Brief CV
Rouhollah Souri is an assistant professor in the philosophy department of Kharazmi University. They received the third level (master's degree) in Islamic philosophy with a grade of 19.25 from Qom Theological Seminary and a doctorate in Islamic philosophy with a grade of 19.83 from Baghral Uloom University (AS). In 1399, he was introduced as "Top Scholar" by the National Elite Foundation and in 1401, he received the "Chosen Young Professors" award from the Elite Foundation. Since 2014, he has been the editor and member of the editorial board of the scientific research journal "Nasim-e-Kherad" and in 1403 he became the responsible director of the scientific research journal "Metaphysical Investigations". In the years 2016 and 2019, he achieved a position worthy of admiration in the Book of the Year conference. So far, two authored books, 17 research articles, 2 promotional articles and 6 conference articles have been published by him. He is also a high-level professor in the field of theology and has taught intellectual sciences in various universities such as Khwarazmi, Iran Science and Industry, Surah, Bagheral Uloom, Al-Mustafa and Imam Khomeini Research Institute. His specialty is psychology and theology.