Brief CV

Personal Informations:

                     First name: Mohammad Ali

                     Last name: Ganjali

                     Date of birth: 1978/05/05

                     Place of birth: Behshahr, Mazandaran, Iran.


Scientific Position:

Assistant  Professor of Kharazmi University


  1. Kharazmi University, Somaye Avenue, Tehran, Iran,
  2. Kharazmi University, Hesarak, Karaj, Iran.





Ph.D. :

Sharif University of Technology, 2002-2006.

M.Sc. :

Sharif University of Technology, 2000-2002.

B.Sc. :

Sharif University of Technology, 1996-2000.


Ranked 25 among the almost 10000 participants in the MS.c   exam in Iran.


  1. Dean of the Physics Group from January  2012.

  1. Member of Scientific Commitee of physics group in Tarbiat moallem University.

Research Interests

My research interest is everything which are related to fundamental physics. Especially, i interested in particle  physics , gravity , supersymmetry  and  string theory. Indeed, I enjoy with cosmology as a laboratory for fundamental physics.  


  1. Gravitation I, II (Ms.C Courses)
  2. Quantum Field Theory I,II
  3. Advanced Particle Physics
  4. Advanced Quantum Mechanic I, II (Ms.C Course).
  5. Quantum Mechanic I, II (BS.c Course).
  6. Introduction to Particle physics and Nuclear Physics.
  7. Fundamental Physics I,II
  8. 5. Mechanics

Conferences and Seminars

  1. IPM String School & Workshop, ISS2002, 20 April - 2 May 2002,Shiraz, IRAN.
  2. IPM String School & Workshop, ISS2003, September  29 -  October 9, 2003, Caspian Sea, IRAN.
  3. 11th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics and IPM Spring Conference, May 3 - 6, 2004, Tehran, IRAN
  4. Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics, Trieste - Italy, 15 - 23 March 2004.
  5. String Cosmology School & Workshop, April 21-23, 2004, Kharanagh, Yazd
  6. IPM String School & Workshop, ISS2005, January 5-14, 2005, Qeshm Island, IRAN.
  7. IPM String School and Workshop (ISS2006), School of Physics, IPM, April 9 – 18, 2006, Tehran, IRAN.
  8. Strings 2006, 1-7 June, Beijing, China.
  9. IPM String School and Workshop (ISS2009), School of Physics, IPM, April 9 – 18, 2009, Tehran, IRAN.
  10. IPM School on Early Universe Cosmology (IEUC09), 7-11 Dec, 2009, Tehran, IRAN. 
  11. IPM String School and Workshop, (ISS2010), School of Physics, IPM, April 9 - 15,  2010, Tehran - IRAN.
  12. IPM School and Workshop on Applied AdS/CFT, Ordibehesht 12th-18th, 1390, May 2nd-8th, 2011
  13. Second IPM School and Workshop on Applied AdS/CFT, Ordibehesht 11th-18th, 1391,May 1st-8th, 2012

Selected Publications

  1. arXiv:1512.08561 [pdf, ps, other]

Title: Exact Solutions in Weyl-Cubed Gravity

Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali

Comments: 16 pages, no figure, Refrences added

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th),

  1.  arXiv:1412.7656 [pdf, ps, other]

Title: Tensor Fields on Self-Dual Warped $AdS_3$ Background

Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali, Sadegh Sadeghian

Comments: 25 pages, no figure

Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)

  1. arXiv:1105.4767 [pdf, ps, other]
    1. Title: On Effective Potential in Tortoise Coordinate
    2. Authors: M. A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 18 pages, 9 figures
    4. Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
  1. arXiv:1002.0486
    1. Title: Multiple D$_p$-branes as a D$_{p+2}$-brane
    2. Authors: M. Ali-Akbari, M. A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 14 pages
  2. arXiv:0901.2642
    1. Title: On Dielectric Membranes
    2. Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 7 pages
    4. Journal-ref: JHEP 0905:047,2009
  3. arXiv:0811.2976
    1. Title: Nambu-Poisson Bracket and M-Theory Branes Coupled to Antisymmetric Fluxes
    2. Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 14 pages
    4. Journal-ref: JHEP_097P_0109, 2009
  4. arXiv:hep-th/0511145
    1. Title: On Toda Equation and Half BPS Supergravity Solution in M-Theory
    2. Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 13 pages, no figures
    4. Journal-ref: JHEP0601:026,2006
  5. arXiv:hep-th/0509032
    1. Title: DBI with Primordial Magnetic Field in the Sky
    2. Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 12 pages, no figure, typos corrected
    4. Journal-ref: JHEP 0509 (2005) 004
  6. arXiv:hep-th/0309097
    1. Title: Glueball Superfield and Argyres Douglas Points
    2. Authors: Mohammad A. Ganjali
    3. Comments: 21 pages, no figure
  7. arXiv:hep-th/0207037
    1. Title: On Type IIA String Theory on the PP-wave Background
    2. Authors: Mohsen Alishahiha, Mohammad A. Ganjali, Ahmad Ghodsi, Shahrokh Parvizi
    3. Comments: 19 pages, latex. v2: references added
    4. Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B661 (2003) 174-190