syndrome- induced Wistar rats.
, , , ,
Advanced Herbal Medicine
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Development of Mouse Preantral Follicle after In Vitro Culture in A Medium Containing Melatonin
, ,
Cell Journal
Full Text
Enhanced expression of FNDC5 in human embryonic stem cell-derived neural cells along with relevant embryonic neural tissues.
, , , , , , , ,
Full Text
Metastatic inhibitory and radical scavenging efficacies of the saponin extracted from the brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus)
Elaheh Amini, , Javad Baharara, Kazem Parivar, Javad Asili
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The Effect of Green Tea Extract on Reproductive Improvement in Estradiol Valerate-Induced Polycystic Ovary The Effect of Green Tea Extract on Reproductive Improvement in Estradiol Valerate-Induced Polycystic Ovary Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Rat Ovarian Syndrome in Rat
Habibe Ghafournian, Mahnaz Azarnia, Mohammad Nabiuni, latifeh karimzadeh
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Full Text
. Curcumin Effect on Aquaporins-1 4 Expressions in Choroid Plexuses of Lateral Ventricles in Rat s Brain an Investigation Under In Vivo Condition
, Shahrbanoo Oryan, ,
. Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research
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The proliferation study of hips cell-derived neuronal progenitors on poly-caprolactone scaffold.
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
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Neuronal differentiation of mouse amnion membrane derived stem cells in response to neonatal brain medium.
, , , , ,
Journal of Cell and Molecular Research
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CSF Protein Contents and their Roles in Brain Development.
, ,
Zahedan J Res Med Sci
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Comparing the Effect of Oral Melatonin and Long-Term Environmental Light Changes on the Amount of Cells and Langerhans Islets in Male Vistar Rats.
, Shahrbanoo Oryan,
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The Effect of Green Tea on IL-6 and CRP level in Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as an Inflammation State.
, ,
international journal of cellular molecular biotechnology
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Hemolytic and cytotoxic effects of saponin like compounds isolated from Persian Gulf brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus).
, , ,
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine
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Serum levels of melatonin cytokines in MS.
, Shahrbanoo Oryan,
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Definitive endoderm differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells using signaling molecules and IDE1 in three-dimensional polymer scaffold.
, , , ,
J Biomed Mater Res A
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Efficient programming of human eye conjunctiva- derived induced pluri potentstem (ECiPS) cells into definitive endoderm-like cells.
, , , , , , , , , ,
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The study of regeneration in posterior part of Aporrectodea Caliginosa.
, , , ,
Journal of medical and bioengineering (JOMB)
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The effect of dissolved toxicity on follicologenesis of the pregnant mice and their offspring.
, , ,
Journal of medical and bioengineering (JOMB)
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The role of Mn-SOD and Fe-SOD genes in the response to low temperature in chs mutants of Arabidopsis.
, Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad, , , , Saeed Irian
Turk J Bot
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Functional isation and surface modification of electrospun polyactic acid scaffold for tissue engineering
Shima Tavakol, Sareh Rajabi-Zeleti, Kazem Parivar, Elham Hoveizi,
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Functionalisation and surface modification of electrospun polylactic acid scaffold for tissue engineering
Elham Hoveizi, , Kazem Parivar, Sareh Rajabi-Zeleti, Shima Tavakol
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effect of bee venom on IL-6 COX-2 and VEGF levels in polycystic ovarian syndrome induced in Wistar rats by estradiol valerate
Latifeh Karimzadeh, , Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , Azar Sheikholeslami
Full Text
Melatonin impact on in-vitro development of mouse preantral follicles and oocyte maturation
Mohammadhadi Bahadori, Roya Ganji,
Anatomical Sciences Journal
Full Text
antineoplastic effects of Honey Bee Venom
Zahra Nazari, Adeleh Divsalar, Kazem Parivar, Zahra Safayinejad,
Zahedan J Res Med Sci
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Mesenchymal stem cells as appropriate feeder layer for prolonged in vitro culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells
Kazem parivar, Behnaz Bakhshandeh, Masoud Soleimani, Parvaneh Havasi,
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Effect of e-CSF on proliferation and differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells
Mohammad Keramatipour, Kazem Parivar, Siamak Yari,
Cell Journal
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The role of pro-p5c cycle in chs mutants of Arabidopsis under cold stress
Zahra Gharari, Farzaneh Najafi, Reza Shekaste Band , Ramezanali Khavari Nejad ,
