Brief CV
Name: Nder Shokrollahi
Date of Birth: march, 5, 1967
Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran
Education of university:
B.A. Degree: Political Science, Dept. of Political Science, Bagherolulom University, Qom, Iran, 1997
M.A. Degree: Philosophy & Islamic Theology, Dept. of Philosophy, Qom University, Qom, Iran, 2002
Dissertation: "Error diagnosis of religious Government”
Ph.D. Degree: Comparative Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, Qom University, Qom, Iran, 2008
Thesis: “Averroes on Reason and Religion"
Education of hoze(seminary):
22 years (1986- 2008): from the beginning to 7 years in highest level (Etihad) on Arabic literature, logic, Islamic philosophy, Jurisprudence, rejal, principals of Jurisprudence.
Regular Faculty, Dept. of Islamic Studies, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran (since 2008)
Non Regular Faculty, Dept. of Theology, Qom University, (2005-2007)
Non Regular Faculty, Dept. of philosophy, Shahed University, (2008)
Non Regular Faculty, Azad University, Karaj, Iran (2003-2004)
Director of "The ability of Islamic philosophy in social and political fields”, in institute of Islamic science and culture, Qom. (2006-2008)
Researcher in institute of Islamic culture and thought. (2000-20011)
Education Assistant of the Dean, Faculty of Lecturer and Human Sciences, Kharazmi University,
- Secretary of the National Network for University and Community Relations in Alborz Province, 2018-
- Secretary of the evaluation and assesment of universities and research centers in Alborz Province,2019-

  • Philosophy of Religion, Logic (Modern & Classic), Theology (Modern & Classic), Philosophy (Islamic & Western), Islamic Studies,( in university)
  • Arabic literature, logic, Islamic philosophy, jurisprudence, rejal, principals of jurisprudence,(in Hozeh)
Expertise and Favorite: Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, Epistemology of Dreams,
(I) "Averroes’ View on the Necessity of Prophet hood: a Critical Examination”, Journal of Philosophical – Theological Research, The Quarterly Journal of Qom University, Vol.9, No.4 Summer 2008.
(2) "Avicenna’s Ontological Argument as Viewed by Averroes, Journal of Philosophy of Religion, VOL.6, No.4, Qom, Iran, 2010.
(3) "Reincarnation on the basis of the unity of memories”, Journal of New Religious Thinking, Qom, Iran, 2010.
 (4) "A Comparative Study of Pascal’s Wager and the Principle of Acquaintance", Journal of Philosophy of Religion Research, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
(5) "Avicenna from the Perspective of Andalusia Philosophers", Journal of Maaref-e Aqli,Qom, Iran, 2013.
(6) “Quine on Method of Epistemology”, Isharat (Biannual Journal for Philosophy and Theology), University of Kharazmi, Spring & Summer 2014.
(6)" estimation (uoham)" in: Islamic political philosophy, institute of wisdom and philosophy, Tehran, Iran, 2015.
(7) " Thought “in: Islamic political philosophy, institute of wisdom and philosophy, Tehran, Iran, 2017
(8) "Proof “in: Islamic political philosophy, institute of wisdom and philosophy, Tehran, Iran, 2017
(9) " Sophistry" in: Islamic political philosophy, institute of wisdom and philosophy, Tehran, Iran, 2017
(10) Averroes on survival of individual, Journal of New Religious Thinking, Qom, Iran, 2015.
(11)Prayer and its role in cultural transcendent in administrative affairs. (2015)
12) Dream and philosophy, ACTA UNIVERSITATIS DANUBIUS Vol. 10, No. 2/2016.
13)Dream and commitment to ethics, Ethical investigations, Fall,2017
14)The dream and knowledge, Qabasat, spring,2018
15) Religion based science, Islamic Inquires,, 2018.
(1) Reason in the theology of Averroes, Publication, Tehran, Iran, 2012
(2) Error diagnosis of religious Government, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
(3)"Introduction" in an Introduction to the Nature of the Islamic Philosophy, Qom, Iran, 2012.
Conference Articles:
(1) "The Position of Practical Wisdom in Islamic Philosophy", Transcendent politic from the Perspective of Transcendent Wisdom, Qom, Iran, 2008
(2)The reasons of weakness  of practical wisdom in Islamic philosophy,  Pajoohesh va houze, No. 33-34, Qom, Iran, 2009
(3)Ethics and dreams, Third International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, 2015
(4) Prayer and administrative excellence, lifestyle, twenty-third session of the Global Prayers, 2015
(5) Piety and politics in Imam Khomeini’s thought, Political and social Thought Forum - Imam Khomeini, Iran, 2010
(6)  precedence over other spheres of social culture in Imam Khomeini's thought , Political and social Thought Forum - Imam Khomeini,Iran,2010.
(7) Intellectual and moral condition of critical thinking, Transcendent Wisdom Conference Sadra, young and Philosophy, 2009.
(8)  Quine and Human Sciences- Islamic, the third conference on new religious thinking, martyr Beheshti University, 2009.
(9) Method of defending from political and social rights - in today's world, the third conference on new religious thinking, martyr Beheshti University, 2011.
(10) Ethics and Jurisprudence in Mullasadra’s thoughts, Fifteenth Congress of Mulla, transcendent morality, 2011
(10) Ethical statements from the perspective of Ibn Sina, (co-author with Leila learned), Ibn Sina Conference and oriental wisdom, spring, 2012.
(11) Meaning of life from the perspective of Sadra, 2012.
(12)self-evident  morality statement From the perspective of Javadi Amoli professor, University of Zanjan  Fourth National Conference on Ethics,2014
(13) MullaSadra on Existence/ Light and Quiddity/ Shadow, Istanbul, 2015.
(14) Dream as an interdisciplinary subject. First international conference on necessity of dialogue, Tehran, Iran.2015.  
15)- Heidegger in Hozeh, international conference of Heidegger in Islamic world, university of bern, Swiss, 2016. 
 16) Javadiz’s religion based science, A road-breaking but time-consuming plan. Conference: Javadiz’s religion based science  and it’s application to Education, Qom, 2019.

Research projects:
(1)Avicenna’s Ontological Argument as Viewed by Averroes, kharazmi university, 2010.
(2)Advantages and disadvantages of Promotion of Philosophy, University BS, 2012
(3)Our beliefs network formation, Kharazmi University 2014
(1)  Grice, H.P, “meaning", Journal of  Naqd Va Nazar, Vol.10, Qom, Iran,2006.
(2)  Rob, Fisher, "Philosophical Approaches”, Journal of Naqd Va Nazar, Vol.11, Qom, Iran, 2006.
(3) Hanafi, Hassan, “Contemporary Islamic Philosophy”, Journal of Naqd Va Nazar, Vol.13, 2008.
(4) Davidson “radical interpretation"
(5) Orenstein, Alex, "W.V.Quine", forthcoming
 Editor of some articles of" Islamic political philosophy"
Translation Skill
Dialogue Skill
Professional skills
Date of activity
translating of philosophical and Islamic studies texts