Brief CV
Resume file :






Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

First Name: Mahdi

Last Name: Hajimohammadi

Position: Assistant Professor of Kharazmi University

Department: Chemistry

E-mail: : (Preferred)






PhD. (Inorganic Chemistry) Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 2007-2011.

 Photooxygenation of hydrocarbons by molecular oxygen in the presence of porphyrins, metalloporphyrins and chlorin sensitizers under Visible Light Irradiation with Fluorescent Lamp.


M.A. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2007.

Photocatalytic Epoxidation of Alkenes by Molecular Oxygen in the Presence of Metalloporphyrins

B.A. (Chemistry) Shahid Beheshti University University, Tehran, Iran, 1999-2004.


0Employment experiences

Assistant Professor of Kharazmi University, September 2012–present.







Ø  Course Taught: PhD. Courses:

Ø  Inorganic biochemistry

Ø  M.Sc. Courses:

Ø   Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Ø  B.Sc. Courses:

Ø  Inorganic Chemistry I

Ø  Inorganic Chemistry II

Ø  General Chemistry I

Ø  General Chemistry II

Ø  Inorganic Chemistry I Laboratory

Ø  Supervisor of six M. Sc student


Conferences Scientific events

1-      12th Inorganic Chemistry Conference,Iran, Guilan University, Rasht, 2010

2-      11th Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Iran, Esfehan University of Technology, Esfehan, 2009.

3-      10th Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Iran, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan, 2008.

4-      9th Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Iran, Semnan University, Semnan, 2007.



Ø  1. “Selective photocatalytic epoxidation of cyclooctene by molecular oxygen in the presence of porphyrin sensitizers. Mahdi Hajimohammadi, Farzad Bahadoran, Saied Saeed Hosseiny Davarani and Nasser Safari. Reac Kinet Mech Cat. 99 (2010) 243.

Ø  2. “A New and efficient aerobic oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids with singlet oxygen in the presence of porphyrin sensitizers and visible light. Mahdi Hajimohammadi, Nasser Safari, Hamid Mofakham and Ahmad Shaabani. Tetrahedron letter. 51 (2010) 4061.

Ø  3. “Photooxygenation of alkenes by molecular oxygen in the presence of porphyrins and chlorin sensitizers under visible light irradiation. Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Nasser Safari. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14 (2010) 639–645.

Ø  4.“Highly selective, economical and efficient oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones by air and sunlight or visible light in the presence of porphyrins sensitizers. Mahdi Hajimohammadi, Nasser Safari, Hamid Mofakham and Farzad Deyhimi. Green Chem. 13 (2011), 991.

Ø  5.“Highly efficient conversion of aldehydes to carboxylic acid in the presence of platinum porphyrin sensitizers, air and sunlight. Mahdi Hajimohammadi, Nasser Safari, Hamid Mofakham and Anahita Mortazavi Manesh. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 16 (2012) 93.

Ø  6. “Controlled Multistep Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes to Carboxylic Acids using Air, Sunlight and a Robust Metalloporphyrin Sensitizer with a pH-switchable Photoreactivity. Mahdi Hajimohammadi, C. Schwarzinger and Günther Knör. RSC Adv. 2 (2012), 3257. 

Ø  7. “Al-HMS-20 catalyzed synthesis of pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidines and pyrido[2,3-  d]pyrimidines via three-component reaction. Behrouz Sabour,   Mohammah Hassan Peyrovi and Mahdi Hajimohammadi. Res Chem Intermed. 41 (2015), 1343.

Ø  8. “Highly efficient, green and solvent-free photooxygenation of alkenes by air and visible light or sunlight in the presence of porphyrin sensitizers. Seyed Saeed Mehrabi Kalajahi, Mahdi Hajimohammadi, Nasser Safari. Reac Kinet Mech Cat.  113 (2014) 629.

Ø  9. Selective photocatalytic oxidation of alcohols to corresponding aldehydes in solvent-free conditions using porphyrin sensitizers SS Mehrabi-Kalajahi, Mahdi Hajimohammadi, N Safari. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 13 (2016) 1069.

Ø  10. Efficient photocatalytic oxygenation of alkenes by water soluble sensitizer in organic-water biphasic media. Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Hoda Ghasemi. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 20 (2016)  670.

Ø  11. Comparison of the antioxidant activity of Echium amoenum Fisch and C.A. Mey, Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All and Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze on oleic acid photooxidation using water soluble porphyrin complexes as catalyst Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Maliheh Bagheri. Accepted in innovative food technologies. 2017.

Ø  12. Study of scavenging capacity of Dill as a natural antioxidant on ROS with focus on singlet oxygen in the oleic acid media. Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Maryam khalaji verjani. submitted in Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry

Ø  13. Photooxygenation of oleic acid and linoleic acid using porphyrin sensitizers in the presence of Hollyhock and Nettle as natural singlet oxygen scavengers. Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Akbar Mohammadi.  Submitted in PROGRESS IN NUTRITION.

Ø  14. “Photooxygenation of benzene to phenol using Air, Sunlight and a Robust Metalloporphyrin Sensitizer, C. Schwarzinger, Günther Knör and Mahdi Hajimohammadi. Being prepared for submission.

Ø  15. Comparison of the antioxidant activity of Echium amoenum Fisch and C.A. Mey, Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All and Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze on oleic acid photooxidation Mahdi Hajimohammadi and Maliheh Bagheri. Accepted  in innovative food technologies.




Scholarship and Grants

1- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2011.

2- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2014.

3- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2016.

4- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2017.






·         1- PhD: Ranked 1th among 63 in PhD entrance exam. (2007)

·         2- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2011.

·         3- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2014.

·         4- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2016.

·         5- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Inorganic chemistry – Center of Nanobionics and Photochemical Sciences. University of Johannes Kepler, Austria, 2017.



·         Reading                                           very good

·         Writing                                            very good

                         Speaking                                        fluently



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