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Curcumin downregulates aquaporins-1 expression in cultured rat choroid plexus cells
Jaleel Miyan, Bahram Delfan, Zahra Safaeinejad, Zahra Nazari,
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Effects of salinity on the development of hydroponically grown borage (bargo officinalis L.) male gametophyte
Saeed Irian, Shekoofeh Enteshari, Ahmad Majd, Firoozeh Torabi,
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
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Aqueous Extract of Lavender angustifolia Inhibits Lymphocytes Proliferation of Hodgkins Lymphoma Patients
Hakimeh Zali, Mona Zamanian Azodi, Saeed Heidari-Keshel, Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani, Sona Dalilan,
International Journal of Cancer Management
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Induction of human umbilical Whartons jelly-derived stem cells toward oligodendrocyte phenotype
Masoud Soleimani, Mehrdad Hashemi, Kazem Parivar, Elmira Mikaeili Agah ,
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Unrestricted somatic stem cells as vehicle for nerve growth factor gene transfer
Masoud Soleimani, Kazem Parivar, Hanieh Jalali,
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Effects of salinity on the development of Hydroponically Grown Barage(Borago officinalis L.)Male Gametophyte
Saeed Irian, Shekoofeh Enteshari, Ahmad Majd, Firoozeh Torabi,
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
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. potentioation of a novel palladium complex lethality bee venom on the human t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (molt-4)
Zahra Nazari, Zahra Safaeinejad,
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45)Divsalar A. Izadi Z. Saboury A. Nabiuni M. Razmi M. Mansuri-Torshizi H. Cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies on binding of a new synthesized bipyridine ethyl dithicocarbamate Pt(2) nitrae complex to the milk carrier protein of BLG
Ail Akbar Saboury , Zhila Izadi , Adeleh Divsalar,
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society JICS
Full Text
Cytotoxic and spectroscopic studies on binding of a new synthesized bipyridine ethyl dithicocarbamate Pt(2) nitrae complex to the milk carrier protein of BLG
Adeleh Divsalar, Zhila Izadi , Ali Akbar Saboury, , Mahdieh Razmi, Hassan Mansuri-Torshizi
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society JICS
Full Text
Teratogenic effects of IMI and Precocene 1 on reproductive ability in female Wistar rats
Ruhollah Noorinejad, , Kazem Parivar, Zahra Falahati, Faezeh Khalili
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
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The inhibitory effect of curcumin on aquaporin-4 expression in choroid plexus of rats brain
Seyedeh Mina Salamatmanesh, Shahrbanoo Oryan, , Zahra Nazari
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
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potentioation of a novel palladium (ll) complex lethality with bee venom on the human t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (molt-4)
, Mohammad Nabiuni,
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Effect of Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid on Proliferation and Differentiation of Neuroprogenitor Cells
, Kazem Parivar, Mohammad Keramatipour, Mohammad Nabiuni
Cell Journal
Full Text
in vitro effects of fetal rat cerebrospinal fluid on viability and neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells
, , , Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Saeed Irian,
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
Full Text
Micro RNA 17-92 expressed by transposon based vector changes expression level of cell cycle related genes
Masoud Soleimani, Mansoureh Barzegar , Zahra Karimi, seyed Hamid Aghaee Bakhtiari , Fatemeh Jamshidi, Ehsan Arefian, Marzieh Attar,
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. Effect of hydroalcholic extract of heracleum oersicum (Golpar) on the folliculogenesis and pituitary-ovary hormonal axis in female Wistar rat
Saeed Irian, Ghadireh Mirabolghasemi, Mahnaz Azarnia, Atefeh Hemati,
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Effect of e-CSF on morphological changes of neurosphere derived astrocytes
Mohammad Keramatipour, Kazem Parivar, Siamak Yari,
Full Text
Bee Venom treatment reduced CRP and improved follicle quality in a rat model of EV induced PCOS
Saeed Irian, Azar Sheikholeslami, Latife Karimzadeh,
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The synergetic cytotoxic effect of cisplatin and HBV on human ovarian cancer cell line A2780cp
Saeed Irian, Zahra Safaeinejad, Zahra Nazari, Masoumehzaman Alizadehnohi,
journal of venom research
Full Text
Characterition and side effect analysis of newly designed nanoemulsion targeting human serum albumin for drug delivery
Arefeh Seyedarabi, Mohammad Esmaiel Kefayaty , Zohreh Zare, Ali Akbar Saboury, Adeleh Divsalar,
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Honey Bee Venom modulates hyperglycemia in response to hyperandrogenism in PCOS- Induced Wistar rats
, Sima Nasri, Farideh Pouyanmanesh, Latifeh Karimzadeh, Zahra Nazari
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Antimutagenic and anticancer effects of Avicennia marina leaf extract on salmonella typhimurium TA100 bacterium and human Promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells
Saeed Irian, Mandana Salehi, Sedigeh Mehrabian, Ahmad Majd, Leila Karami,
