Brief CV
Hossein Bayat (Ph.D.)
Faculty member, Persian Language and Literature Department, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Since 2007
Ph.D.: Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran (1998-2004)
M.Sc.: Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Iran (1996-1998)
B.Sc.: Persian Language and Literature, Tehran University, Iran (1992-1996)
Research Interests:
Persian Fiction, Literary Criticism, Children Literature, Folkloric Literature, Mythology
  • Bayat, Hossein, Stream of consciousness Fiction, Elmi Farhangi Publication, Tehran, 2008.
  • Bayat, Hossein, and M. Hoseini, The View of Islamic Revolution Literature, sorush Publication, Tehran,  2008
  • Bayat, Hossein, and A. Asgari, Farsi Omoomi (Academic Textbook), Mitra Publication, Tehran, 2014
  • Bayat, Hossein, "Time in the Stream of consciousness Stories", Literary Research, Second Year, Sixth Issue, winter 2004, pp. 7-32.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "Ancient Myths  as Viewed by Sohravardi ",  The Art Quarterly, no. 47, spring 2001, pp. 28-38.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "National Medium: Risk Threatening Persian Orthography", Research and Assessment, No. 47, 13th Year, fall 2006, pp. 45-76.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "Confusing Meaning and Meaninglessness: A Review on the Poetry in Popular Music", Research and Assessment, No. 53, 15th Year, spring 2008, pp. 33-50.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "Mythical Deep structure of Bijan-o-Manije Story in Shahnameh", Rokhsar-e-Andisheh (Articles of Third Confrence of Persian Language and Literature Researches),Tehran, 2009, pp. 189-207.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "Folk Tales as Collective Dreams of Women (Analysis of Centrality of Heroine in the Folk Tales ", Literary Criticism, Third Year, Issue no. 11 & 12,  fall & winter 2010 & 2011, pp. 87-116.
  • Asgari, Asgar and Hossein Bayat, "The Place of Showhar-e-Ahoo Khanom Novel in Iranian Fiction", Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, vol. 21, no. 74, spring 2013, pp. 29-48.
  • Bayat, Hossein, and A. Asgari, "Time and Narrative in Shab-e-Howl Novel", Persian Language and Literature, vol. 22, no. 22, fall & winter 2014, pp. 39-61.
  • Bayat, Hossein, "common errors in identifying stream of consciousness narrative", Literary Criticism, 8th Year, Issue no. 30, summer 2015, pp. 214-238.
  • Bayat, Hossein, “Linguistic relativity and Perception of the sky color in Persian poetry”, Literary Criticism, Year 8, Issue 32, Winter 2015
  • Bayat, Hossein, “Imitating Unconscious in internal monologue a wide range of a misunderstanding ", Literary Criticism, Year 9, Issue 33, Spring 2016
  • Sarli Nasser, Hossein Bayat, Fariba Adami, " Comparing the Standardization of Persian Language in Pre and Post Constitution Periods ", Linguistic Essays, No. 40, December 2017
  • Bayat, Hossein, Saeed Ebadi Jamil, “Expressions of sterility pain in the story collection To whom should I greet?", Kharazmi University Persian Language and Literature, No. 84, Spring and Summer 2017
  • Bayat, Hossein, Mahboubeh Heidari and Shahnaz Rahimifard, “Critical Discourse Analysis of the Folk Story of Hossein Kurd Shabestari", Popular Literature, Volume 7, Number 29, December 2017, pp. 93-111.
  • Shahnaz Rahimifard, Hossein Bayat, “A Study of the Folk Elements of the Story of Nooshafarinnameh", Literary and Rhetorical Research, Year 7, Issue 28, Fall 2017, pp. 72-72.
    Naser Gholi Sarli, Hossein Bayat, Mojtaba Royatvand Ghiasvand,, “Analysis of the Relationship between Literary Rhetoric and Politics in Khaghani Poetry Based on Joseph Nye Theory of Soft Power", Literary Research, Volume 16, Number 66, Winter 2019, pp. 29-64
    Nastaran Shahbazi, Bahador Bagheri and Hossein Bayat, “Scattered we-narrator of Golshiri s Khaneroshanan: The cause of a vague narration", Literary Criticism, Volume 13, Number 51, Fall 2020
    Bayat, Hossein, Nastaran Shahbazi, “Dekho in the role of a psychotherapist: analysis of Dehkhoda Charandparand based on Rogers theory", Journal of Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Volume 28, Number 89, Fall and Winter 2016, pp. 79-99
    Saeed Ebadi Jamil, Hossein Bayat, “Misunderstanding of the Kurd meaning in Shahnameh", Kavoshnameh Persian Language and Literature, Year 21, Issue 46, Fall 2020, pp. 191-209
Educational records
Graduation Date
Total mean
Bachelor of Persian Language and Literature
Tehran University
Master of Persian Language and Literature
Allame Tabatabaii University
PhD in Persian Language and Literature
Tarbiat Modarres University