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Histopathological evaluation of zebrafish(Danio rerio) larvae following embryonic expoure to MgO nanoparticles
Jamileh Pazooki , Mojtaba Fathi, Kazem Parivar, Mehdi Ghobadin,
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
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Polymerase chain reaction method for rapid detection of virulent shigella spp
Maryam Talebjannat, Majid Alipour,
International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology
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The effects of Honey Bee Venom on modulation of PCOS induced oxidative stress in Wistar rat model
, Sima Nasri, Farideh Pouyanmanesh, Latifeh Karimzadeh
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The effect of Honey Bee Venom on in-vitro maturation of isolated preantral follicles in NMRI mice
, Maryam Kakaei Tehrani , Latifeh Karimzadeh
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The Effects of melatonin on mouse follicular development and oocyte maturation in-vitro
, Roya Ganji, Mohammad Hadi Bahadori
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Honey Bee Venom Modulates Hyperglycemia in response to Hyperandrogensim in polycystic Ovarian syndrome induced Rats
, Sima Nasri, Farideh Pouyanmanesh, Latifeh Karimzadeh
Journal international environmental Application and science
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Polymerase chain reaction method for the rapid detection of virulent shigella spp.
Majid Alipour, Maryam Talebjannat, Mohammad Nabiuni
International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology
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The synergetic cytotoxic effect of cisplatin and honey bee venom on human ovarian cancer cell line A2780cp
Masoumeh Zaman Alizadeh Nohi, Mohammad Nabiuni, , , Saeed Irian
journal of venom research
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Effect of hydroalcholic extract of heracleum oersicum (Golpar) on the folliculogenesis in female Wistar rat
, Mahnaz Azarnia, Mohammad Nabiuni, Ghadireh Mirabolghasemi, Saeed Irian
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Bee Venom treatment reduced C-reactive protein and improved follicle quality in a rat model of estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome
Latifeh Karimzadeh, Mohammad Nabiuni, Azar Sheikholeslami, Saeed Irian
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Characterization and side effect analysis of a newly designed nanoemulsion targeting human serum albumin for drug delivery
Adeleh Divsalar, Ali Akbar Saboury, Mohammad Nabiuni, Zohreh Zare, Mohammad Esmaiel Kefayaty , Arefeh Seyedarabi
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effect of vitamin E succinate as a differentiation agent on the efficacy of 5-ALA-PDT on prostate cancer cells in culture
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , , Elahe Amini, Saeed Irian
Archives of Advances in Bioscience
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Effect of vitamin E succinate as differentiation agent on the efficacy of 5-ALA-PDT on prostate cancer cells in culture
Archives of Advances in Bioscience
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Effect of Honey Bee Venom on Lewis rats experimental allergic encephalomyelitis as regards changes of GABA and glutama
Hosein Afrozi, Sohrab Imani, Saied Haghighi, Kazem Parivar, Akbar Karimi,
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. combined effect of Honey Bee Venom and vitamin b12 on Lewis rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis induced by guinea pig spinal cord homogenates
Hosein Afrozi, Sohrab Imani , Saeed Haghighi, Kazem Parivar, Maryam Mousavi , Akbar Karimi ,
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Neuroprotective Effects of Curcumin
Zahra Safaeinejad , Zahra Nazari, Abdolhamid Angagi ,
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Effect of Honey Bee Venom on Lewis Rats with Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis a Model for Multiple Sclerosis
Hossein Afrouzi , Sohrab Imani, Saied Haghighi, Kazem Parivar, Farhad Ahmadi, Akbar Karimi,
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Neural differentation and developmental effects of Honey Bee venom on PC12 cells(A comparison to never Growth facor)(NGF)
, Elham Hoveizi, Kazem Parivar, Mahnaz Azarnia, Sirus Khodadadi
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Neural differentiation and developmental effects of Honey Bee Venom on PC12 cells A comparison to never growth factor(NGF)
, Elham Hoveizi, Kazem Parivar, Mahnaz Azarnia, Sirus Khodadadi
Journal of Advanced Laboratory research in Biology
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Effect of vitamin E succinate as a differentiation agent on the efficacy of 50 ALA0PDT on prostate cancer cells in culture
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , , Elaheh Amini, Saeed Irian
Archives of Advances in Bioscience
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effect of honey bee venom on differentiation of cholinergic neurons
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, , ,
journal of venom research
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Photodynamic Therapy A New Approach to Remove Embryos of the Wistar Rat
Azar Sheikholeslami, Mohammad Hossein Majlesara,
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
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Induction of Alpha-crystallins expression in Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell.
Mohammad Naji, Parichehr Yaghmaei, Kazem Parivar, Masoud Maleki,
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Cytogenetic abnormalities coused by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields in canola
Azita Shabrangi, Masoud Sheidai, Ahmad Majd, , Davud Dorranian
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Addressing a Folate Imbalance in Fluid can Decrease the incidence of Congenital Hydrocephalus
Jaleel Miyan, Penelop Jane Owen-Lynch , Andrew Shepherd, Sarah Cains ,
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The Biological Effects of Imatinib on Male Fertility of Wistar Rats
Aghdas Gharibi, Kazem Parivar, Parichehr Yaghmaei,
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
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Addressing a Folate Imbalance in Fetal Cerebrospinal Fluid can Decrease the incidence of Congenital Hydrocephalus
Jaleel Miyan, Penelop Jane Owen-Lynch , Andrew Shepherd, Sarah Cains , Mohammad Nabiuni
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Proteomics study of CSF composition in the developing H-Tx RAT
, Carys Storey , Jane Owen-Lynch , Jaleel Miyan
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research
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a vital role for cerebrospinal fluid
Mahjuib Zendah, Jaleel Miyan,
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Development of the brain a vital role for cerebrospinal fluid
Mahjuib Zendah, Jaleel Miyan, Mohammad Nabiuni
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, Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad, , , Mohammad Nabiuni, Saeed Irian
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Mohammad Nabiuni
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elaheh amini---mohammad nabiuni---javad baharara---kazem parivar---javad asili---
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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zahra nazari---mohammad nabiuni---mohsen saeidi---mohammad jafar golalipour---
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
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mohammad nabiuni---habibeh ghafurniyan---mahnaz azarnia---latifeh karimzadeh---
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Enhanced Neural Differentioation of Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cell by Synergistic Effect of Lithium carbonate and Crocin on BDNF and GDNF Expression as Neurotrophic Factors
Shirin Ahmadi, , Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Presented articles
Presentation type
The association between testicular toxicity induced by Li2Co3 and protective effect of Ganoderma lucidum: Alteration of Bax & c-Kit genes expression
Ghazal Ghajari, , Elaheh Amini
22nd congress on reproductive biomedicine, 17 th congress on stem cell biology technology - Iran
The effect of citalopram as antidepressant drug on TM4 sertoli cells
Maryam Hassanpoor, , Elaheh Amini, Salehghamari Ensieh
21th National & 9th International Congress on Biology - Iran
How Aluminum Chloride can impact on granulosa cells Function
Farima Rahimi mansoor, , Elaheh Amini
3rd debatable topics on obstetrics gynecology & infertility - Iran
Assessment the potential of date palm pollen on mice granulosa cell viability
Omolbanin Paktinat, , Elaheh Amini
12th International Congress of Medidal lab and clinic - Iran
Evaluation the effect of crocin on saffron bioactive metabolite on proliferation of NMRI mice grabulosa cells
Nadia Fallah Hosseini, , Elaheh Amini
12th International Congress of Medidal lab and clinic - Iran
antimetastatic effect of Quillaja Saponin in SKOV3 and A2780 human cell lines.
Raoufeh Koochaki, , Elaheh Amini
The 3rd International Congress on Biomedicine - Iran
Investigating the Effect of Lithium on Differentiation of Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cell into Neural Cells
Shirin Ahmadi, , Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
Third International Neuroinflammation Congress and Student Festival of Neuroscience - Iran
The effect of rosemary extract on memory retention deficit in young offspring induced by maternal sleep deprivation in Rat model
Fatemeh Khodabandeh Shahraki , , Mona Farhadi , Elaheh Amini
International congress on new aspects of applied biology - Iran
Involvement of Pak1 gene expression in cytotoxicity of verbascoside on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells
Seyed bahram Behzad, DANIAL SEYFI, , Kazem Parivar, Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
13 th International Breast Cancer Congress - Iran
The effect of verbascoside on HIF-1 expression as valuable metastasis and angiogenesis factor in HT-29 colon cancer cells
DANIAL SEYFI, Seyed bahram Behzad, , kazem parivar, Mohammad Tahmaseb, Elaheh Amini
13th international congress on breast cancer - Iran
Sub-Chronic Mancozeb- Induced Oxidative Changes in The Testes of Mice
Mohadeseh Mohammadi Sardo , Ali Mandegari, Nuroddin Nematollahi Mahani , Bagher Amirheidari ,
17th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 11th Seminar on Nursing and Midwifery - Iran
Gestational Diabetes Affects Kcnj11 Gene Expression in Pancreatic Islets of Rat Offspring
Zahra Nazari, , Soraya Ghaffari, Mohsen Saeidi, Alireza Shahriyari, Mohammad Jafar Golalipour
17th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 11th Seminar on Nursing and Midwifery - Iran
Investigation of Cdc42 Gene-Specific shRNA Inhibition Effect in Calu-6 Cell Line an RNAi Technology
Zohreh Ghambari, , Hanieh Jalali, Latifeh Karimzadeh
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Culturing on Amniotic Membrane Based Scaffold to Investigate the Developmental Effects of Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid
, Hanieh Jalali, Fereshteh Dorrazehi
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Human Amniotic Membrane as Natural 3-D Scaffold for Stem Cell Neural Differentiation
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Embryonic rat-CSF Instructs the Menstrual Blood Derived-Stem Cells to Neural fate in a 3-D Culture System
Maryam Nemati, Mohammad Tahmaseb, Saeed Irian,
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Human amniotic membrane as natural 3-D scaffold for stem cells neural differentiation
Raziyeh Keshavarzi, Hanieh Jalali,
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Induction of premature aging by UV-A irradiation and the anti-photoaging effect of royal jelly on human dermal fibroblasts
Kazem Parivar , Fateme Abareshi,
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Anti-oxidative effects of royal jelly on UVA- exposed human dermal fibroblasts
Firooz Ghaderi Pakdel, Shahrzad Mirbaha ,
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
The natural compound melittin inhibits migration of MDA.MB.231 cell line human breast cancer
Zabi Mir Hassani, Fatemeh salimian,
The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology - China
Valproic Acid preserves Motoneurons following contusion in organotypic spinal cord slice culture
Sareh Pandamooz , Mohammad Saied Salehi, , Leila Dargahi
European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students (ENCODS 2016MY BRAIN) - Denmark
Investigating the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic cereberospinal fluid treated menstrual blood derived stem cells on amniotic membrane scaffold in three dimentional culture
Maryam Nemati foumeshi, Saeed Irian, , Mohammad Tahmaseb
The first National Festival and Interntional Congress on Stem Cell and Regenetrative Medicine - Iran
Subchronic administration of Mancozeb induce testicular damage in adult male NMRI mice
Mohaddeseh Mohammadi Sardoo , Ali Mandegari Bamakan, Seyed Nuroddin Nematollahi Mahani , Bagher Amirheidari,
The 12 th Iranian congress on anatomical sciences - Iran
The Study of Regeneration in Posterior Part of Aporrectodea Caliginosa
Parnian Jamshidi, Zahra Pishkahi,
The 12 th Iranian congress on anatomical sciences - Iran
Cholestasis and aquaporin 4 expression in astrocytes
Delaram Eslimi Esfahani, Shahrbanoo Oryan,
22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology - Iran
Study of Beta III-tubulin expression in adipose tissue derived stem cells whit treatment of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid
Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi, , Kazem Parivar, Siamak Yari, Alireza Sahebi
22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology - Iran
Effect of curcumin on the expression of tissue factor TNF-alpha in the Wistar rats with polycystic ovary syndrome
Shima Mohammadi, , Parvin Kayedpour, Latifeh Karimzadeh
22th Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology - Iran
Modeling Traumatic Injury in Organotypic Spinal Cord Slice Culture Obtained from Adult Rat
Sareh Pandamooz, , Abdolhassan Ahmadiani, Leila Dargahi
The 8th International Association of Neurorestoratology and 12th GCNN Congress - Iran
8. Examination of the possibility of cross-contamination of SP20 cell line with HeLa cells in cell bank of Razi Institute using STR
Nasim Fathalizadeh Behnagh, A Mirjalili, Mohammad Tahmaseb, , S Khoshnood, S Safavieh
18th international and 6th national Congress of Biology in Iran 26-29 August 2014- Kharazmi University - Iran
evaluation of Cytotoxic effect of sea cucumber methanol extract on B16F10 melanoma cancer cells
Elaheh Amini, Javad Baharara,
International congress on natural products - Iran
Teratogenic effects of Imidacloprid and Precocene1 on Reproductive Ability in Female Wistar Rats
Rohollah Noorinejad, , Kazem Parivar, Zahra Falahati, Faezeh Khalili
14th Royan international Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine - Iran
Effect of Honey bee venom on changes anti Mullerian hormone levels of polycystic ovary syndrome in wistar rat model
, Sima Nasri, Farideh Pouyanmanesh, Zahra Nazari
19th national congress on Infertility and reproduction - Iran
the role of Cu-Zn SOD in the protection of chs mutants of Arabidopsis plants against chilling stress
Zahra Gharari, Ramezan Ali Khavarinejad, Reza Shekasteband, Farzaneh Najafi,
1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference - Iran
Cytotoxicity evaluation of new synthesized Pd(FIP)2 complex against k562
Mina Fekri, Adeleh Divsalar, Mahbubeh Eslami-Moghadam, Minu Sheikhmohammady,
1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference - Iran
Comparative cytotoxic studies of new synthesized Pd and Ni complexes against K562 cell lime
Minu Sheikhmohammady, Adeleh Divsalar, Mahbubeh Eslami-Moghadam , , Mina Fekri
1th Tabriz international life science conference 12th Iran biophysical chemistry conference - Iran
Teratogenic effects of Imidacloprid and Precocene1 on embryonic period in Wistar rats
Ruhollah Noorinejad, Kazem Parivar, Zahra Falahati, Faezeh Khalili,
12 the Iranian congress of Toxicology - Iran
Analysis of 1-(3.5- Dichlorophenyl)-3-(2-exthoxyphenyl) triaz -1-ene effects on 4T1 cell line and Bax gene expression in induced breast cancer
Saber Amirpour, , Mohammad Kazem Rofouei, Mahdi Mahdavi
12 the Iranian congress of Toxicology - Iran
Study of bee venom differential effects on stem cells derived from umbilical cord in to osteoblast
, Elham Azimi, Abdolhossein Shiravi
International Congress on Chemical Biological and Enveronmental Sciences - Taiwan
The lethal effect of Honey Bee Venom on human ovarian cancer Cisplatin resistance cell line A2780cp
Masumehzaman Alizadehnohi , , Zahra Nazari
IACSIT press - Singapore
Honey Bee Venom modulates hyperglycemia in response to hyperandrogenism in PCOS- Induced Wistar rats
Zahra Nazari, Latifeh Karimzadeh, Farideh Poyanmanesh, Sima Nasri,
International conference on Applied Life Sciences(ICALS 2012) - Turkey
Honey Bee Venom will differentiate mesenchymal stem cells in to the osteocyte
Zahra Nazari, Abdolhosein Shiravi, Elham Azimi,
International conference on Applied Life Sciences(ICALS 2012) - Turkey
Stem cell factor increases blastocyst formation in mouse two-cell embryo culture
, Roya Ganji, Mohammad Hadi Bahadori
Abstracts of the 13th Royan international congress on reproductive biomedicine - Iran
PCL scaffold as a mimic extra cellular matrix for differentiation of hiPS cell into neural cells in-vitro
Parvaneh Havasi, , Masood Soleimani, Hassan Morovati
The 17th National 5th International Iranian Biology Conference - Iran
The effect of bee venom on in vitro maturation of isolated preantral follicles in NMRI mice
, Maryam Kakaei Tehrani , Latifeh Karimzadeh
3 International and 18 National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine - Iran
The effect of honey bee venom on modulation of polycystic ovarian syndrome induced oxidative stress in wistar rat model
, Sima Nasri, Farideh Pooyanmanesh, Maryam Kakai, Latifeh Karimzadeh
3 International and 18 National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine - Iran
Effect of melatonin on mouse follicular development and oocyte maturation in vitro
Roya Ganji, Mohammad Hadi Bahadori ,
3rd International and 18th National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine - Iran
The evaluation of Beta III-tubulin expression in epidermal neural crest stem cells under treatment of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid
Alireza Sahebi Shahem Abadi, Alireza Sahebi, Kazem Parivar, Siamak Yari, Sareh Pandamouz, Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi,
3rd congress of Neuroscience - Iran
Curcumin has bright prospects for the treatment of hydrocephalus by decreasing of the aqp1 level in rat choroid plexus (in-vitro model)
Zahra Nazari, Seyed Abdolhamid Angaji, Bahram Delfan,
Hydrocephalus 2011 - Denmark
Biological effects of bee venom on the expression of the AQPs in epithelial cells of choroid plexus
Yasamin Haghir Sharif , Saeed Irian,
Hydrocephalus 2011 - Denmark
Expression of in AQP1 AQP4 in hydrocephalic Wistar rats induced by fetal alcohol
, Zahra Raisi , Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Babak Behnam
Hydrocephalus 2011 - Denmark
In vitro comparative study of the cytotoxic effects of natural Curcumin and synthetic Curcumin analogue (h15) on epithelial cells of lateral ventricle choroid plexus has in Wistar rat
Zahra Nazari, , Bahram Delfan, Seyed Abdolhamid Angaji, Yasamin Haghir Sharif Zamini
Iranian Congress on Apply Biology - Iran
Expression of AQP1 in hydrocephalic litters of Wistar rats by fetal alcohol
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Babak Behnam, Zahra Raisi,
International congress on applied biology - Iran
Honey bee venom effects on pain relief on CSF caused by CSF pressure through the aquaporins expression
Yasamin Haghir Sharif Zamini , Zahra Nazari,
International congress on applied biology - Iran
Determination of cell death-induced by bee venom on hl-60 cancer cells
Elaheh Amini, Hanieh Jalali,
International congress on applied biology - Iran
Basic Clinical applications of bee venom
International congress on applied biology - Iran
Study of therapeutic effect of bee venom on the PCOS
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Hamed Adham,
15th National and 3rd International Conference of Biology 19-21 Agoust 2008 University of Tehran Tehran Iran - Iran
Developmental effects of metformin on the isolated ovarian preantral follicles in mice
Mahnaz Azarnia, , Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Ali Toosi
15th National and 3rd International Conference of Biology 19-21 Agoust 2008 University of Tehran Tehran Iran - Iran
Level of TGF-1 in CSF of Children with Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocele
, Behnam Zeinali, Alireza Sari, Meysam Yazdankhah, Mohammad Naji
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
Effect of honey bee venom on remyelination in Wistar rats experimentally demyelinated with etidium bromide
Mahnaz Azarnia, , Sareh Rajabi
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
The effect of honey bee venom and RA on induction of neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic carcinoma P19 cells
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Kazem Parivar, , Somayeh Ebrahimi
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
Differentation honey bee venom on cell proliferation PC12 cell line
Kazem Parivar, Mahnaz Azarnia, , Elham Hoveizi
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
The effect of honey bee venom on proliferation and differentiation of HL-60 cell line with and without All- Trans Retinoic Acid
Kazem Parivar, , Fatemeh Nadali, Hanieh Jalali
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
Effect of honey bee venom and 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the induction of differentiation of HL-60
Homa Mohseni kouchesfahani, Kazem Parivar, Maryam Rahimi,
15th National 3th International Conference of Biology - Iran
Expression of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and TGF-b1 in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with non- communicating Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocele
, Mohammad Naji, Meysam Yazdankhah, Fatemeh Nejat, Behnam Zeinali
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery - Germany